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Honorable or Dishonorable

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Klingon Discussion
Do you view waiting in cloak, watching a Federation player conduct PvE, and attacking him when his shields are down, dishonorable or honorable?

If you do view it dishonorable, why?

And if you disapprove of such an action, and saw a Klingon player doing it, would you black list him?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think you will be disappointed at the replies you get.

    when you enter an iPVP zone (like Kerrat, aka Borg Hunt) you consent to the possibility of being killed at an inopportune time, and you are also granted the opportunity to do the same thing to the enemy. it adds an interesting new dynamic to what would otherwise be the same old boring PVE experience.

    if this is not the experience you want, don't enter the zone. and don't reply that you are forced to enter the zone to do your dailies -- Federation players are given a PVE-only option for dailies for this very reason. if you don't want to participate in PVP, limit yourself to the PVE dailies. if you want the rewards from PVP dailies, be prepared to engage in PVP.

    and be glad you're on the federation side. klingons don't get an option for PVE dailies -- it's PVP or nothing (5 marks per day maximum). at least you get the option to earn up to 10 marks per day if you want to do both.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I fully expect Klingons to do just that during Borg Hunt. In fact it's rather boring when they don't.

    Is it a smart strategy for them? Yes. Is it "honorable" to sit around in cloak and wait for a Fed to be alone, occupied, shield drained by the Borg, and then attack? You decide.

    That said, I gotta LOL at all the smack talk by the Klingons doing this. And then they whine when the Feds team up against them, as if they are themselves not using the Borg as de facto teammates.

    Either way, it's fun. Blowing the TRIBBLE out of a smack-talking Klink: Priceless. :)

    Good times!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Some of the most fun I have had in this game is hunting down these injured Fed ships. Basically all the mass QQ in Local makes it entertaining enough. Agree with above poster ... you are in a PVP zone deal with it. In a battle ground are you going to scroll through targets until you find one that has full health? Find an opportune time to strike your opponent when he is at his weakest - The living captain is the smart one - the dead captain questions the honor in it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It is annoying but the annoyance is worth the huge laugh you get when you own a Klingon thats in incapable of killing you even with the help of a cube. rofl
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Nope, it is not honorable but I see feds ganking klings when the borg hunt resets ALL THE TIME so don't really care if its honorable or not. Is 10 feds v 1 kling honorable? I usually have to run for it after the map respawns or get ganked. Those who can't battle cloak get jacked up and the feds usually move on. I usually kill feds stupid enough to try and spawn camp. Then I go and kill feds trying to do the objective. When they learn they have to travel in a group to survive; I usually head to their spawn point and kill them as they respawn; running when I get overwhelmed.

    I like finding a group of feds doing the objective and sit about 20k out and uncloak and just sit there; hoping that there is one fed dumb enough to come after me. Most of the time the fed gets a free ticket back to their spawn point. If I'm with my fleet we usually kill feds at respawn then head to their respawn and camp them. Funny how many feds it takes to kill 3 klings.

    Feds want klings to be honorable but they themselves dont act in an honorable way. I see it this way; 1 fed by himself might have honor but when more feds come; it goes out the window and a hive mentality kicks in.
    If one starts shooting they all start shooting. I let some feds live if i uncloak behind them and they dont shoot but this usually backfires as if another fed comes they'll engage.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I picked the BoP and plan to stay with it through all 5 tiers. That said, there arent a whole lot of options for a BoP pilot other than cloak/hit/run. For the most part, BoP drivers going in toe to toe with no surprise and uncloaked are at a disadvantage. My BoP doesnt hit particularly hard, so I need the element of surprise. The cloak more than makes up for less hull/less consoles/etc. I do Borg Hunt like a ****...like constantly. It's my thing and I like gankin feds (of which Ive leveled 2 to RA5). I hate straight up PVP, but like the Borg Hunt dynamic. Nothing makes me happier than getting private messages from the guys you've killed, calling you a dirty *****. I really am a mediocre pvper, but the BoP makes it fun..if for nothing else than to bask in the nerd rage when you uncloak and gank them when they're trying to scan or cap a node.

    That said, I'd like to see random borg/NPCs in Hostile engagements capture/holds. Would add a new element to it. Once other races are introduced (my vote=Romulan), 3 way capture holds would be great!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Let me ask you. If this were real life and not a video game, what would you do?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    What you are describing is called an "ambush" and it can be found in a manual titled "tactics." These are terms used in war. I would suggest you develop a "strategy" for dealing with the enemies "tactics" if they are being successfully employed against you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't bring up reality - in reality I could fire my weapon in any direction, at any time, to flush out hidden enemies.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ztak wrote:
    Let me ask you. If this were real life and not a video game, what would you do?
    after coming home from work, I'd probably watch some entertainment holos while eating something yummy from the replicator. maybe afterwards play some holo-games where you get to play as a soldier blasting enemy scum, or maybe a starship captain, dunno. why do you ask?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It sure as hell matters. If its either ambush and kill, or reveal and be killed, I'm going to chose the former, and I'm also going to act the same in either real life or a game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sarty wrote:
    Nope, it is not honorable but I see feds ganking klings when the borg hunt resets ALL THE TIME so don't really care if its honorable or not. Is 10 feds v 1 kling honorable? I usually have to run for it after the map respawns or get ganked. Those who can't battle cloak get jacked up and the feds usually move on. I usually kill feds stupid enough to try and spawn camp. Then I go and kill feds trying to do the objective. When they learn they have to travel in a group to survive; I usually head to their spawn point and kill them as they respawn; running when I get overwhelmed.

