From what I've seen, 'costumes' not only define the look of an object or character, but define its abilities also.
So, if for example, I set the costumes of a group of Starfleet Ensign only actors to two human male Sci, Two Female Trill Tac and one Female Vulcan Eng, then whenever that group is spawned, they will always be the same rank, race, gender and class, and have the abilities of those classes as well, correct?
From what I've seen, 'costumes' not only define the look of an object or character, but define its abilities also.
So, if for example, I set the costumes of a group of Starfleet Ensign only actors to two human male Sci, Two Female Trill Tac and one Female Vulcan Eng, then whenever that group is spawned, they will always be the same rank, race, gender and class, and have the abilities of those classes as well, correct?
As I understand it, the costumed NPCs will only let you interact with them. They may have the best abilities ever, but they won't be able to move or do anything but talk to you.
From what I've seen, 'costumes' not only define the look of an object or character, but define its abilities also... and have the abilities of those classes as well, correct?
I don't know about this-- there's another thread in this section where someone says that the classes are random each time that group spawns.
I know I have a costume on one of my NPC groups in my mission and although he always looks the same, sometimes he does tactical fighting, and other times he'll use science abilities or do turrets.
As I understand it, the costumed NPCs will only let you interact with them. They may have the best abilities ever, but they won't be able to move or do anything but talk to you.
I don't know about this-- there's another thread in this section where someone says that the classes are random each time that group spawns.
I know I have a costume on one of my NPC groups in my mission and although he always looks the same, sometimes he does tactical fighting, and other times he'll use science abilities or do turrets.