I dont know if i am doing somethign wrong or maybe if i have the wrong character / ship build, but collecting these data samples, and traces is insanely time consuming just to make 1 item, and before you say buy em on the market, I would if people used their brain cells to put prices on them logically.
1000EC for a single DNA sample... when it takes 30 DNA samples to make a single item, is insanely high priced in my opinion, considering the "grinding" you need to do to make level appropriate stuff, not to mention the time you need to put in to gather the dilithium, as well as refine it to make the high end purple stuff. some items require a total of 3 to 4 days of the 8k refining process to make just 1 of them.
anyhow sorry for the rant.
my question is, is there a character / ship build / combination that allows for more harvesting at the moment, i am getting between 1-5 of any single common sample, and roughly 1 in 10 harvests gives me a rare, which is fine... but the 1-5 of the commons and the requiring 30+ to make items, is insanely time consuming just to make an item i cannot use for skill ups.
Hi, are you using both methods of anomaly collection?
The Doff system and visiting star clusters for manual collection?
Stowiki will offer advice on which clusters contain which anomalies.
We are awaiting a Crafting re-work as the current system is generally agreed to be pants since it requires Dilithium too and only offers a 25% discount of Dilithium costs.
Your build or ship type will not affect your collection rate.
I am currently play a klingon tactical officers in a BoP,
my DOFF missions offer VERY FEW and FAR BETWEEN missions that give crafting mats, i am flying around for roughly 2 hours a day scanning anomalies, and i pull about 60 or so of any single common, and maybe a total of 10 rares, but i dont really want to spend 50% of a MAX daily play time gathering crafting materials.
I had heard a rumor that a science officer in a science ship collects more on a regular basis, IE: instead of 1-5 commons, it would be 3-5 commons, and reducing the rare frequence from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5... but i dont know if there is any foundation in this...
Also i am on a free account currently and am not sure if gold members collect more. just trying to figure out how to make my favorite part of any MMO a little more enjoyable and not so much of a tiresome grind.
1000EC for a single DNA sample... when it takes 30 DNA samples to make a single item, is insanely high priced in my opinion, considering the "grinding" you need to do to make level appropriate stuff, not to mention the time you need to put in to gather the dilithium, as well as refine it to make the high end purple stuff. some items require a total of 3 to 4 days of the 8k refining process to make just 1 of them.
It's really just supply and demand. You have 2 choices. Farm the anomalies yourself (requires time but is FREE), or buy off the exchange (not free, but saves you time). As with most things, there is a cost to things that take time to get. We all decide if doing the grind is worth the time. The going rate for this amount of 'time' needed to gather the anomalies is 1000 EC each. If you think about it, it's really not that expensive. 30,000 EC for a purple weapon? There's also a dilithium cost which can be reduced if you craft during the crafting event, and a rare trace cost. Or alternatively, just buy the end product you are looking for off the exchange.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
oh trust me, i agree / know the deal with costs of items from a market versus getting them yourself, and i am all for getting them myself, my original post was more about whether or not there is a build / skill set that increases the rate at which you gather, or not.
prices will fluctuate based on supply and demand, as with everything else and if one day you post your stuff for 1000 ec each, and you sell out, obviously your going to post again for a bit more, to see just how much people are willing to pay, its simple economics.
as for buying the end product straight from the market, i think i would spend the roughly 100,000ec to make the item i want, versus paying the 1,000,000 ec someone is charging for it.
There is an event that gives you double rewards from scanning. There is a Time to craft event wich allows you to craft something with mats, but then not consume said mats (it will however consume the dilithium ones)
Also, use your doffs to do science missions in exploration clusters mostly, or via the department heads window and then Chief science officer.
Personally im a bit overflowing with Crafting materials but there is just nothing realy good to spend it on when you turn max lvl.
Wish they would add 3 more sets, Aegis being shield focussed. An engine enhance craftable set, aux set and weapon set. Even if they are weaker then lets say the borg/jem'hadar sets. or have no visuals.
