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Guramba question

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited March 2012 in Klingon Discussion
Ive been eyeing the Siege destroyer for quite a while but i have never managed to get answers from players flying one

So here goes

1.When you enter siege mode is it worth my while to add a Turn console to help the debuff in turn rate

2. The Javelin beam, i am asuming it gets the buff from Disruptor consoles, how hard does it hit

3. After using the Javelin how long before i can enter siege mode again

4. When in siege mode do my rear weapons now fire forward (looking at the transformation its not that farfetched!)

5. Any idea if when they up the level cap if this ship will be useless
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    elraviel wrote:
    Ive been eyeing the Siege destroyer for quite a while but i have never managed to get answers from players flying one

    So here goes

    1.When you enter siege mode is it worth my while to add a Turn console to help the debuff in turn rate

    2. The Javelin beam, i am asuming it gets the buff from Disruptor consoles, how hard does it hit

    3. After using the Javelin how long before i can enter siege mode again

    4. When in siege mode do my rear weapons now fire forward (looking at the transformation its not that farfetched!)

    5. Any idea if when they up the level cap if this ship will be useless

    1, no boosting low turning ships with rcs consoles dont work, USE omega or aux2damp
    2. my engineer with omega 10k~30k
    3. 1minute, I think.
    4. No, well turrets do but you Can't swap forward facing weapons, intresing idea tho.
    5. Well, before you spend your c-store points go and try the fleet escort on fed side its basicly a carbon copy from that with siege mode javelin, and javelin is ~~ Beam Overload2.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1.When you enter siege mode is it worth my while to add a Turn console to help the debuff in turn rate

    Nah, not really worth using your ENG console slots for that. Use BOFF powers, or play around it. I use the Siege Mode to start off an engagement, so that as I approach (the one time in a fight where I don't need to turn much at all) I am powering up the big gun. Then fire the big gun and then go back to being essentially a raptor/escort. Others use BOFF powers to let them turn better and utilize siege mode moreso than I do.

    2. The Javelin beam, i am asuming it gets the buff from Disruptor consoles, how hard does it hit

    It hits as hard as the Galaxy X phaser lance. If you hit unprotected hull and get a crit, you get a BIG number that you can ooh and aah at and that's cool. If you hit shields and don't crit, it's pretty meh.

    3. After using the Javelin how long before i can enter siege mode again

    Ack. I need to pay more attention. Heh.

    4. When in siege mode do my rear weapons now fire forward (looking at the transformation its not that farfetched!)

    Creative thinking, but no, your weapon loadout still works the way it does normally.

    5. Any idea if when they up the level cap if this ship will be useless

    If they up the level cap, no. If they up the level cap AND add in a whole new tier of ships then flying this ship in that time will be like flying a T4 ship in today's environment. (In other words, it will be weaker and most people will move on to the new tier of ships).

    That's still unlikely for now though. Cryptic's own commentary on a mythical T6 of ships is so contradictory and convoluted. You can even find an Ask Cryptic where they themselves admit that they need more discussion on the topic because they don't have a clear plan on what to do with the idea.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Pretty much what evebody else has said. Save Javelin for cruisers as escorts, you tend to miss. Cruisers stuck in a tractor beam or Theta cloud, I've had near 40,000 critcal hits with defences down. Run Engines at 70 an weapons at 100 gives me a decent balance for dps and speed.

    Is it worth the money to fork out ?. I think so, As a Tactical Captain, have done well in CNH, Have only flown 10 matches in Arenas, but the Grumba performs decently. Think it has more potential pending on pilot experience, since been only flying this ship for 2 weeks .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    my javalin has crit a cube for 130k fully buffed out as a Tac, as for rear weapons just use turrets.:)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Since there's a group of Javelin experts here what Damage type is the Javelin?

    Disruptor I'm assuming?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    You need Disrupter consoles and disrupter weapons, 40K critical hit I was talking about is in PVP, in PVE probably possible to get higher critical hits
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