Apparently Im doing it wrong, because it looks like most PvE ships are brushing off my lance like a mosquito bite.
What BO abilities should I fire off first and in what order before hitting the lance?
Im a Tac spec'd in:
attack patterns 9
weapons training 9
energy weapons 9
projectile weapons 9 (I have 1 front and 1 back quantum torps)
maneuvers 9
targeting systems 9
energy weapon specialization 7
projectile weapon specialization 7
hull repair 9
structural integrity 9
warp core efficiency 9
electro-plasma systems 3
warp core potential 9 hull plating 9
shield performance 9
armor reinforcements 7
weapon performance 7
shield emitters 9
shield systems 9
weapon proficiency 9
combat specialist 9
special forces 9
squad command 6
advanced tactics 6
This build is mostly from Jupiter Force's first Tactical Build mag
@AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
So if your getting low damage, perhaps your targets are only staying within the 3 degree cylinder for a short period of time? Hope that helps.
join date december 2011