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Cannot Purchase Zen, Cannot Claim Free Zen

rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
As the title states, I cannot purchase ZEN. Whenever I click on the charge ZEN button I get the following:

* At least one of your characters must be level 10 or higher.

This is an obvious error as I have multiple level 50 characters. A shame too as I planned on making a purchase this evening. A little forewarning would have been nice.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • mattimeo97mattimeo97 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is their polite way of informing you that they have taken enough of your money, and that you are now invited to leave before the jig is up.
  • mrtoken_1390846233mrtoken_1390846233 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    mattimeo97 wrote: »
    This is their polite way of informing you that they have taken enough of your money, and that you are now invited to leave before the jig is up.

    By god where is a "like" button when you need it :)
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    mattimeo97 wrote: »
    This is their polite way of informing you that they have taken enough of your money, and that you are now invited to leave before the jig is up.

    I have to wonder! :smile:
    The Account Linking Promo was an even bigger joke. 2500xp? Really? I have a couple of million points to spend already, thanks for the extra 2.5k! The 'special weapon' is now sitting on the exchange for 100k ECs. If anything I guess there is a half-days worth of dilithium and a few team boosts but color me underwhelmed and dissatisfied.
  • starfleetmacostarfleetmaco Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    As the title states, I cannot purchase ZEN. Whenever I click on the charge ZEN button I get the following:

    * At least one of your characters must be level 10 or higher.

    This is an obvious error as I have multiple level 50 characters. A shame too as I planned on making a purchase this evening. A little forewarning would have been nice.

    Having the same problem. How the heck am I supposed to take advantage of the gamma doff pack deal if I keep getting this TRIBBLE error?
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Having the same problem. How the heck am I supposed to take advantage of the gamma doff pack deal if I keep getting this TRIBBLE error?

    Your PWE account has to be at least 10 days old as well as having the level 10 character, if you have both of these it's a bug and will be zapped soon I would expect
  • darthoricidarthorici Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    lets hope is is just a over site on there part.
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I have to wonder! :smile:
    The Account Linking Promo was an even bigger joke. 2500xp? Really? I have a couple of million points to spend already, thanks for the extra 2.5k! The 'special weapon' is now sitting on the exchange for 100k ECs. If anything I guess there is a half-days worth of dilithium and a few team boosts but color me underwhelmed and dissatisfied.

    Yeah like pretty much everything about STO since our PWE overlords took control it is a sad, underwhelming, useless fail of a joke...
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • metalbardmetalbard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I doubt things will get better at this point before they get worse. Just sit back and watch the fireworks.
    IV4N_R4D151CH[SIGPIC]"To watch a train wreck in motion, is an enlightening experience. Especially when it seems to be happening in slow motion."[/SIGPIC] LOCATION: Amongst the wreckage.
  • ozzyracerozzyracer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i had this what you do is sign in to the site when your game is on and signed in
  • cmdrskipcmdrskip Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Even bigger error is this, Even if you can charge zen you can't convert it to Cryptic points at this moment in time as the transfer zen system is broken.

    You can select the game you wish to transfer it to-- Great
    You can select how much zen you wish to transfer -- Great
    Can you select the server you wish to transfer to NO!! -- Epic fail!!!

    Whats the point in buying or earn Zen if the stupid system is broken and won't let you transfer it..... EPIC FAIL PWE!!!!
    Original Forum Info
    Name: Peewee28
    Join Date: Nov 2009
  • sosolidshoesosolidshoe Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Your PWE account has to be at least 10 days old as well as having the level 10 character, if you have both of these it's a bug and will be zapped soon I would expect

    Wait wait wait, so they spring this change on their customers with no prior warning, knowing full-well that many of us only had Cryptic accounts, and as a result any of us who were forced to create a PW account due to this clusterfrak are now locked out of the CStore for ten days?

    Do PW want to give us the impression that they're either incompetent or entirely oblivious? Because that's what this foolishness is doing.

    We are PWE. Your forums and game accounts will be added to our own. Your community will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  • aeolusdallasaeolusdallas Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Wait wait wait, so they spring this change on their customers with no prior warning, knowing full-well that many of us only had Cryptic accounts, and as a result any of us who were forced to create a PW account due to this clusterfrak are now locked out of the CStore for ten days?

    Do PW want to give us the impression that they're either incompetent or entirely oblivious? Because that's what this foolishness is doing.

    It's a bug stop acting like they are purposely out to get you.
  • metalbardmetalbard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It's a bug stop acting like they are purposely out to get you.
    They aren't out to get anyone, that is the truth for the most part. But they do have a rather repugnant reputation for not stopping or seemingly caring when they run someone over.
    IV4N_R4D151CH[SIGPIC]"To watch a train wreck in motion, is an enlightening experience. Especially when it seems to be happening in slow motion."[/SIGPIC] LOCATION: Amongst the wreckage.
  • darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    cmdrskip wrote: »
    Even bigger error is this, Even if you can charge zen you can't convert it to Cryptic points at this moment in time as the transfer zen system is broken.

