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Invisible Fighter and Mines

vnixnedvnixned Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Federation Discussion
I have recently been playing the Gorn minefield fleet actions and what ever I try to do with my controls and such I cannot find a way to once again have the HUD display where my fighters are or where those bloody mines are. Without them being visiblke it is like flying blind into a minefield and into enemy fighters.

Can anyone please help me with this?
Post edited by vnixned on


  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    vnixned wrote: »
    I have recently been playing the Gorn minefield fleet actions and what ever I try to do with my controls and such I cannot find a way to once again have the HUD display where my fighters are or where those bloody mines are. Without them being visiblke it is like flying blind into a minefield and into enemy fighters.

    Can anyone please help me with this?

    saw the same thing in ker'rat yesterday.. you see their weapons firing at you, but you do not see the ship itself or it's hull. This is a bug and you should submit a ticket.

  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,687 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If they're completely invisible, that's definitely a bug. If they're just hard to spot (mines will flash at you, fighters have small trails), you can turn the names back on in the Options menu (very last tab on the right, will have to scroll tabs over).

    There's also the some what silly option of constantly looking around and hitting space to see if there's any mines and such in view (which will be shot).
  • mb52mb52 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've recently had the same issue. Cept it wasn't just fighters and mines doing it, I had BOPS, Vorchas and Negvars also going invisible...
  • carl104carl104 Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    IMHO i just wish the options to make fighters visable again could be limited only to your stuff, (i.e. no allies stuff showing), and i could turn mines and fighters on/off seperatlly. As a carrier i need to see my stuff. But if there's other carrier about and/or mine dropper and/or lots of slaver on the go it gets hard to actually track just your stuff in the swirl.
  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Agreed it was silly to change the defaults and it REALLY PISSED ME OFF, as I'd fly into a group of 3 frigates only to find myself bombarded by invisible enemies shooting at me that I couldn't target because I couldn't see them to click on them. Stupid, stupid decision to change the defaults.

    Hit [Esc].
    Click [Options].
    Scroll to the right, to [HUD] tab.
    Scroll down to [Enemy NPCs] and [Friendly NPCs].
    Set [Show Enemy Mine and Fighter Names, Life, Reticle] and [Show Friendly Mine and Fighter Names, Life, Reticle] to [Always]. Click [Apply] {!} (I think there was a bug where only clicking [Ok] didn't actually apply the setting or it later forgot the setting; don't know whether it's fixed yet or not), THEN click [Ok].

    This should resolve your issue, I think?

  • mgmirkin426mgmirkin426 Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    carl104 wrote: »
    IMHO i just wish the options to make fighters visable again could be limited only to your stuff, (i.e. no allies stuff showing), and i could turn mines and fighters on/off seperatlly. As a carrier i need to see my stuff. But if there's other carrier about and/or mine dropper and/or lots of slaver on the go it gets hard to actually track just your stuff in the swirl.

    Hmm, well, you can turn enemy / friendly stuff on/off independently. But I don't think there is the granularity for YOUR mines / fighter versus your allies' mines / fighters. It's just all friendlies versus all unfriendlies. I think?

  • carl104carl104 Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hmm, well, you can turn enemy / friendly stuff on/off independently. But I don't think there is the granularity for YOUR mines / fighter versus your allies' mines / fighters. It's just all friendlies versus all unfriendlies. I think?


    yes, thats what i just said.

    And i'd love to see it changed, againm what i just said...
  • drakenet80drakenet80 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you want to see only your fighters/mines, scroll down to the "Your officers" section in the HUD-Settings and activate it there.
  • darknessmutadarknessmuta Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It would be nice if we could have a little more options here like just mines or just fighters. Also I hate the reticles but the distances are attached to them so you end up having to keep those on to see how far out the other ships are.
  • boxmanoidboxmanoid Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i turned on the health bar and name to mines and fighter ... well i can see fighters my problem are mines i cant see them until i am enter their attack range ...and obviously they are approach me and blow up my ship
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