how to complete optional objective in PVE when the time is 15 minutes and respawn time is 120 seconds, the power of weapons is poor than they were a month ago. Today i play 2 minutes and was killed. 90 second respawn time, I played 30 seconds ... im killed by a cube with a torpedo but have to wait 120 seconds to appear again and Appear and play 2 minutes ... But im dead again with the torpedo and have to wait 100 seconds to Appear Again. in 3 days i do an optional time bojective cant beat the clock in PVE they are 4 cubes 8 nanite 2 transformators 1 gate end lots of borg sphere all to kill in 15 minutes to win optional objective .....soorry if may english is bad
Maybe you should put some armor on your ship and have active resist skills running. That certainly helps me not to get "respwn"ed by Borg. I can in fact tank Tac Cubes in my escort. All of the space optionals are in fact pretty doable if your team has two or three people who know how to actually play the game and not getting "respwn" because of theit lack of Hull Plating.
It sounds like your doing Khitomer Accord Elite. To complete the optional here, it is as much if not more a matter of strategy and proper kill order than anything else - I have found. Of course, not dying so much that your locked out for 2 minutes each time helps as well.
Each time I run it, we usually have 1 person deal with the probes and try get one cube low on the right side of the instance, while 1 other person does the same on the left side. This leaves three people to very quickly destroy the cube and transformers/etc
Again, what I usually find, is that we do not destroy the gate but take it to 50% or so, then the 3 people move to the left and repeat. The one person on the right continues to control probes while shooting the gate.
If done correctly, the right gate should die around the same time as the left gate and you should meet the optional. Of course, this is contingent on you not dying and causing problems for your team (i.e. a two minute lockout timer).
Considering the only things that will be shooting you are the gates and the cubes, and the cubes die quickly and the gates can be out-ranged, I think it is a matter of strategy failing you.
If you cannot solo a standard cube in an elite STF in less than 20 seconds you need to reevaluate your setup or get better. A ship needs to be able to do this on its own if it is a useful contribution to the team. If all ships in the team have that capability then all STF's are easily accomplished with plenty of time left on the optionals.
If I truly lacked empathy or a conscience I would not take time out of my day to help someone who had a less fortunate education than myself correct their gross misunderstanding of words in the English language.
Now this may shock you but a good player can indeed solo in side in Khitomer with ample time to complete the optional but if you're doing elites and can't get from "well I get blown up a lot" to "I should maybe use some armor" you deserve all the ridicule you get and maybe a nice kick to the head.
If you cannot solo a standard cube in an elite STF in less than 20 seconds you need to reevaluate your setup or get better. A ship needs to be able to do this on its own if it is a useful contribution to the team. If all ships in the team have that capability then all STF's are easily accomplished with plenty of time left on the optionals.
Well, I wouldnt go that far... it depends on your role IMHO... I wouldnt expect a healer to solo a standard cube in 20 seconds, albeit the healer role is pretty much dead (unless your team "dies a lot").
A Tac officer should absolutely be able to take out a standard cube in < 30 seconds... (30 seconds is pushing it), look for someone to help review your build, doff/boff assinments, and skill tree spending... something is amiss.
Well, I wouldnt go that far... it depends on your role IMHO... I wouldnt expect a healer to solo a standard cube in 20 seconds, albeit the healer role is pretty much dead (unless your team "dies a lot").
A Tac officer should absolutely be able to take out a standard cube in < 30 seconds... (30 seconds is pushing it), look for someone to help review your build, doff/boff assinments, and skill tree spending... something is amiss.
It all comes down to the HYT they launch, handle it right the cube kills itself. The numbers are a bit arbitrary the important part is everyone needs to be able to solo a cube, know where to properly position themselves in the STF at all times, and have a proper grasp of what skills to use and when.
If I truly lacked empathy or a conscience I would not take time out of my day to help someone who had a less fortunate education than myself correct their gross misunderstanding of words in the English language.
so there is a lot of "you should be able to tank a cube in 20 (or 30) seconds" talk, but there is no sharing on HOW to do it. So. In a STF scenario what exactly are the best BOff, DOff, Console, Device, Deflector, Engine, Shield, Weapon and Power set ups that you people use in order to tank a cube in twenty to thirty seconds?
I have a fairly good set up on my defiant retrofit, but I cannot tank a cube in twenty to thirty seconds. far from it. and my ship is slow as hell for some reason or another.
Each time I run it, we usually have 1 person deal with the probes and try get one cube low on the right side of the instance, while 1 other person does the same on the left side. This leaves three people to very quickly destroy the cube and transformers/etc
Again, what I usually find, is that we do not destroy the gate but take it to 50% or so, then the 3 people move to the left and repeat. The one person on the right continues to control probes while shooting the gate.
If done correctly, the right gate should die around the same time as the left gate and you should meet the optional. Of course, this is contingent on you not dying and causing problems for your team (i.e. a two minute lockout timer).
Considering the only things that will be shooting you are the gates and the cubes, and the cubes die quickly and the gates can be out-ranged, I think it is a matter of strategy failing you.
If I truly lacked empathy or a conscience I would not take time out of my day to help someone who had a less fortunate education than myself correct their gross misunderstanding of words in the English language.
Well, I wouldnt go that far... it depends on your role IMHO... I wouldnt expect a healer to solo a standard cube in 20 seconds, albeit the healer role is pretty much dead (unless your team "dies a lot").
A Tac officer should absolutely be able to take out a standard cube in < 30 seconds... (30 seconds is pushing it), look for someone to help review your build, doff/boff assinments, and skill tree spending... something is amiss.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
It all comes down to the HYT they launch, handle it right the cube kills itself. The numbers are a bit arbitrary the important part is everyone needs to be able to solo a cube, know where to properly position themselves in the STF at all times, and have a proper grasp of what skills to use and when.
If I truly lacked empathy or a conscience I would not take time out of my day to help someone who had a less fortunate education than myself correct their gross misunderstanding of words in the English language.
I have a fairly good set up on my defiant retrofit, but I cannot tank a cube in twenty to thirty seconds. far from it. and my ship is slow as hell for some reason or another.
Things you do wrong:
-The Defiant