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Temporary Help

sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Earth Spacedock
I need some help creating a fleet. I know how its juts the guys that are going to be in it with me are dragging a bit and I would like to get this starbase contruction underway. So can anyone out there help me out to just meet the requirements of forming a fleet. Thats all i need is help to get it started. I oculd find other guys but we all work together on the same shift so its perfect for us because we can play in the break room and concentrate on what we are doing while being able to verbally ask for things we might need. I know its kind of a weird request but honestly Im not patient haha. So can anyone help so I can get the base building underway. Shouldnt be too much trouble to help me to just form a fleet.
Post edited by sesnrs122101 on


  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Might be helpful if you left some method of contacting you.

    Most folks just sit in ESD and make their requests over zone chat though. Granted some people see that as spam so being as polite as possible is a plus.

    Good luck
  • sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes that would very helpful. Um best way to reach me would be at my email
    sesnrs091507@yahoo.com. Yea I considered using the chat at ESD but I consider that kind of spamming as well Its one of the reasons Ilike being in the same room as the people on my fleet makes communication a little easier. Thanks for you input and pointing out what I missed I dont do this too much.
  • sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I wouldnt think it would take too much time. Just have to be at the fleet desk at the same time to fill out the info about the fleet right?
  • quiverboxquiverbox Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes that would very helpful. Um best way to reach me would be at my email
    sesnrs091507@yahoo.com. Yea I considered using the chat at ESD but I consider that kind of spamming as well Its one of the reasons Ilike being in the same room as the people on my fleet makes communication a little easier. Thanks for you input and pointing out what I missed I dont do this too much.

    I think the best way would actually be your in game handle..

    I'll help, if you reciprocate. There's also this person looking to create a one-man fleet:


    I'm @quiverbox .
  • sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh ok that does seem to make the most sense. Wow I am so new at this forum posting thing haha. my handle is @sesnrs122101 and I would definitely be willing to help out.
  • sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just hit me up or have that other person contact me when they need help and ill do my best to make it at that time.
  • sesnrs122101sesnrs122101 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Still need a couple of peoples help to get this base started Thank you again to those willing to help. I hope to have two more peoples help so i dont miss this stabase first event. Again i just need help starting the fleet to start construction on the starbase I have co workers ready to play almost I just want to start building so that I dont get to far behind Thank you for anyone else who can lend some assistance.
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