The 2 security officers that beam down with you on Nukara are still fine They down catch fire any more or anything like that but as a Tac I slot 2-3 security escort Doffs which gives ??% chance to beam down extra escorts. The bug here is These extra escorts come down with out a suit, burn and die. It gets really bad when i luck out and Beam down a total of 5 guys 2 regulars 3 extra and the 3 extra just die.
what the hell is up with the crappy "f" at the end of my name was never there on either website till the crappy change
I've also notices this happening to Doff's that beam down a Medic! Seems the medic isn't wearing a space suit either. Which kinda make's it rather useless vs Tholians
but Redshirts catching fire is after all part of the canon
Wouldn;t be star trek unless at least one got killed.