Why does "Loading..." take so long?
If you are not sure, please refrain from guessing; I'm a 20 year IT veteran & I have all kinds of guesses.
I'm not asking for a guess, I'm asking someone who Knows! A GM/Mod/Dev or someone who knows what processes are going on besides; loading a Character Selection Screen, because that should only take seconds! :eek:
Loading with a progress bar of whatever the heck is taking so long would be informative and greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your KNOWLEDGE.
Just saying something is not working, won't lead to any solution without guessing.
There are hundreds of possibilities, the most reasonable your firewall.
1 the game is downloading new data
2 the game crashed
PS the game has sort of a loading bar its the large numbers at the right side.
No it finally loads; this latest one using ~100% CPU for 20 minutes.
There is no numbers anywhere on the screen after CRYPTIC, that only displays "Loading..." and the StarTrek Badge/Symbol.
I believe it is doing a system assessment test of the computer, it at least does the Video Card, if not System I/O; Local Storage, network and CPU, thanks to sysinternals process viewer and other tools.
Not downloading as Net i/o near zero, not crashed as Loading finally finishes. Hmm guesses.
Firewall, yes it is up and set to block baddies. :P
I use PeerBlock firewall that uses iblocklist level 1 list with the following settings:
Allowing the following exceptions: Ads, Edu
The best Solution to this Problem (& funny now the search engine has hits for "Loading...") IS:
"I am stuck in a never ending loading screen, how do I fix this? "
What happens when your ping is 60ms ,you have a 120mpps internet connection ,firewall and AV turned off ,the game installed on a ssd and you have to wait like 5 minutes to load ESD or your bridge?
You actually click on those "Want to protect yourself from the FBI?" links over at demonoid and TPB, don;t you?