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Just saying thanks

karmapointkarmapoint Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I critic many times Crypt/PW for a lot of reassons. I really like this game and because this I give a word or two about an Idea, a critc or say something good or bad about a new, a feature or something related with this game.

Just writhing thanks for the last fixes about the KDF Academy, duty and exchange. And a not related fix about the D'kora consoles, because you have to stay in the middle of the ship to acess all features of bank, mail or exchange, but now you have to stay close of the console to use the right service.

I know is not easy to listen our critics everytime for every small thing in the game, but I have to admit when it is possible, and is not always reported, the Crypt's staff do your job well done.

And thanks about the "Report to GM" option. I never want to use this, but is really wonderfull to have right in the hand the right tool to report problems, without fill a lot of unwanted stuff, because if you are in an emergency, is difficult to have the spirit or state of mind to find the correct window to send a ticket and fill everything rightly in middle of a problem.
Brasilis Elite Squad
PW/Crypt can't make more KDF Content?
Post edited by karmapoint on


  • pegasuscicpegasuscic Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    karmapoint wrote: »
    I critic many times Crypt/PW for a lot of reassons. I really like this game and because this I give a word or two about an Idea, a critc or say something good or bad about a new, a feature or something related with this game.

    Just writhing thanks for the last fixes about the KDF Academy, duty and exchange. And a not related fix about the D'kora consoles, because you have to stay in the middle of the ship to acess all features of bank, mail or exchange, but now you have to stay close of the console to use the right service.

    I know is not easy to listen our critics everytime for every small thing in the game, but I have to admit when it is possible, and is not always reported, the Crypt's staff do your job well done.

    And thanks about the "Report to GM" option. I never want to use this, but is really wonderfull to have right in the hand the right tool to report problems, without fill a lot of unwanted stuff, because if you are in an emergency, is difficult to have the spirit or state of mind to find the correct window to send a ticket and fill everything rightly in middle of a problem.

    I agree with you, but to for other reasons. I like this game because its quick fun game for somebody who has been watching Trek in all forms for 30+ years. I don't care about collecting every piece of garbage tech that comes down the pike. That only reminds of the loser at 2 am trying to score a piece in the bar and going home empty. But good for you if that is what your hear for. Sad, but good for you if that's your thing. This game is fun and few hours entertainment for me. I my LTS for it and still would. PWE trying to **** the willing doesn't bother me in the least if your dumb enough to pay for end game material good for you. I don't PVP and I can easly PVE with what I've got. I like this game because it's Star Trek, not because its an MMO.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."-Commander William Adama
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I, too, am very grateful for all the work the Devs have put into this game.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • alarickell1alarickell1 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I agree with ya Pegasus...For the most part...I still buy the occasional skill point/commendation point booster, I bought several ships back in the day, not because I'm some PVP min/maxer (I hate PVP in any form, works contrary to my style of running against the CPU at maximum difficulty all the time), but because I love the ship designs and their boff/console boosts, even in PVE you gotta worry about things like STF, Fleet Actions, Starbase Defense and the other Fleet missions, Borg Red Alerts, and other very hard content that still requires some very good equipment to survive it and deal enough damage to take the lead on those missions...

    I bought the Odyssey/Bortas packs when they were on 20% sale, because I loved the extra boff/console boosts and because I love driving Cruisers...They are close to being Carriers, but without having to worry about constantly giving orders while also ticking off the right sequence of boff powers all the time...

    I love this game because it IS Trek, despite what the doomcallers and naysayers are constantly driveling on about all the time about lockboxes and other PWE initiatives being against Trek's image (I don't like PWE, but Cryptic is still fine by me, I agree that PWE is starting to wear me down some, but calling doom on this game isn't going to help anything improve, how much time and how many resources did DOFF, Fleet Bases, and the whole Tholian thing take? Cryptic busts their collective asses to bring us new features and content constantly, and all people can do is complain and try to say it's running against Trek's image, yet, you continue to play and the word 'hypocrite' doesn't begin to describe people like that)...

    Season 7 will bring us a lot of new content, from what Dan and the others are saying, and much of it should be PVE, which is what a lot of us want...People say the KDF is a PVP faction, but that's a load of TRIBBLE. You can play the KDF just fine these days without needing to run a single PVP mission. Much of the new content is cross-faction. They could easily make a Romulan, Cardie/Jemmy factions, and tie them into these cross-faction content systems, maybe make a few missions for each faction to get them started...Hard to say if they will bother with more factions, but it would just mean more money in their pockets, because people DO want to play the Romulans and Cardies/Jemmies without needing to do all kinds of weird stuff with the character generator...

