A few days back, I posted my first attempt at making a STO video, using demo record.
Well I've uploaded the second one too, which was made when the Odyssey launched, so I thought I would add that as well.
Star Trek Horizon - My first video
Launch of the Odyssey - My second video
They're not brilliant, but I hope you enjoy them.
Thanks guys. :biggrin:
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Well I'm not clever enough to pull that one off... but maybe someone else is?
great job. I wish I could figure out how to use the video making tools in this game.
It was for a mission divoted to the B.S.A Fleet, I think you might appretiate it's simplicity and soundtrack.
Episode Four - Head Of A Needle Episode Five: The Duality of Men Episode Six - Redemption Earned
Episode Seven - Shattered Universe Episode Eight - The Gepetto Condition Episode Nine - One Room, Two Officers
Episode Ten - Beyond The Farthest Star Episode Eleven - It's OK, It Won't Hurt Episode Twelve - A Protracted Officer
Episode Thirteen - Somewhen Episode Fourteen - The Boy Who Lived Episode Fifthteen - Empathy
Are you using a trial version of fraps or something? That grey overlay on the videos.
Yes, just the trial version of fraps. I actually spent nothing at all, just to see what I could do and how far I could push it. They are very rough around the edges I know, but it gave me an idea of what I could do.
They are brilliant!
I especially love the Horizon video, that was a great peice of work and like it was said earlier, I actually want to see a series with that crew. :biggrin:
Good Job!
Twitter! STO_JamJamz
I did 4 of them altogether, (well 5 if I include the classic series one). I'll upload the others to You Tube and link them on here eventually.
Might I ask what video editor you used?
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
'Windows Live Movie Maker' which came free with the laptop, and I think is probably bundled on all Windows 7 machines.
At the end of the Horizon video, the end titles give a list of what I used to create the video, and how I learned to use it all in case anyone else wanted to have a go. :biggrin:
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
Here's a thread that has a BUNCH of useful info: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=134131
It was close for necro even before the forum change, but it has a huge wealth of information.
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
The next thing I wanted to do to my video was remove the playback bar at the top. I know how to go about doing that now. :biggrin: