Sorry if this has been asked before but I can't seem to find the answer or it's me being a noob,
Downloaded the game last night finished the tutorial and done the first mission on the Klingon episode, most of what has confused me I've managed to find answers to but I can't seem to find anything about getting new missions
Episodes seem pretty straight forward just follow the chain but I understand there are other types like defend explore and diplomacy but can't seem to find a definitive answer on how you get these
Having been a mmo player for many years I'm use to finding the person who has the quest/mission then turning back in, but STO has this cool function called call starfleet so you can access episodes remote from your ship.
Just wanted to know are the other missions in the same Mission call starfleet UI log or is it a mixture of both?
Sorry if the answer is staring me in the face but bored at work trying to find answers
There used to be an actual chain for these with a NPC giving them out but that was removed. It's system by system now.
Had accolades and everything.....
It's going to save a lot of time picking up missions on the fly
Also could anyone recommend a couple of low level sectors I could go to for some combat practice and get use to the ship controls
All the systems you go into will scale with you to a point. I'm max level and every system I go into has lvl 50 mobs.
However, I believe there is a lower limit of the mob scaling... Borg mobs start at 43, and such. Klingon mobs, however, start at 0. And as such, a good place to find them is in Klingon space Klingons are pretty well south of Sirius Block. Anywhere the Galaxy map is Red is Klingon Spawn territory. Also, when you fly up to a patrol misison, it will mention what mobs are inside usually "Defeat the Klingon Raiders" and such.
Also, subspace radios are so nice You can turn in and pick up a mission from anywhere in the Alpha quadrant by using your hail button (The Chevron, or Starfleet symbol on the lower left hand of your minimap, if it is flashing, that means you there is someone to talk to.) Or you can go into your mission journal, and click "Turn in" for the same effect. As others have said, sometimes the Auto Start next mission feature doesn't work, especially when jumping seasons. But you can simply go to the episode tab and start the next one on the list manually. Scroll through the list and anyone that doesnt have "Play again" on it is one you have yet to do.
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