Doing the Counslar Exchanges there seems to be a really high rate of Civilian rewards... IE Bartenders, Entertainers, Chefs, Advisors, Traders or Diplomats.
Now personally any chef/bart/enter is just trash to me anyway but the issue I really have is that the exchanges dont allow you to use civilians, only officers. So there is no way to use them to trade up on a future exchange. All you can do is grind them or airlock them.
Its also strange that an OFFICER exchange would give you a chef anyway.
My suggestion is to either make the odds of rewarding these really really low or none or allow the exchanges to use civilians.
I feel like I have wasted an officer everytime I get yet another bartender or entertainer.
Regardless, the rate these are rewarded seems to very high. Feels like 50/50 chance of getting stuck with one
yes i am aware of that . i dont care about what additional trash they can create. the point is that the exhange gives us civilians but we cant use the civilians in additional exchanges becuase they only accept officers. If its an OFFICER echange then we should get an OFFICER. or the exchange should be open for civilians as well. Its like you go to a BMW dealership to trade in your car and they give you Kia.
Doing the Counslar Exchanges there seems to be a really high rate of Civilian rewards... IE Bartenders, Entertainers, Chefs, Advisors, Traders or Diplomats.
Now personally any chef/bart/enter is just trash to me anyway but the issue I really have is that the exchanges dont allow you to use civilians, only officers. So there is no way to use them to trade up on a future exchange. All you can do is grind them or airlock them.
Its also strange that an OFFICER exchange would give you a chef anyway.
My suggestion is to either make the odds of rewarding these really really low or none or allow the exchanges to use civilians.
I feel like I have wasted an officer everytime I get yet another bartender or entertainer.
Regardless, the rate these are rewarded seems to very high. Feels like 50/50 chance of getting stuck with one
Chefs and good bartenders seem to be rare for me, but the others I use in other exchanges to get a better quality DOFF. So it's not bad, especially if you get a high quality Refugee, which increases your chances of a VR DOFF in Asylum missions.
Just got a blue refugee from doing the uncommon reassignment.
Not sure how I feel about that since I turned in 5 scientists.
edit: What's annoying is that I need bartenders rather badly as I;m down to 2 of them.....
i dont mean the grinder..... I mean the Paradon, Dosi, Cardy, Ferason etc exchanges. You can use civilians in the grinder. The exchanges however only take officers. But it seems about 50/50 that you get a civilian. Those cant be traded up. I just ground up like 10 advisors/diplos/bartenders/chefs clogging up my rooster from consolar exchanges. But thats kind of the point that thats all they are good for since you cant trade them up in futre exchanges,
I agree with this, lately I reassigned a lot of blue officers (20) and out of it i got 2 Purple Refugees (and 2 other purple officers obviously) how can an officer exchange give you a refugee??? they aren't officers so shouldn't be given.
I think there should be an assignment made to get refugees from the cargo ships in deep space that would give you uncommon or better quality on success or critical success and keep refugees out of the officer reassignment
Agreed, I don't mind getting civilian if I'm allowed to give a civilian, but this one-sided exchange is ridiculous. This needs to be fixed one way or the other.
Have you seen Under Siege?
yes i am aware of that . i dont care about what additional trash they can create. the point is that the exhange gives us civilians but we cant use the civilians in additional exchanges becuase they only accept officers. If its an OFFICER echange then we should get an OFFICER. or the exchange should be open for civilians as well. Its like you go to a BMW dealership to trade in your car and they give you Kia.
Chefs and good bartenders seem to be rare for me, but the others I use in other exchanges to get a better quality DOFF. So it's not bad, especially if you get a high quality Refugee, which increases your chances of a VR DOFF in Asylum missions.
Not sure how I feel about that since I turned in 5 scientists.
edit: What's annoying is that I need bartenders rather badly as I;m down to 2 of them.....
This has been asked for..A LOT!!
i dont mean the grinder..... I mean the Paradon, Dosi, Cardy, Ferason etc exchanges. You can use civilians in the grinder. The exchanges however only take officers. But it seems about 50/50 that you get a civilian. Those cant be traded up. I just ground up like 10 advisors/diplos/bartenders/chefs clogging up my rooster from consolar exchanges. But thats kind of the point that thats all they are good for since you cant trade them up in futre exchanges,
I think there should be an assignment made to get refugees from the cargo ships in deep space that would give you uncommon or better quality on success or critical success and keep refugees out of the officer reassignment
Basically the more useless (Civvy) the more likely you are to get it and the more useful (Engineering) the less likely.
I must have done 100's upon 100's of officer exchanges and I have only ever got TWO from the engineering department . . . and about 58 Chefs. . . .
Again wouldn't quite so bad if you could at least feed the Civvies back in.