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Lifetime Subscription Sale



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Juy wrote: »
    hi there,

    its all nice and good with those lifetime subscriptions, but didn't Cryptic consider putting STO free to play at some point?

    Whats the reasoning to offer Lifetime subscriptions now? Did i miss something?

    Imagine what happens if they turn STO into free to play for real in 2-3 months? Man.

    Cryptic has not come out to say they are considering STO for F2P, evaluate CO, yes, but has not said considered. dStahl has even said that F2P isn't even in the plans. As was said, though, LT members would have permanent "Gold" status, and 400 cryptic points a month, which are the benefits of CO's LTM's.

    For those who already purchased LT at the full price, all it amounts to is about 4 months more to have the game pay for itself at $15 a month.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Brolarter wrote: »
    wow... can't even believe this.. people wanting to buy life subs for some eye candy perks..
    After everything cryptic and atari did to the pre launch life sub members.

    What exactly did Cryptic do to pre-order LTS customers? I was one, and I don't remember them doing anything to me. I made a decision based on several factors. Yes, the game was sub-par at launch. When I canceled my LTS I thought there was no way the game would ever be worth $14.99 a month or have enough content for 16 months of play time.

    The game looks like it is headed in the right direction now. Cryptic did what any good company does when they launch a crappy product and shook up the team leadership.

    The game still needs work in many of the areas you indicated, and I think it will get it.

    From a convenience perspective, I kind of miss knowing I have the LTS.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The US bias in this game astonishes me. Couldn't they have put the discounted price in £ (UK Pounds) and Euro's?

    Not all of us who play this game live in America and some of us who don't live in America would still consider buying a life time subscription.

    Now if the cost in pounds is accurate to the exchange rate then that's £150, which is roughly ($240) which I'll likely pay.

    If it is 20% off the existing price, which is currently £200, then the discounted UK price is £180. While a dscount is a discount I'm not playing that. Saving only £20 just doesn't seem worth it.

    I would really appreciate it if a Mod or Dev or someone offical could confirm.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You guys are killing me...

    LTS sale while i still have 6 subbed months on my account?

    what to do ...what to do...

    gnaaah... can you at least convert the subbed time left on my acc into C-Points?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Dondaddyd wrote: »
    The US bias in this game astonishes me. Couldn't they have put the discounted price in £ (UK Pounds) and Euro's?

    Not all of us who play this game live in America and some of us who don't live in America would still consider buying a life time subscription.

    Now if the cost in pounds is accurate to the exchange rate then that's £150, which is roughly ($240) which I'll likely pay.

    If it is 20% off the existing price, which is currently £200, then the discounted UK price is £180. While a dscount is a discount I'm not playing that. Saving only £20 just doesn't seem worth it.

    I would really appreciate it if a Mod or Dev or someone offical could confirm.

    20% of 200 is 40. So you're saving 40 quid not 20.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, I already purchased a LT sub....I had to either do another preset monthly sub or something back around Christmas...I suppose I should have figured it would go on sale after I purchased it...lol...ANyway, so far I cannot complain about it too much...I just wish that I had gotten a character slot with my purchase...as the LT sub perks are interesting but I feel it could be more for the price we are paying....it's just a thought, not a criticism...

    Any thoughts from a dev on what new LT rewards they are thinking of throwing out there since people will be getting Captain's table in a couple of months?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I didn't realise at first the discount was the same as the preorder LTS. I agree that this is the best outcome so that way preorder lifers don't feel they've lost out paying for an unreleased game and have 1 year already paid for but those choosing to LTS now have the option to get a discount. Those that have purchased during the higher price will be the biggest losers with the abdolute biggest losers being those that just got LTS. Unfortunately for those that have just got LTS and missed out on the discount, I'm not sure what Cryptic can do about it. If they did backtrack and refund those people the difference, how far would they go back? a day? a week? No matter how far they go back you'll probably find someone who's just missed out.

    I would say thought if I didn't have LTS I'd have waitied until nearly the last moment for any deals especially with STO's first anniversary coming up even as late was 2nd Feb. Cryptic have in the past done discounts including a preLTS so if there was any time for them to do a discounted LTS, anniversaries would be the time to do it. They've given us advanced warning which is nice but there is a limit to how advanced it can be or have an advanced notice of an advanced notice:confused:. I think it will be down to Cryptic's good will if they did refund anyone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, I already purchased a LT sub....I had to either do another preset monthly sub or something back around Christmas...I suppose I should have figured it would go on sale after I purchased it...lol...ANyway, so far I cannot complain about it too much...I just wish that I had gotten a character slot with my purchase...as the LT sub perks are interesting but I feel it could be more for the price we are paying....it's just a thought, not a criticism...

