Photonen im WindA Foundry Mission by @timerasAn emergency call from the Andoria system. The U.S.S. Tribute is under attack. This time the battle doesn't take part in space and not on the planets ground.
Rescue the admiral of the U.S.S. Tribute from an awkward situation and enjoy the magnificent view.This mission is very short, streamlined and dialog-heavy. You encounter some skirmish but they are not priority.
Admiral Timeras, Commander Meelok, Lieutnant Commander Sovek, Lieutnant Commander Kinara, Chief O'Donell, Ensign Nesa, Fourty-Two, klingons
Language: complete in german (english work in progress)
Level: Any level, scaling with level- and groupsize
Length: 25 minutes
Difficulty: various
PatchnotesVersion 1.01
Version 1.10
- missionobjective after aquiring the mission slightly adjusted
- enhanced space-part with new effects
- waypoint now leads with mission objective to the turbolift
- holodeck entrance and exit enhanced with holodeck arc
- added dialogs for Lieutnant Commander Kinara and Lieutnant Commander Sevok after finishing the mission
- text corrections
Version 1.11
- added chief O'Donell and ensign Nensa
- added a new room for ambience
- changed some effects
- slightly scatterd the klingons
Version 1.15
- improved mission description
- corrected continue buttons
- added more paragraphs in dialogs
- added transporter effect
- improved ending
Congratulations also on your first: "Mission is not in English mimimi review" (not mine obviously)
The mission was fun to play, but perhaps TOO MUCH fun.
The dialogues: They have been boarded by Klingons and everyone is in "holla-ho" funny mood? I found that hard to believe.
Your technical skills with the Foundry seem to be quite good. The Holodeck walk-in was amazing.
Now go out there and use your skills to give us missions with some depth. I regard this one as a training exercise.
Thank you for your very downright review. Retrospectively you have a point with the crew being in a too much funny mood. I was very much inspired by the character desing from Deep Space Nine. Having some of the funny dialogues from charaters like Bashir and Dex in mind, i blocked out the serious situation.
Thanks also for the compliment about my foundry skills. Im now out, making my second mission with ... again ... much fun but i will ensure that the mission itself is not under tension.
You can review mine to get even...
Photonen im Wind a foundry mission by timeras13
Photonen im Eis a foundry mission by timeras13
Photonen im Schatten a foundry mission by timeras13