Looking for maturity without stuffiness? Looking for structure without obligations? Want to do STF's with people you know who won't blame you rather than help you? Come check out Divine Justice. We are a flourishing fleet that accepts all ranks and nationalities. We are very social, but not a cult. We don't expect you to wear certain things or talk in a ridiculous manner. Just be yourself and show courtesy to others and you'll be a welcome addition. We try hard at what we do, but don't lose sight of the fact that this is a game and is designed to provide fun and amusement. We don't believe a puppy dies every time you miss an optional in an STF; we learn from the mistake and work towards improving upon what we've learned.
Divine Justice is a WoW crossover fleet that has a Fed and KDF side who communicate on a combined chat channel and utilizes Mumble for voice. We have members from all over the globe from Portland to Wellington and in every age group. Our doors are open to all. Afraid of making a commitment right now? Try us out on a trial basis. You can leave at anytime with no hard feelings.
If you would like to learn more about us or take a look at our Code of Conduct, visit our website at
divinejustice.us. You can also seek out one of the officers listed below, ingame.
Brian/Trill Bill/Garfield/Kraq
Selveck Dorvan
Arcadian Nash