    Any thoughts from a dev on what new LT rewards they are thinking of throwing out there since people will be getting Captain's table in a couple of months?

    I was goning to ask about future LTS perks :p. I don't mind if they do or not (of course it would be nice fto have more fluff they did mention ongonig LTS perks) but I'd rather have more stuff that benefits everyone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Powerhelm wrote: »
    Sadly, Stormshade attempting to defend CO on their forum did the exact opposite if you compare his list of things COs team has done in 16 months vs what STOs team did in less than 12...It is something like half or fewer the accomplishments when compared to STOs similar list...

    I saw that too and was horrified at that response! Cryptic seems very flavor of the month in terms of development. If Neverwinter takes off, we should really be concerned. And what was that paid Expansion drama?
    Dondaddyd wrote: »
    The US bias in this game astonishes me.

    You know they're an American company, right? If not, sit down and brace yourself, I've got something to tell you... :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wow..20% off the LTS....if you can and don't take advantage of this great offer your going to regret it later on down the line.

    I am coming up to the 1st year of my LTS and its paying dividends, the game is improving in leaps and bounds, and the next 12 months are looking fantastic........so my faith in the game is now paying off.

    Go STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I agree but it still is a bit to expensive. Had they made it $199.00..... THen maybe I could afford it but I mean 60.00 less? Thats not that much. I'd rather see it as 199 or 139 would be nice

    I don't know where you are from, but 60 bucks off is quite a lot. You are paying roughly 1yr 3months worth of playtime up front for never having to pay a subscription price (instead of 20 months or so). So you're getting the same thing for 4 months less worth of paid subscription time.

    If you quit the game in a few months, yes Cryptic will make a profit off you, but if you stay in till the end run of the game...there is a good chance Cryptic will have lost a lot of potential subscription revenue on you if they had not had a lifer sub.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I feel like i have been riped off in some way now i am canadian i paid 308.99 CAD six months ago and now the canadian dollar is on par with the amercian dollar right now the same amount is worth candain is worth 309.841 usd and now six month later the Life membership is 239.99 USD = 239.380 CAD is 69 dollars cheaper. why should have to pay more because cryptic want to sell more lifetimes members to for free to play game and why is it free to because of DC online may be? yet i still support the game by buying cryptic piont for respecs because i was already an RA when they come up with the respec tokens in game stacked , but if you already an RA when this happened sorry you do not get want every one else get for leveling up!!!!!! Cryptic do the right thing for those whom bought a life time sub in the past 6 months rebate us the $69 dollar in cryptic pionts atleast.
    One ****ed off bear

    It's the 1 year anniversary for STO...and CO is having a pretty major gameplay shake up. It's common for games to have a Lifetime Sub Sale in these cases (See Turbine games)

    If you bought a lifetime sub during preorder, you paid the same price as people during the sale...but guess what, you got an extra year's worth of time out of it. If you didn't buy it during the sale, you can't complain. You can't walk into a store and say "I bought this a month ago, but it's on sale now, can you give me money back?" Why should Cryptic be held to a different standard?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Yeah skint student here :P So not a chance lol make it like £75 and ill snap it up in a sec :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Sigh. I know there won't be any money back but how about some c-points for people who have just bought the lifetime sub...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Wow..20% off the LTS....if you can and don't take advantage of this great offer your going to regret it later on down the line.

    I am coming up to the 1st year of my LTS and its paying dividends, the game is improving in leaps and bounds, and the next 12 months are looking fantastic........so my faith in the game is now paying off.

    Go STO.
    Got enough to buy a LT for both games. *files nails* I think I'll stick to monthly.
    No regrets. *buffs nails on shirt* Shiny.

    If I want an actual discount I'll shop at a store that doesn't have VAT.
    With the discount the price on the website actually matches. You know... 20% discount on a price with a 20% VAT. Is that irony? Ah never mind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Well, this is great news! I'll pick up the LT when it comes on sale the 25th.

    I'll have an LT to DCUO and now STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    If Champion's Online will be Free for All, why would anyone pay for a lifetime subscription? What advantage would one have over the players who play for free?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Too bad their still isn't enough content to make it worth while. Maybe if it was 59.99 or so, but 239.99 is a joke for the sorry state of this game.

    Not enough content YET. Keep reading the news, after Season 5 this game will hopefully be serious competition to the other WELL ESTABLISHED MMO's out there.

    The game is nearly 1 year old. How many other games had the content and support that STO has at such an early stage? For not even one year old, I think they are doing a great job. Don't forget that Atari wanted the game out as soon as possible, Cryptic still had plenty of work to do before release.

