When "The Lifers" got their emails saying that we will have exclusive access to the Captains Table, we thought, great a place where we can go that is unique to people who paid the money to become Lifetime Members.
Now I see that all we had to do is wait 400 days and we get access anyway. I think it should stay unique to "LIfers".
Whats the point of giving lifetime members something to make them feel worth playing, then give it to others later on, sorry, but it dont make sense.
You have paid for 'exclusive' access to the Captain's Table for 400 days, in all honesty what has the Captain's Table achieved for you in the time you have had it?
Also it's Crypitc's property, so they can make changes to it's access when they feel the need for it.
You have paid for 'exclusive' access to the Captain's Table for 400 days, in all honesty what has the Captain's Table achieved for you in the time you have had it?
Also it's Crypitc's property, so they can make changes to it's access when they feel the need for it.
No Sorry, The email quite clearly states "STO LIFETIME PERKS
In-Game VIP Lounge
Spend time in an exclusive area inside the game. This social area is limited to Lifetime Subcribers only."
There is nothing about it is time based or until they allow others in. Its our lounge!!!! :mad:
OMG! Not this **** again. Please drop the damn Captain's Table subject already. If you must continue beating the dead horse, I will give you the stick to poke at it. Thank you. You're loving madman,
When "The Lifers" got their emails saying that we will have exclusive access to the Captains Table, we thought, great a place where we can go that is unique to people who paid the money to become Lifetime Members.
Now I see that all we had to do is wait 400 days and we get access anyway. I think it should stay unique to "LIfers".
Whats the point of giving lifetime members something to make them feel worth playing, then give it to others later on, sorry, but it dont make sense.
Since Cryptic has no time to program some actual new vet rewards they just take it elsewhere. But maybe soon you just need to refer 100 new lifetimers and you get exclusive access to the new upcoming admirals table! :rolleyes:
In 300+ days i don't think any CO will care about the table and FYI They never said it will be exclusive to you guys forever. Don't worry your have the table to yourselves for the next 300+ days before we unpures come along and desecrate it :rolleyes:
In 300+ days i don't think any CO will care about the table and FYI They never said it will be exclusive to you guys forever. Don't worry your have the table to yourselves for the next 300+ days before we unpures come along and desecrate it :rolleyes:
just make sure you wipe your feet before entering. Pick your rubbish up. No Swearing. And no smearing the windows with your stinky breath.
Those of us who bought the deluxe version for the sto uniform didn't get any "compensation" when it got released to others, and this pretty much the same thing, "exclusive content" being made more "mainstream" to help maintain interest in lieu of additional content.
Really though is the Captains table all that impressive? Much like the sto uniforms, it was fun to be one of the few with it for a while, but now why not let others enjoy it too?
The Lifetime was never sold with the Captain's Table as part of the package. It was an unadvertised extra created as a way to thank players for making a long term commitment to the game.
If someone subscribes for 400 days, I not only will welcome them to the Captain's Table, I'll buy them a drink as well. People who stick around for the long haul should stick together.
Yeah, you can keep it... i want a real reward for sticking arround for 400 days!
Captains Yacht sounds nice but i guess it will be just a diffrent Skin for the Runabout.
Oh bohoo, Captains table is nothing to whine about.
If anything its a good thing, and even better if some further functionality would be added to it so it doesn ot remain a ghost town.
When "The Lifers" got their emails saying that we will have exclusive access to the Captains Table, we thought, great a place where we can go that is unique to people who paid the money to become Lifetime Members.
Now I see that all we had to do is wait 400 days and we get access anyway. I think it should stay unique to "LIfers".
Whats the point of giving lifetime members something to make them feel worth playing, then give it to others later on, sorry, but it dont make sense.
spending 400 days with an mmo is as much "lifetime" as modern mmos are going to get outa people.
I'm a lifer and I have to say for me I don't really have an issue (single proviso to follow) with them opening the door to others after 400 days for the Captains table, because lets face it, its a cool place, but there isnt anything there that isnt anywhere else..it was simply meant as a social place for lifers and the place is almost always EMPTY.. so what difference does it make if others get to visit.
The only gripe I have over them making it open to others for 400 days, is that it does however mean that we we lifers also reach 400 daysvet reward, we will get effectively one less benefit for vet time than non lifers, whic seems a little unfair.
As such can I suggest that Cryptic give lifers at 400 days a Transwarp to the Captaisn table ability (30 mins cooldown) that non lifers dont get, so that at least then WE get something for 400 days too for others getting access. this would also remain within context of the theme of what is being added for non lifers (i.e captaisn tabel related).
The only gripe I have over them making it open to others for 400 days, is that it does however mean that we we lifers also reach 400 daysvet reward, we will get effectively one less benefit for vet time than non lifers, whic seems a little unfair.
This is the point in question. We will lose an option once we get to 400 days.
The only gripe I have over them making it open to others for 400 days, is that it does however mean that we we lifers also reach 400 daysvet reward, we will get effectively one less benefit for vet time than non lifers, whic seems a little unfair.
A glass is half full way of looking at it is ... it gives Cryptic 400 days to come up with a new Lifer reward.
