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Star Trek, to boldly go.....?

rimnerrimner Member Posts: 6 Arc User
To start i have to say i like the game, overall its good but, well, its not great. Here are a few thoughts on things, my personal opinion only and all the usual disclaimer stuff :)

Lets start at the beginning, why do you log off when switching characters? its really annoying having to sign back in, please fix this.

Now for the reason this isnt included in any other area or previous post, Not everyone want to shoot stuff!!! shock horror etc... i know terrible news. How about some non combat roles like for instance traders, we have a crafting system so expand it a little with items specifically for a trader class, give them a ship like the Tuffi or whatever its called and all that remains is to sort out how they gain experience. Not too much work and would make crafting more usefull.

People level WAY too quickly, starting a character and been easily able to CAP the same character in less than a week is not good for the game. This point really effects most other parts of the game, including PWE profit margins i suspect, lol. Why spend good C on a ship your only going to use for 1 day or less, similarly, why craft something when its obselete so quickly, why..... there are many points here which readers can think of too so why list them. Another really bad thing about leveling fast is... well PWE will keep having to waste all the programmers time putting in super-duper new shiny ships to keep the capped people happy to farm, whilst the fleshing out that the game needs is ignored aswell as the neat new stuff like new player races etc. So slow down the levelling speed could REALLY improve the game overall.

Well enough for now, please feel free to add any NON (I want this ship or that ship fixed cos i cant 1 shot a borg tac cube) comments about how the game could be improved using current tech.
Post edited by rimner on


  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It took you a week to max out your character? Why so long?
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Slowing down the leveling speed would be awesome, and when I start a new toon I like taking my time with it as it's nice to do something other than grind but I'm sooooo fed up of saving Miral Paris!! It would be nice if we could choose which story arc we start with. It would give us variety. That being said, the Undine and Borg stories should be level restricted as it makes no sense for a Miranda to slay a cube...
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Answers in green below:
    rimner wrote: »
    To start i have to say i like the game, overall its good but, well, its not great. Here are a few thoughts on things, my personal opinion only and all the usual disclaimer stuff :)

    Lets start at the beginning, why do you log off when switching characters? its really annoying having to sign back in, please fix this.

    I believe it was said once that this was entirely intentional in order to 'protect' an account from a full wipe by angry girlfriends/wives (or boyfriends/husbands for that matter) as only one character could be erased if the game was left running during a bio break, etc. That said, really...how often does this happen that thousands of other people are majorly inconvienced by having to relog each time just to swap characters? Totally agree this should be fixed.

    Now for the reason this isnt included in any other area or previous post, Not everyone want to shoot stuff!!! shock horror etc... i know terrible news. How about some non combat roles like for instance traders, we have a crafting system so expand it a little with items specifically for a trader class, give them a ship like the Tuffi or whatever its called and all that remains is to sort out how they gain experience. Not too much work and would make crafting more usefull.

    We've been asking for this kinda stuff since launch. Star Trek is so much more than just combat. Some stuff has been trickling into the game in these areas (with promises of more - starbases will be a big deal...even if they are the basis for...more combat :rolleyes:)

    People level WAY too quickly, starting a character and been easily able to CAP the same character in less than a week is not good for the game. This point really effects most other parts of the game, including PWE profit margins i suspect, lol. Why spend good C on a ship your only going to use for 1 day or less, similarly, why craft something when its obselete so quickly, why..... there are many points here which readers can think of too so why list them. Another really bad thing about leveling fast is... well PWE will keep having to waste all the programmers time putting in super-duper new shiny ships to keep the capped people happy to farm, whilst the fleshing out that the game needs is ignored aswell as the neat new stuff like new player races etc. So slow down the levelling speed could REALLY improve the game overall.

    Completely agree that leveling is much, much too fast. The first few ranks are okay to burn through, after all its is pretty ludicrous that an Ensign would command a starship, but field promotions are certainly a quick way to higher ranks. Way more time should be spent at the Commander and Captain levels...and if i had my druthers...Admiral rank (not level) would be given only to Fleet (guild) leaders with Captain being the rank cap (though you could continue to earn levels).

    Well enough for now, please feel free to add any NON (I want this ship or that ship fixed cos i cant 1 shot a borg tac cube) comments about how the game could be improved using current tech.

    All the above suggestions could easily be implimented using current tech and make STO feel more like what we see in the movies and shows.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    slowing lvling wouldnt do much help now, would it? most ppl are lvl50.

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • tetonicatetonica Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What I would like to see in regards to leveling speed is making it a lot slower, but giving people the option of where to start their next character in the same faction level-wise once they've reached level 50 and/or completed all the story arcs.

    So once you get to level 50 on fed you can start other fed characters at whatever level you want and likewise for KDF.