    Hard to say what this new sector of space will be like, but the fact that they are developing a whole new place on the galaxy map just for PVE content is exciting!

    Before you slam me for being a Cryptic apologist: Recall that I hate PWE, their cash-grabbing does TRIBBLE me off, but I don't really blame Cryptic for it, I know better...They work their asses off for us, and they don't have to. They are not obligated to keep developing this game, they could move onto Neverwinter or something else, but they stay, they keep making STO a better place, despite what the doomcallers and naysayers drivel on about all the time...They DO CARE about us, they DO CARE about Trek, and STO is the future of Trek until such time as CBS agrees to allow a new series or film.

    STO has the Foundry, that alone is something no MMO has, and it's the future. They intend to give us rewards for playing these excellent player-made missions. That alone keeps me playing, making more toons...Sure, I still spend money on service-specific cash shop items, skill boosts, bank/inventory slots, and the like, but I don't buy every single new ship, just the ones I really like, and the ones I can really abuse to my playstyle to crush my Elite-mode enemies...I don't like Carriers because they are all Science-driven and more because I'd have to constantly give orders, which would totally ruin my boff power chains/casting...

    I have all the costume items because I like to design costumes, and mix up my ship parts...The costume pieces don't cost much, so that was never a big deal to me, I run a small business, so I have some extra cash to drop each month, I consider it well-spent...

    The cash shop for STO is so very different from other MMO games that I have not played, but surely heard about from friends...There are a lot of very useful items for STO, where other MMO's have a hard time with the items their cash shops deliver. This game has a ton of very helpful service-related items, skill boosts, extra bank/inventory slots, skill spec tokens, costume slots, ship slots, boff slots, doff slots...All are helpful for making new toons and for keeping old ones vital. Other games simply do not offer such helpful things.

    I agree, lockboxes are pretty lame, they cost money to use...Even though they tried to mitigate this with the Lobi store, it still costs a huge amount of money to get new ships this way, when the ships only should be in the cash shop, everything else should be lockbox/lobi...I do like the multi-system batteries and ground enhancers though, they only cost 1 lobi each...But everything else is simply too expensive to bother with...

    Lockboxes are a PWE initiative. If you don't like 'em, right-click and left-click on "discard all", simple solution. Don't sell lockboxes if you hate them, because they don't sell for much, and flooding the market with them is almost hypocritical if you hate them. Surely sell Master Keys though ;)

    Still, the Foundry does appear to be the future, if you have the vision enough to see the true potential of it. Not only can players make better content than Cryptic can (We have WAY more time to devote to making content than Cryptic can afford), but we can make enough content to make sure PVE for STO never ends, we can even make KDF content, which is what so many KDF players are complaining about all the time. Cryptic cannot afford to pay a content team to develop missions all day, every day. That is why the Foundry was made in the first place.

    They also intend to offer rewards for playing missions soon, that alone is keeping me here.

    If you don't like the way missions work, especially with dead targs like exploration missions and such, just try the Foundry missions...People there have all day to make things work right. The story content is also very fun and draws you into it, a lot of people complain that Cryptic's story content is almost not even Trek (which is untrue, sure, it may not match up to the shows of the 24th Century, but this is 40 YEARS later, a lot of things change in ONE YEAR, let alone 40+), well, try the Foundry! The storylines on those missions IS very attuned to Trek.

    Once rewards are given for foundry missions, I suspect the Foundry will become the future of content delivery for this game.
  • theanothernametheanothername Member Posts: 1,513 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh. A thank you thread. There is something thats on my mind for some time. The first two unexpected things I saw after patching up to the current season: The new Away team screen when beaming down somewhere looks really cool & the ready room door on the aquarius bridge got fixed: Big THANK YOU! :)
  • miloguyaussiemiloguyaussie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I know there's been a TRIBBLE load of bugs and problems with this game for a while now
    and I haven't played many games like this before..
    I am a big star trek fan and love this universe so thanks guys for making the game
    and hopefully once all the bugs are squashed out of it all , it will be an awesome game that i know it can be!!
    Milo Knight -Star fleet Engineer

  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I love when these threads pop up. Nice to be reminded that there are people still out there decent enough to praise what they feel is done right, in a growing sea of people who prefer to chastise and berate for every wrong they perceive.