As such can I suggest that Cryptic give lifers at 400 days a Transwarp to the Captaisn table ability (30 mins cooldown) that non lifers dont get, so that at least then WE get something for 400 days too for others getting access. this would also remain within context of the theme of what is being added for non lifers (i.e captaisn tabel related).
Heh. I like that idea. It's fun. But ultimately doesn't impact gameplay in any meaningful way.
Best part is ... I bet if they do that suggestion ... you'd see at least a half dozen posts complaining about it. Even though ... all it does is cut one zone time away from using the regular T-Warp.
I'm a lifer and I have to say for me I don't really have an issue (single proviso to follow) with them opening the door to others after 400 days for the Captains table, because lets face it, its a cool place, but there isnt anything there that isnt anywhere else..it was simply meant as a social place for lifers and the place is almost always EMPTY.. so what difference does it make if others get to visit.
The only gripe I have over them making it open to others for 400 days, is that it does however mean that we we lifers also reach 400 daysvet reward, we will get effectively one less benefit for vet time than non lifers, whic seems a little unfair.
As such can I suggest that Cryptic give lifers at 400 days a Transwarp to the Captaisn table ability (30 mins cooldown) that non lifers dont get, so that at least then WE get something for 400 days too for others getting access. this would also remain within context of the theme of what is being added for non lifers (i.e captaisn tabel related).
maybe it's my imagination but i thought i read about lifers getting another badge to stick on there bridge wall...
A lifetime subscription for a game that could potentially last years that will, effectively, cost Cryptic money to keep after a year and a half or thereabout. I'm not trying to diminish the initial cost and were I in a better state financially I might have got it myself but at launch there was no Captain's Table, it was added afterwards as a perk. Great but you have to admit that it isn't all that great. By the time 'vets' get access they will have paid roughly the same amount as you did, albeit over a longer time period.
What some people don't seem to understand is that the Captain's Table was given as a FREE GIFT after the LTS was offered. Nobody asked for it and now that it's being offered to people who pay for 400+ days of subscription time, people are demanding it be EXCLUSIVE! Tell me, what gives us the right to deny a segment of the STO population from entering a zone of space that is (as has been mentioned) a ghost town for the most part? I say let them in if they're willing to endure that length of time in a game that currently has less than a month's worth of content.
In conclusion, those who are continuing to beat this dead horse STOP! I'm starting to get tired of seeing threads like this start up.
I still believe it sucks just a little to give others the Captain's Table after being offered as a Lifetimer perk so early(it should be at least around the 2 years of subs mark), but I will gladly accept 1200 Cryptic Points on the 400 day anniversary if you have a lifetime membership when that mark rolls around as a extremely delayed rebate offer.
Also it's Crypitc's property, so they can make changes to it's access when they feel the need for it.
No Sorry, The email quite clearly states "STO LIFETIME PERKS
In-Game VIP Lounge
Spend time in an exclusive area inside the game. This social area is limited to Lifetime Subcribers only."
There is nothing about it is time based or until they allow others in. Its our lounge!!!! :mad:
The Great Jack Armstrong
Since Cryptic has no time to program some actual new vet rewards they just take it elsewhere. But maybe soon you just need to refer 100 new lifetimers and you get exclusive access to the new upcoming admirals table! :rolleyes:
just make sure you wipe your feet before entering. Pick your rubbish up. No Swearing. And no smearing the windows with your stinky breath.
Really though is the Captains table all that impressive? Much like the sto uniforms, it was fun to be one of the few with it for a while, but now why not let others enjoy it too?
If someone subscribes for 400 days, I not only will welcome them to the Captain's Table, I'll buy them a drink as well. People who stick around for the long haul should stick together.
Captains Yacht sounds nice but i guess it will be just a diffrent Skin for the Runabout.
If anything its a good thing, and even better if some further functionality would be added to it so it doesn ot remain a ghost town.
spending 400 days with an mmo is as much "lifetime" as modern mmos are going to get outa people.
The only gripe I have over them making it open to others for 400 days, is that it does however mean that we we lifers also reach 400 daysvet reward, we will get effectively one less benefit for vet time than non lifers, whic seems a little unfair.
As such can I suggest that Cryptic give lifers at 400 days a Transwarp to the Captaisn table ability (30 mins cooldown) that non lifers dont get, so that at least then WE get something for 400 days too for others getting access. this would also remain within context of the theme of what is being added for non lifers (i.e captaisn tabel related).
This is the point in question. We will lose an option once we get to 400 days.
A glass is half full way of looking at it is ... it gives Cryptic 400 days to come up with a new Lifer reward.
Heh. I like that idea. It's fun. But ultimately doesn't impact gameplay in any meaningful way.
Best part is ... I bet if they do that suggestion ... you'd see at least a half dozen posts complaining about it. Even though ... all it does is cut one zone time away from using the regular T-Warp.
Clever. Very clever. I like it.
maybe it's my imagination but i thought i read about lifers getting another badge to stick on there bridge wall...
That is just you... We do get a badge for our uniform... But it is quite ugly, and you rarely see anyone wearing it.
just like the mirror uniforms :O except their not ugly
In conclusion, those who are continuing to beat this dead horse STOP! I'm starting to get tired of seeing threads like this start up.