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low level beam escort?

dashevskdashevsk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2012 in The Academy
I like the concept of a cruiser, with lots of beams (the 250 degree ones), circling the enemies.

But on my new lowbie Federation char, I'm wondering about loading 3 beams (no mines/torps) onto an lt-commander escort, and trying the same strategy. I realize the damage will be less than that of DHC's, but the uptime in a fight would be higher.

So, how feasible do you think that would be (no, not optimal). The ability loadout would be something like:

Tactical BOff: TT1, TT2, beam fire at will or overload
Eng Boff: EPS
Sci Boff: Hazard Emitters

My char is a tactical officer, so no extra defense there. Would TT1/2, EPS, and Evasive Maneuvers keep me alive from level 10 to 20? Assuming that I'm flying at max speed, 50% engine power?
Post edited by dashevsk on


  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don't see anything wrong with beam escorts, especially in PVE where beam arrays allow you to conduct 360 degree engagements or even clear the skies with buffed FAWs.

    My favourite low level ship is actually the Akira configured as a 'light cruiser' with a beam and torpedo primary armament just as it's presented in canon Trek.

    Torpedo launcher usually goes in the rear, so I'll strafe with DBs and a single DC then hi yield out the rear on an exposed hull at close range.

    Full heavy cannon ships in PvE levelling can be a bit tedious to fly as I tend to sit still and shoot things. I much prefer a maneuvering fight unmasking fore and aft weapon batteries in turn, which calls for beam arrays.

    I retain the rear BAs up to VA level as overload when pulling out of a strafing run is downright nasty especially combined with a torpedo salvo.
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

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  • vonbonvonbon Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Depends on how your using your power settings, hazard emitters require you to have your auxillery power up high to be of any use, If you wish to try it i would suggest you use the power slider system and set up an offensive and Defensive/healing setting, the healing setting would have 100 auxillery for healing 50 sheilds used in conjucntion with TT and evasive manuvers that should keep you alive.
  • theultimatefunkytheultimatefunky Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hmmmm when it comes to beams on a escort, due to the escorts having +15 to weapon power many use dual beams fore and a torp and beam arrays aft, the prob with beams is the power drain and escorts are primarily used for dps, and using a escort as a beam boat you wouldnt be kicking out much dps im affraid, i have a engineer tottaly spec'd for a cruiser but in a escort and my weapon power levels never drop below 100% but again, hes spec'd in all sections for a cruiser so he maximises power usage, and i run all 3 DHC and a quantum fore and 2 turrets aft, in my oppinion pal go with cannons on a escort, especially if you are a tac captain as you will get the go down fighting and attack pattern alpha which significantly boost your DPS :) plus using rapid fire and tac team with attack pattern omega
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dashevsk wrote: »
    But on my new lowbie Federation char, I'm wondering about loading 3 beams (no mines/torps) onto an lt-commander escort, and trying the same strategy. I realize the damage will be less than that of DHC's, but the uptime in a fight would be higher.

    Yes, but you are still limiting your damage potential comparable to what you would get in a Cruiser. (and possibly worse as you have 2x tac team due to not having cruiser survivability tools).

    I think at that point, you should just fly a cruiser.
    dashevsk wrote: »
    Tactical BOff: TT1, TT2, beam fire at will or overload
    Eng Boff: EPS
    Sci Boff: Hazard Emitters

    You don't need 2x Tac Team at this level, I honestly doubt you even need 1 copy.

    Tac team is amazing, for endgame. At your level, I think you should have at least 2 powers that increase your damage capabilities, so at most 1 Tac Team if that.

    Otherwise, manually distribute your shields or bind it to your space bar - this will at least teach you the value of distributing your shields and not totally relying on Tac Team alone.

    dashevsk wrote: »
    My char is a tactical officer, so no extra defense there. Would TT1/2, EPS, and Evasive Maneuvers keep me alive from level 10 to 20? Assuming that I'm flying at max speed, 50% engine power?

    Only the romulans should really be giving you trouble, but if you are having trouble its because you chose the lowest damage option in the least survivable ship forcing you to fight for longer periods on the ship least suited for it.

    If you absolutely must use beams, and must use them on an Escort at least use Dual Beam Banks & aft Turrets.
  • akalayusakalayus Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    While you really can play however you want since it's fairly easy to level up in this game, I have to agree with ussultimatum that you are wasting a lot of potential running an escort beam boat.
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes you may be much happier in a cruiser at this point. You only have 2 ensign and 1 lieutenant tactical powers to slot. So your not really looking at much. You could have a rank one of some torpedo ability and some cannon ability. Or ranks one and two of torpedoes and beams. Or mix it all up and have one of each first rank. Or put in one tactical team, that I think anyone would agree you don't need at all. You could even have a Mine Dispersal Pattern. If you got the C Store ship you could have them ALL AT ONCE!

    But you will really do yourself a disservice if you just go all beams. Its sorta hard to argue against FAW at that level, but the two torpedo spreads are pretty solid PLUS you then still have your normal cannon fire at the same time. NPC's don't handle torpedo fire very well. Balancing shields isn't in their play book.

    When the Armitage was released I grabbed one and made this video.


    I took it into PVE and PVP pretty much stock. So yah i was running FAW, CSV, and TS, 2 copies of each. Good fun. And I filmed it so you know I'm not making it up!!


    You may or may not be interested in that. That cruiser moves like an escort and only has an ensign and a lieutenant tactical station. That may help you decide.

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