I was happy to see another ground set for Season 6 and got all the pieces earlier today only to discover that the Compressed Cryo Launcher Icon picture show a cool looking gun but the actual ingame gun is just an Antiproton Pulsewave like the original poster mentioned. Here is a link with the icon picture:
The armor colors kind of match the picture for the Crystal-Woven Environmental Suit so it seems like someone forgot to give the proper gun as the Compressed Cryo Launcher for the character to use. The gun in the icon picture looks great and would fit well with the MACO, Omega Force and Honor Guard guns so hopefully this was just a small oversight and someone pathed the gun we are supposed to see to the wrong source.
It's only true for Energy Weapons in space. On the ground it's only for the Pulsewave Rifle. Pulsewave Rifles will do massive amounts of damage at pointblank range. But the damage drops off rapidly with range.
Think of the Pulsewave Rifle as a shotgun. It's up close and off with his face weapon.
Pulsewave rifles are Shotguns, plain and simple. They do more damage the closer you are to the target.
in this aspect, the Cryo Launcher is actually a very weak gun compared to Sonic Antiproton Assault Rifles just because the Tholians skitter around so fast that they rarely ever stay in close range to you.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
The armor colors kind of match the picture for the Crystal-Woven Environmental Suit so it seems like someone forgot to give the proper gun as the Compressed Cryo Launcher for the character to use. The gun in the icon picture looks great and would fit well with the MACO, Omega Force and Honor Guard guns so hopefully this was just a small oversight and someone pathed the gun we are supposed to see to the wrong source.
Founder and Current CO of Gamma Strike Force
Player since December 2009
Brandon =/\=
isn't that true for ALL ground and space weapons?
All pulsewaves say that. I believe it's the only ground weapon that has damage affected by distance.
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It's only true for Energy Weapons in space. On the ground it's only for the Pulsewave Rifle. Pulsewave Rifles will do massive amounts of damage at pointblank range. But the damage drops off rapidly with range.
Think of the Pulsewave Rifle as a shotgun. It's up close and off with his face weapon.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
I just got mine and was like.."nooooez!" "what no visual?"
came here and its good to know its on its way
in this aspect, the Cryo Launcher is actually a very weak gun compared to Sonic Antiproton Assault Rifles just because the Tholians skitter around so fast that they rarely ever stay in close range to you.
-The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
My character Tsin'xing