    You can select the game you wish to transfer it to-- Great
    You can select how much zen you wish to transfer -- Great
    Can you select the server you wish to transfer to NO!! -- Epic fail!!!

    Whats the point in buying or earn Zen if the stupid system is broken and won't let you transfer it..... EPIC FAIL PWE!!!!

    same problem here
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
    Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
    Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
  • nastyhyenanastyhyena Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    metalbard wrote: »
    They aren't out to get anyone, that is the truth for the most part. But they do have a rather repugnant reputation for not stopping or seemingly caring when they run someone over.

    Being 'out to get us' would suggest that they are malicious, rather than incompetent.

    This lovely little nuke they dropped on us? Plainly incompetent.
  • metalbardmetalbard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    nastyhyena wrote: »
    Being 'out to get us' would suggest that they are malicious, rather than incompetent.

    This lovely little nuke they dropped on us? Plainly incompetent.
    Meh... They just wanted to demolish an old but useful building and replace it with a cheaper trendier looking group of condos. We were all merely occupying the demolition site when they dropped the nuke anyways.
    IV4N_R4D151CH[SIGPIC]"To watch a train wreck in motion, is an enlightening experience. Especially when it seems to be happening in slow motion."[/SIGPIC] LOCATION: Amongst the wreckage.
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hi, the dev tracker appears to be down but I'd like to suggest the following.

    Having spoken to PWEBranflakes on twitter they're aware of the issue and working on it.

    Having done my own investigation it appears to be something to do with the PWE website not 'seeing' holodeck as a server. It's not an issue with your toon, it's them.

    Sure it's a **** up, but life happens :)
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This ...
    This is the biggest FAIL of the entire change over.
    I actually would have spent money today on c points.

    But since (with 5 Lvl50 toons) I cannot purchase any of this mysterious ZEN, because I must have a character above Level 10 (WHICH I DO !!) , I will NOT be spending any more actual ... you know ... MONEY on this game.

    Hoepfully the In Game Dilithium exchange is still working, as it will now be the only way I get c-points. Everything else , I can roll with the punches. Yeah , forum looks like TRIBBLE, etc. etc. (read any of the many threads talking bout why), but all of it could be dealt with.

    It seems an oversight of the most idiotic kind to make it so that your customers CANNOT purchase the game (c store) currency from the website, and that LONG time players with many L50 toons are now restricted from aquireing c-points, because they haven't been "registered" with PWE previously and so either (do not have their toons listed) OR are not (EVEN THOUGH WE ARE) aren't showing as having been signed up for a week.

    This is nonsense.
    Yes, I will keep playing the game.
    But you have now lost the approximately $50 dollars a month, I often dropped on CPoints. Yay !! More money for Ice cream :biggrin:
  • mercuriciodidemercuriciodide Member Posts: 342
    edited June 2012
    It would be a good idea for them to offer a temporary bonus to the conversion rate for those of us who tried to purchase and couldn't because of this bug.
  • azeus22azeus22 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i wish they warn about it first, i wouldn't have done it first place, i had cryptic account but never goth around to buy cryptic credit before. till now as i about to buy some.. but they told me to change over to PERFECT WORLD??? account as i did set it up hope to get some credits end up finding out At least one of your characters must be level 10 or higher....this cr**p plus to thick it of Zen charge u litlle bit more to transfer cryptic cred from zen..cryptic from criptic credit?? or something like that and looking other players messages saying u have to wait seven or ten days to get it..is this some kinda sick joke ....be nice to lets us know whats really going on

    just going give up on it wasting my time and effort
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Clearly someone made a mistake (human error)
    I therefore advise we all relax and give it 24 hours

    if its not fixed by then we storm quarks and take hostages

    Live long and Prosper
  • captainotakucaptainotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yeah, this is incredibly frustrating. I took a break from the game for a year because I was sick of dealing with a lot of the dumb stuff that kept happening and only recently returned. I even made the mistake of buying new Cryptic Points recently to purchase new items because I was getting back into the game. Thanks for reminding me why I left in the first place, Perfect World/Cryptic, and for reminding me how mad I am at my past self for purchasing a Lifetime Sub pre-launch when it was listed as a limited time thing.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I wish I didn't have to go through PWE to buy cryptic points. Is there any way to buy points straight from Cryptic?

    I wish they had never sold their company!
  • dreamgurudreamguru Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I just transferred Zen to CPoints. Server Drop down now shows Holodeck as it should.
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