I wouldn't really consider the Multiphasic event as producing "double" data samples, as the bonus samples produced during the event are always off-tier. If you are trying to collect a specific data sample for a certain item, collecting during the Multiphasic event isn't going to increase your intake. It does, however, produce a lot of data samples that you will likely never use, but can sell for some decent EC on the exchange.
Two things i noticed with buying crafting materials on the exchange is that it pays to check frequently for the item at random times. Another thing is that i have noticed that you will get two different sets of prices fo the item depending on how you are searching for. For example i was searching for uncommon unreplicable materials and i noticed that if i searched for them in the all category the cheapest one was 174000 where as if i searched in the data sample category they were available for 74000.
Another thing is ask in the chat box if anybody is willing to trade with you for the materials. I trade mine for very cheap in part because im a level 50 science officer and in every sector i get about 5 doff mineral sample missions and i spent the ec to get the doff's needed for critical success on those assignments. Also i have no need for most of them. Just ask around.
I would just buy the items on the exchange. I maxed out crafting rather easily (Covariant Shields + Shield Schematics). You profit with it if you don't make too many Shields.
The Doff system and visiting star clusters for manual collection?
Stowiki will offer advice on which clusters contain which anomalies.
We are awaiting a Crafting re-work as the current system is generally agreed to be pants since it requires Dilithium too and only offers a 25% discount of Dilithium costs.
Your build or ship type will not affect your collection rate.
my DOFF missions offer VERY FEW and FAR BETWEEN missions that give crafting mats, i am flying around for roughly 2 hours a day scanning anomalies, and i pull about 60 or so of any single common, and maybe a total of 10 rares, but i dont really want to spend 50% of a MAX daily play time gathering crafting materials.
I had heard a rumor that a science officer in a science ship collects more on a regular basis, IE: instead of 1-5 commons, it would be 3-5 commons, and reducing the rare frequence from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5... but i dont know if there is any foundation in this...
Also i am on a free account currently and am not sure if gold members collect more. just trying to figure out how to make my favorite part of any MMO a little more enjoyable and not so much of a tiresome grind.
It's really just supply and demand. You have 2 choices. Farm the anomalies yourself (requires time but is FREE), or buy off the exchange (not free, but saves you time). As with most things, there is a cost to things that take time to get. We all decide if doing the grind is worth the time. The going rate for this amount of 'time' needed to gather the anomalies is 1000 EC each. If you think about it, it's really not that expensive. 30,000 EC for a purple weapon? There's also a dilithium cost which can be reduced if you craft during the crafting event, and a rare trace cost. Or alternatively, just buy the end product you are looking for off the exchange.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
And I'd expect traces like alot of things to have a spike in value due to them being used to build a star base.
I'd say don't stress crafting, drops and mission rewards seem to be some of the best gear.
prices will fluctuate based on supply and demand, as with everything else and if one day you post your stuff for 1000 ec each, and you sell out, obviously your going to post again for a bit more, to see just how much people are willing to pay, its simple economics.
as for buying the end product straight from the market, i think i would spend the roughly 100,000ec to make the item i want, versus paying the 1,000,000 ec someone is charging for it.
Also, use your doffs to do science missions in exploration clusters mostly, or via the department heads window and then Chief science officer.
Personally im a bit overflowing with Crafting materials but there is just nothing realy good to spend it on when you turn max lvl.
Wish they would add 3 more sets, Aegis being shield focussed. An engine enhance craftable set, aux set and weapon set. Even if they are weaker then lets say the borg/jem'hadar sets. or have no visuals.
Another thing is ask in the chat box if anybody is willing to trade with you for the materials. I trade mine for very cheap in part because im a level 50 science officer and in every sector i get about 5 doff mineral sample missions and i spent the ec to get the doff's needed for critical success on those assignments. Also i have no need for most of them. Just ask around.