    The lifetime is pretty cheap to be honest. If I can afford, I will take up the offer knowing that the game continues to improve and I don't have anything to pay per month. I can take a break when I want and return when I want.

    To be honest, I don't know why they keep asking people to go lifetime. If most did, I can't see how they could make money (Apart from the few things in the c-store).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Mawby wrote: »
    If Champion's Online will be Free for All, why would anyone pay for a lifetime subscription? What advantage would one have over the players who play for free?

    or i dont get it...
    please explain to me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Mawby wrote: »
    If Champion's Online will be Free for All, why would anyone pay for a lifetime subscription? What advantage would one have over the players who play for free?
    Quebec wrote: »
    or i dont get it...
    please explain to me.

    from what i understand - lifers for CO get a monthly Cstore allowance as well as full access to content.

    whereas FTP players get no Cstore allowance and limited access...

    this is from what i have read, and not a direct quote from anyone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    from what i understand - lifers for CO get a monthly Cstore allowance as well as full access to content.

    whereas FTP players get no Cstore allowance and limited access...

    this is from what i have read, and not a direct quote from anyone.

    thank you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i think i'm gonna buy it when the discount comes in, only 2 things bother me;

    F2P, i know there are no plans and lifers would get better stuff than free'ers but still it bothers me

    and if there are more lifers dosent that mean the life of the game is shorter, because once you have it for 2 years cryptic is kind of loosing money on the deal, so in 3 years i can see every thing as c-store. (i.e. you want a borg tactical cube, no problem just give us the money)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I got a pay rise today linked with doing an overall good job and an extra personal contribution to my team:)). Shame that actually I'd have got more if I had been promoted in October but didn't because of such an insignificant point they couldn't really defend themselves when I questioned their reasoning but the decision stood and now have to wait until May to try again. Still I'm lucky for getting the increase when a lot of people haven't or worse and lucky I could afford the preorder LTS.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Mawby wrote: »
    If Champion's Online will be Free for All, why would anyone pay for a lifetime subscription? What advantage would one have over the players who play for free?
    Quebec wrote: »
    or i dont get it...
    please explain to me.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Bohort wrote: »
    i think i'm gonna buy it when the discount comes in, only 2 things bother me;

    F2P, i know there are no plans and lifers would get better stuff than free'ers but still it bothers me

    and if there are more lifers dosent that mean the life of the game is shorter, because once you have it for 2 years cryptic is kind of loosing money on the deal, so in 3 years i can see every thing as c-store. (i.e. you want a borg tactical cube, no problem just give us the money)

    Think of it this way. If STO went F2P, things like feature episodes, and 90% of seasonal content wouldn't be available to the non-subscribers. New factions wouldn't be playable by F2P players, no veteran reward perks, etc. You'd essentially have the open beta for the F2P playerbase and that's all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    JCSWW wrote: »
    Think of it this way. If STO went F2P, things like feature episodes, and 90% of seasonal content wouldn't be available to the non-subscribers. New factions wouldn't be playable by F2P players, no veteran reward perks, etc. You'd essentially have the open beta for the F2P playerbase and that's all.

    You couldnt be more wrong if you tried. If you actually look at how Champs system works, MOST of the content is available to free players. However, key elements which people may want are not. In addition, monthly subscribers get a free amount of Cryptic points every month to spend in the store.

    Though we cant say exactly how it would work with STO, it would likely be very similar to Champs. Free players would get access to most content, but probably wouldnt have as many uniform and ship options, and probably wouldnt be able to create missions in the Foundry.

    Either way you cut it, your statement I highlighted above is most definitely wrong.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Rekhan wrote:
    To celebrate the launch of Champions Online: Free for All and the one year anniversary of Star Trek Online, we’ll be discounting the price of Lifetime Subscriptions for both games by 20%! The sale starts January 25 at 6 a.m. Pacific and ends February 4 at 10 a.m. Pacific. This means players will be able to purchase a Lifetime Subscription to Champions Online: Free for All or Star Trek Online for just $239.99!

    Link to the news article.

    I bought a lifetime subscription a few weeks ago at the full price, can I might see some sort of c store
    credit? Pretty please? :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ah great, I just bought an LTS for my gurlfriend a week ago and now they announce a 20% drup of price for 25th ... thanks. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ah great, I just bought an LTS for my gurlfriend a week ago and now they announce a 20% drup of price for 25th ... thanks. :p

    No kidding! I would have waited a few weeks to get it at the sale price! :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Ah great, I just bought an LTS for my gurlfriend a week ago and now they announce a 20% drup of price for 25th ... thanks. :p

    Talk with Cryptic they should do somthing for you, I know in the past when I had somthing come up like this I talk with them and they took care of me...

    Give it a try you have nothing to lose...:D
This discussion has been closed.