Hello people, we are a brand new fleet, currently small in numbers but looking to expand eagerly anticipating fleet starbases! We are a casual fun fleet that helps our members from day one with anything they need! We are based out of Europe but we are looking for members all over the world.
We are especially invested in stf, pwe content, and doff system.
Join us and have fun, make new friends, be part of a team,contribute to the fleet by helping members and in return earn rewards and fleet promotions.
If you are interested in joining the fleet pm hRCI@hrci2907 ingame or lola@anajure in game whenever the two of us are on, if you cannot contact us ingame then leave a message on this thread or fill out a application form at our website and i will get back to you.
Check us out at our new website:
On that day at 6 pm central european time we will have our first fleet meeting that will occur on Deep Space 9. We will meet on the promenade balcony on the second floor, thats overlooking Quarks bar. On that occassion we will have our first fleet promotions! Also we would have a fleet action and the winner will be rewarded with 2 million enrgy credits!
If you need more information just let me know on my handle @hrci2907
Your attendance would be appreciated. See you there!
(WebSite is steal not finish,it well be in few days,EDIT:Forum TOO)
Red emblem is ceremonial emblem,
Blue emblem is standard emblem.
are you online
join date december 2011
yesi am online and i have promoted you as promesed so you also can mange fleet holdings:)