    Of course there would be the problem of idiots who flown nothing but tacs in raptors rolling a 50 eng char in a carrier and promptly jumping into STF's with it without knowing how to fly it but whatever. :P
    Lynis, Orion Engineer, main
    Rrezeth, Gorn Tactical, primary alt
    Nari, Orion Science, secondary alt
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It certainly is weird to have entire fleets of Admirals flying around.
  • vnixnedvnixned Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    if the ranks (not lvls) are simply changed then we at least wont have all those admirals flying about. Btw, I maxed on my fed in three days of near constant playing... Much to soon, I hadn't even finished the Klingon mission arc...
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    slowing lvling wouldnt do much help now, would it? most ppl are lvl50.

    It wouldn't help lvl50 people who have no wish to create a new toon, however it would help those like myself who have lvl50 toons and like starting new ones, plus it would help new players. Surely adjusting levels to give less xp would be an easy adjustment?

    As per my earlier post, I'd love it if you could choose the order if the story arcs.
  • perfectself82perfectself82 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I like the leveling speed. I really don't like any of the ships you can fly pre lvl 30, so getting to 30 is still tedious for me. Once I hit 30 I start to have fun again.

    If the leveling speed was slowed down across the board I doubt I would make any more alts.

    I do agree with maxing rank (not level) at Captain. Very strange everyone being an Admiral.
  • jayorzjayorz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A level-braking option that would slow the accumulation of skill points for players who CHOSE to do that (I would be one) would seem to be the ideal way of dealing with this issue.
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I like the leveling speed. I really don't like any of the ships you can fly pre lvl 30, so getting to 30 is still tedious for me. Once I hit 30 I start to have fun again.

    If the leveling speed was slowed down across the board I doubt I would make any more alts.

    I do agree with maxing rank (not level) at Captain. Very strange everyone being an Admiral.

    I don't think anyone would disagree with you about an 'accelerated' promotion/advancement (as we have now) for the lower ranks. Honestly, I actually like some of the lower tier ships myself, even if they are very limited in their capabilities. But I can always fly one as a HIGHER level officer.

    As I said above, the ranks/levels before Commander should go pretty quick (again, just as we have now), but if Cryptic is going to continue to tie rank to levels they need to broaden the range for Commander and Captain, with Captain as the rank (NOT level) cap, and only give the Admiral rank/title to Fleet (guild) leaders.
  • sharyssasharyssa Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I agree, stopping the "title" rank at Captain would make sense to me...personally I don't set my title higher than that rank. Since the character is in command of a starship and that typically is a Captain. In our fleet no one except the Fleet Commander and his right hand hold the rank of Admiral. (Yeah, its an RP thing)
  • venataciavenatacia Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Playing my klingon and continuing on with the storyline as I have done from the start I managed to finish the Breen missions and got the Breen set, compared it to what I had on already; the Honor Guard set. The thing is, I thought well... shouldn't the Breen set come first, well before im 50 and already doing STFs? and this is where I agree also, the leveling is so fast you out level sets before you even get them.

    I personally would of like to have taken longer while leveling up. If the lower level ships would last longer and you could make better use of these sets out there, then I would be more inclined to buy the outfits for these ships, at the moment no chance on wasting my money.

    As for crafting, noticed I reached level 50 before I even bought anything from the exchange, not alone there was no need to craft anything up even though the first thing I did was go out and harvest with my klingon untill i realised there was no point in doing so.

    I got the same feel from this game as I did comming over from SWTOR and this was one reason why I left the other game. What happened to the enjoyment while leveling up?. Now its rush rush rush to the end..why?... i'm already bored of doing STFs over and over... now the missions have come to an end which the Borg and Undine felt really rushed too. And beating the borg and Undine ( i perfer what the borg call the Undine - spicies 8472 ) seemed silly to me, from watching Voyager I remember the Undine almost took out voyager with one shot... here we shoot them like tin cans and think nothing of it..not rightat all. (sorry a little of topic there but this is where i personally feel there is a lot wrong with this game even though I enjoy playing it.)
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I like the leveling speed right now as it pertains to KDF. The KDF really needs the higher level speed, because we're deficient in PvE content and not everyone likes PvP. The Mirror event really helps with gaining skillpoints, as well. If one just stuck with the KDF storyline and associated missions, you'd probably end up somewhere around upper captain level. Mirror finishes that off. This is with the accelerated setup. . .if it were slowed down, KDF would be stuck with the slow grind we had to deal with before the speed-up. I remember it taking 2-3 weeks of repetitive grinding to level my first KDF character. .. soul-crushingly boring.

    Fed side has enough well-spaced content and options to where you guys could probably manage a slower pace without going nuts from boredom and lack of options.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • bds007bds007 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Leveling is way to fast now. At launch, I took the week of from work and playing 18 hours a day for 6 days just got me to the first level of Captain. Granted others out leveled me, but I read all the story text. Now, that same level of effort would cap multiple toons.

    Yes, this is a casual game, but gaining a level after almost each mission is too fast. My last toon reached 50 before even finishing the Romulan arc and that was without any mission other than main story line.
  • mikewendellmikewendell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    darkjeff wrote: »
    It certainly is weird to have entire fleets of Admirals flying around.

    Nah, just look at the British Navy. They're supposed to have more of them than the US navy does.
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