I'd like to have the option to change the uniforms worn by NPCs on your ship or fleet-base. At the moment they use an uniform, which is normally different to the player-ones. It would look much better, if you could assign different uniforms to them to get standard uniforms for one ship, e.g. you have an Antares-1-uniform, you are able to get your NPCs use that, too.
How should it work?
For your ship you could give the tailors that function with a different button. Then you get into a window similar to that where you can change your uniform.
You get a list of needed uniforms (such as Security, Operations, Medical; I'm quite sure you have different classes for the crew-members) and can customize them the same way as your uniform. The rest of the options (head-design; body-design) is locked, it'll be assigned at random, like it is now. As for the C-Store-uniforms, they could be locked until you buy them for your character. So every bought uniform for the character is also avaiable for the NPCs.
For the fleet-base it has to go a bit different. You still have those classes, but have to assign fleet-uniforms already made in the fleet-window. This way (afaik), the C-Store-uniforms are not able to get into the Fleet-base. You could get a new item in the C-Store allowing the use of C-Store uniforms in the Fleet-base.
I hope, i have explained the idea understandable, I'm not a native english speaker.
Please don't post "this is completely unnecessary", because it is not. It may be low priority, but for a RPer it's better to have similar uniforms than completely different.
How should it work?
For your ship you could give the tailors that function with a different button. Then you get into a window similar to that where you can change your uniform.
You get a list of needed uniforms (such as Security, Operations, Medical; I'm quite sure you have different classes for the crew-members) and can customize them the same way as your uniform. The rest of the options (head-design; body-design) is locked, it'll be assigned at random, like it is now. As for the C-Store-uniforms, they could be locked until you buy them for your character. So every bought uniform for the character is also avaiable for the NPCs.
For the fleet-base it has to go a bit different. You still have those classes, but have to assign fleet-uniforms already made in the fleet-window. This way (afaik), the C-Store-uniforms are not able to get into the Fleet-base. You could get a new item in the C-Store allowing the use of C-Store uniforms in the Fleet-base.
I can not see the Button....
You have a Picture from the Options ?
Deutsches Flottenkommando
Flotten Chef
That's cryptic-ese for "Please stop asking."
I can not see the Button....
You have a Picture from the Options ?
Deutsches Flottenkommando
Flotten Chef