I thought this was rather unique, never seen it in the game before. I imagine it was a bug, cause there's never been an AI wearing my favorite uniform before :P
But how would something like this happen anyway, wouldn't it have to be intentional? I'm not a game expert here lol.
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still wish you could set uniforms to the ship interior NPCs
One of the more recent podcasts this was brought up by a dev who said he wants this feature, and is trying to see if it's possible and hopes to get it in (relatively) soon.
Kirk's Protege.
Well I would definitely like the uniform swap feature. Unless done right, I really don't like the standard uniforms, and imo they would all look better in TNG/First Contact.
But it's just annoying to be wearing separate uniforms from your crew.
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there is no Standard. In 2399 Starfleet opened it up so people could wear whatever the hell pleases them. I'd like the see NPC's with all different kinds of uniforms.
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I wish they would make it that way also. Letting you choose what they wear is fine also but it would be nice to see it default to random to be more inline with what in the games story.
My impression is that it's really supposed to be set by the Captain, not just whatever pleases any given crewman, incline with how Picard let Troi wear her jumpsuits or how every ship had its own badge insignia in TOS.
Speaking of, I'd really appreciate it as a player and a Foundry author if we started seeing some of the non-Enterprise patches added.
Specifically, these:
Also the TMP medical and Epsilon insignia:
Also the prison guard and medical insignia from later on:
Also the other Enterprise service patches:
I also think a unique service patch for Drozana Station from TOS era would make sense rather than them all wearing the Enterprise insignia.
I'd also like a TOS-era technician jumpsuit:
And a TNG-era Technician jumpsuit:
http://www.tragedians.com/2012/06/classic-review-time-star-trek-tng.html (This is almost straight up one of the offduty options.)
I think the ability to have technicians and distinct service patches is one of the big Foundry limitations and it's a bit glaring in the Cryptic authored TOS-era missions and the TOS ship interior.
I just couldn't make the crew look right in my head, all wearing Enterprise insignia.
So I decided to do what (to my knowledge) nobody in the Foundry has done and bump the TOS characters in my mission up to TMP era and just claim that their ship is old.
If only all the Foundry assets were available in a THX/2001/Star Trek: The Motion Picture shade of white, I'd probably go on a mad decorating binge to create a full on Retro 70s mission.
I did realize partway through that if I had more white assets, I'd probably be inclined to re-deco Earth Spacedock in pure, impractical 1970s white floors, walls, and ceilings glory.
Sorry for the off-topic but I am looking forward to this. I hope you give the "past" NPCs their orignial uniform.
Actually I loved playing the time travel Devidian Episodes with my character and BOFFs wearing the TOS uniform.
Well, like I said, I'm using TMP uniforms and saying that the ship in question didn't get a proper retrofit.
Nobody EVER goes back in time to the TMP era.
The closest we get in terms of TMP assets are TOS assets (and there are a ton in S6, like Drosana past and Connie interiors).
So I want to play the "Lost Years" between the end of TOS and through TMP or so.
My big thing is, man, I don't actually have the player doing any time travel in the plot I have in mind but I would love to work in the new ESD map, populated with Connies, Mirandas, and Oberths.
I'm grappling with how to incorporate a young Admiral Quinn as well. I want him to be a very happening, 70s Trill with awesome sideburns, cruising the bar. Ever since they said we could recreate Cryptic NPCs, I've wanted to showcase a hip, young Lt. Quinn in bell bottoms.
Like you, Stoleleviathan99, I'm a huge fan of the TMP era and would love to see those settings properly realized in the game someday, most likely through The Foundry. As far as any semblance of suspending disbelief and truly feeling as though I were immersed in a 'real' Trek environment, I honestly don't think any incarnation of Trek has ever accomplished that better than the TMP era. Whenever I see interior scenes of the Enterprise refit, from its bridge and somewhat sterile but cozy corridors, to its engineering room, recreation deck and that wonderfully realized hangar bay (as seen in 'The Motion Picture'), I can't help but feel as though I'm witnessing a genuine slice of late 23rd century life.
Given all that, I can't help mentioning that I stumbled upon what I thought was a phenomenal website last night, whilst enjoying my routine fill of starship TRIBBLE. This guy, or gal, has put together some phenomenal digital realizations of TMP era ship interiors. I was most impressed by his realization of what I can only describe as a TMP era ship's Impulse Control Room and interior housing, seen here:
Methinks those were a pretty good realization of what's directly underneath that glowing blue circle, above Enterprise and Reliant's Impulse drives. It had never really occurred to me to imagine what was under there, until I saw that last night.
There are some other nifty interiors to be found at this dude or dudette's site as well, here: http://starstation.wordpress.com/page/2/
Hope my fellow TMP era fans enjoy!:D
Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian