Sorry Pwe Community Reps, but if you didn't tell us what was coming, and don't have anything to say about the 14h website maintenance in its after math. I mean what are you doing???
- Seriously Core connect: not working (will it ever?),
- Mail: gone,
- Cpt Database: long gone,
- Zen Promo: not working, we have all been reborn i suppose,
- outside chat clients: not working,
- HTML: ???
and don't get me started on forum names, avatars and all the other things...All hail "archived"
Aren't we, the corpses of former forums users, a big part of your rep'ing duties. No comments about the changes... no reaction to the warm welcome they received.
can we have at least an eng report of other perfectly working features you intend to break before S6??
Hate to tell ya, but major fail.
What LiveTime (Lifetime?) perk was removed?
point remains no communicatoin fail still stands "boy must they value our feedback"
much of the new forums doesn't work, just realized the size ratio of quotes and posts.... *facepalm*
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
Ah, thanks. I'm not using my account (as I haven't converted), but I'm a Lifer, and would have LOVED to know what else they f***** up.
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