    After all, keep telling someone over and over again that they're worthless failures, eventually they start to feel like worthless failures, and if they think they're worthless failures, they act like worthless failures.

    On the other hand, give someone nothing but mindless praise, they tend to get drunk on it, doing whatever they see fit whether right or wrong because they've never known a criticism.

    Rather, the key is both at once. Tell them what they do wrong, praise them when they do right, and in theory, they learn the difference.

    I need only point to the lockboxes for a prime example of criticism taken and applied. The Winter Boxes were terrible. The Cardie boxes were a step down in nearly every respect. The Ferengi boxes were an improvement, especially in the revival of the "second chance store", which itself started abysmally and saw an improvement.

    And now the Tholian boxes, superior in every respect to the Ferengi, marred only by a questionable Lobi Store (and even then, it has gained a positive for each negative it took in this iteration). Rewards that are largely useful, multiple ships that can drop from them, a significant reduction is box spam, and the complete removal of them from need/greed rolls. Sensible changes all, taken directly from the words of forum-goers who weren't so daft as to expect them to just go away, and quantifiable evidence that, as much as some would like to believe otherwise, Cryptic does listen. Just, perhaps not as often as we like.

    As a matter of fact, I'm quite convinced we'll see a lot more of what we want, given time. We wanted Tholians, we got Tholians. We wanted fleets to be expanded and improved, and we got it. We wanted story content, we got four FE's. We wanted ships, Federation carriers and KDF ally races. We got them all (despite them being C-Store). We wanted old ESD, we got it (and a vastly improved KDF hub with it). We wanted an improved Sector Space, and we got it. We wanted many ship models upgraded, and though we didn't get all of them 100% perfect, many are much improved from their abysmal lunch state. We wanted ground combat changed from the slow, dull thing it used to be, and we got it (whether it is an improvement is subjective, of course). We wanted ship imteriors, and we got it, with one or two special ones to boot and DOff functionality giving them some purpose (another thing we wanted). All that's keeping us from a lot of other things we want is time, and perhaps money.

    So yes. I thank Cryptic, gladly, for the entertainment I have been given in the nearly two and a half years I've been playing. Because they do deserve it.
  • beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'll pop in and say thank you to the Devs as well. I love the game. I support it (gold) how I can. In another thread I disagreed with the business model that PW employs but that's not the dev's fault. They do the best they can with what they're given. Just like the poor guys that answer the phones for any of 1000000000s companies around the world. They're the one's that take the TRIBBLE from the rest of us when our problem isn't really with them but some suit that probably doesn't even know what the company does to earn money or understand the workings of it who decides what the focus of the devs should be.

    I too loved the new away screen and even the DOFF screen and a lot of the other tweaks.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited July 2012
    Thank you to all of you players what play our game. It wouldn't still be going if it weren't for you guys.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • atomicfbatomicfb Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I agree with most everything said thus far. I agree the game has issues but I enjoy playing this game. Honestly, I enjoy playing it over other MMOs at the moment. Well, since beta anyway. I try to support the game as able and I look forward to all the upcoming seasons.

    I appreciate the hard work the Devs do put into the game and one of the things I appreciate most is the attempt by the devs to communicate with the community. I know some that complain the devs don't communicate enough but in other games they don't communicate at all so I am happy ours do.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Thank you to all of you players what play our game. It wouldn't still be going if it weren't for you guys.

    Well, I can't say I made any significant contribution to that... :P
    atomicfb wrote: »
    I agree with most everything said thus far. I agree the game has issues but I enjoy playing this game. Honestly, I enjoy playing it over other MMOs at the moment. Well, since beta anyway. I try to support the game as able and I look forward to all the upcoming seasons.

    I appreciate the hard work the Devs do put into the game and one of the things I appreciate most is the attempt by the devs to communicate with the community. I know some that complain the devs don't communicate enough but in other games they don't communicate at all so I am happy ours do.

    Yes, one example of non-communicative devs would be in one of the more popular game companies (yes, WoW, I'm looking at you too). Blizzard's devs have virtually NEVER gone to respond to ANYTHING.

    For a company that's supposedly got a much larger development team than Cryptic, you'd expect they'd have some superior PR too. Instead, there's dev blogs (sort of) and the occasional (REALLY occasional) dev post, mostly from technical support.

    Both of which Cryptic delivers much better, and the game even has a dedicated community manager!

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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