I don't know about the rest of you, but I want a fleet B'rel.
We're getting a Fleet K'tinga, a Fleet Vor'cha, and a Fleet Negh'var.
But... the B'rel, which is easily the most common and most iconic Klingon ship in almost every series, doesn't have a fleet version. That makes me sad, because it's my favorite ship.

So Cryptic, please add a Fleet B'rel.
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That's not entirely true. I got my Defiant back in the day with a VA token in-game. Because I've never had to buy it off the c-store, Cryptic is making me pay for 4 modules if I ever want to get the Fleet version......tell me that ain't being greedy as hell?
I agree, I was very disappointed in no Fleet B'rel. What happened to the B'rolth? I see it being popped out of hangers all the time, and it looks SWEET. I would love to rock that skin for my B'rel retro.
The B'rolth was originaly planed for a new skin for the b'rel but then they use it for the adv. fighters for dilithium.
I think they would make also a fleet version for 4 moduls again .....
And that excuse is bullsh*t. The BoPs we're being offered from Tier 1 are TRIBBLE, when you consider what we're having to do to GET the darn things. Grinding, more grinding, paying either dilithium, EC, or real money to buy the silly modules. . .all for, at most, an extra tac console or an extra BO skillslot (with the BO slot one at the cost of 8k friggin hullpoints). I'm not buying 'em, that's for sure. . .not until the cost goes waaay down.
Now, if the BoPs in question were actually a decent improvement over a Hegh'ta or B'rel Retrofit, I'd probably get one. You know, if they had an extra tac console slot, an extra BO skillslot, AND a 3rd rear weapon slot. . .all on one ship type, making a true tier 5.5/tier 6 vessel. THAT would be worth the trouble of getting. Maybe they'll offer something like that at the higher starbase tiers. . .I don't know.
I also want a more powerful Brel.
I have MANY issues with the balance between fedside and KDF side fleet ships, and this is one of them.
Fedside is getting fleet versions of virtually every iconic ship. Most of them are discounted down to 1 token as well.
KDF side is only getting a couple fleet versions of iconic ships, and none of them are discounted.
Also Fedside is getting quite a few ships with 5x consoles in their specialty area. . .
KDF, the side that is supposed to be FAR more warlike is not getting a single ship with 5x tactical consoles. I'm sensing a bias here.