I'm looking to set up a bind to toggle show/hide of both my armour & kit.
A search of the cmdlist suggests that SetInvBagHideMode is probably what I want. However - does anyone know what integers I'm meant to throw at this command?
I'm guessing one of them (the second probably) is 0 or 1 depending on show or hide and the first is the slot ID but I don't know what the slot IDs are.
Anyone figured this out already?
Toggle is 0 for show, 1 for hide
/setinvbaghidemode <id> <toggle>
So to make kit visible
/setinvbaghidemode 34 0
Or to make armour invisible
/setinvbaghidemode 35 1
The question I have is if there's a way to use these commands (or similar commands) to do the same for holstering weapons. I'd be interested in making one big keybind which would toggle between my default away team appearance (armor on, kit on, weapon drawn) and my default starbase appearance (armor off, kit off, weapon holstered).
I'm pretty knowledgeable about making binds from my days with City of Heroes. I'm basically just asking about the command syntax or flags associated with holstering weapons, if there is one.
Thanks but I knew the default holster keybind was the "H" key. :rolleyes:
I wanted to know the command line command for accomplishing that.
DarkReflection told me what I needed to know.
Oh cool, much appreciated. I wasn't patient enough to go up to 34.
Got one that does the same thing for boffs?
as in: if I bind this up, can I make the rest of the away team show armor while weapons are drawn?
I'm getting the same non-result too.
This would be awesome if I could get it to work!
I'll give this a test poke next I'm online, and see if higher numbers start doing anything.
36 is the kit, 37 is armor. I've gone up to 60, but not found the weapon code yet.
Now if i could just get the aliases to work.
(Apologies for the necro, but this the thread Google finds first)