    I like finding a group of feds doing the objective and sit about 20k out and uncloak and just sit there; hoping that there is one fed dumb enough to come after me. Most of the time the fed gets a free ticket back to their spawn point. If I'm with my fleet we usually kill feds at respawn then head to their respawn and camp them. Funny how many feds it takes to kill 3 klings.

    Feds want klings to be honorable but they themselves dont act in an honorable way. I see it this way; 1 fed by himself might have honor but when more feds come; it goes out the window and a hive mentality kicks in.
    If one starts shooting they all start shooting. I let some feds live if i uncloak behind them and they dont shoot but this usually backfires as if another fed comes they'll engage.

    I have seen mercey from klingons just like this. I think all game is fair. It is not very much fun to gang up on 1 ship but sometimes the herd or hive mentality overwhelms us all. Loved the quote about a smart captain is alive and a dumb one complains about the honor in something.

    I do wonder about the bad additude displayed by some Klingons. Personally I think most of the smack talk I see is clever and it reallly fuels my fire to join another pvp to try to do better. Moreover, I would expect a Klingon to gloat a bit after kicking tail. That being said, I have seen teamates leave battles because of hateful smack talk, so many in fact that by the end of the game the Klingons outnumber federation 8 to 2 and by that point nobody is really having fun.

    I guess that would make the quitters bad losers. I have fun playing this game, learn alot from losing and don't blame anybody for killing me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't bring up reality - in reality I could fire my weapon in any direction, at any time, to flush out hidden enemies.

    Curious how long your ammo supply would last. :rolleyes:

    As to the Original question.. the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    Is it honorable?

    Is a Submarine underwater, 'sneaking up' to a target, only to fire torpedos not being honorable for not fighting on the surface so the Battleship can fight back?

    Is the sniper hiding in the bush at 2,000 meters with a Barrett M-82 'light fifty' honorable when he takes out targets of oportunity?

    Were the Americans not honorable for not standing shoulder to shoulder in a line, and fighting in open fields during the Revolutionary war?

    Were the Japanese honorable at Pearl Harbour for taking out the Battleships at dock, rather than fighting on the high seas?

    Were the British honorable when they 'Ganked' the Bismarck?

    Was Kirk honorable when he fired the 'super special gas homing' torpedo in ST: Undiscovered country against Gen Chang?

    Were the Duras sisters honorable when they 'ganked' the Enterprise-D at Veridian 3 in ST: Generations?

    The bird of Prey is very similar to PT boats and submarines of World War 2. Hit and run, suprise attack, and target of oporunity are all very valid warfare strategy in this craft.

    Your silly to expect your opponent to fight to your strengths and yet not use theirs. Warfare adapts to advancements in tactics and equipment. If you bring a Battleship to a Carrier fight, or no ASW to a sub hunt it's hard to cry 'no fair fight like a man'
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Funnily enough was playing borg hunt yesterday,and the klink that was on our map was doing just fine....so what if he took advantage of a bad situation,thats what war is about.

    I ended up doing the hunt for Red October after my third explosion and it was good fun trying to find him and do some damage when he obliged by dropping his cloak....then cloaking again.We struck up a conversation and had a good old time,no problems here at all.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Read my post again - nowhere did I say I expected different. The Klinks in Borg Hunt make it fun and unpredictable.

    Back to reality, we would have some nice counter-measures. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Science officer skill - sensor scan
    Science officer skill- charged particle burst
    Science officer skill - Jam sensors ( can't shoot you even if he did just uncloak )
    Science officer skill- jam targeting sensors

    In reality it's not the Klingon's fault you failed to utalize any one of many counter-measures available in a PvP zone.

    Tell me what's the effective counter to feed-back pulse? Photonic fleet?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ztak wrote:
    Let me ask you. If this were real life and not a video game, what would you do?

    Whatever I could do to kill the enemy and live to fight another day.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    As a klingon I don't particular like ganking fed players zoning into arenas. That was reenforced when I made a fed character and entered my first arena. I got killed in 5 seconds twice in a row, 5-1 each time. I promptly left. As a fed I don't need to PvP, so all those klingons were hurting were themselves. Were those klingon actions honorable? Sure. Why not. However, they were stupid and short-sided given their need to PvP to level.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Tonenili wrote:
    Science officer skill - sensor scan
    Science officer skill- charged particle burst
    Science officer skill - Jam sensors ( can't shoot you even if he did just uncloak )
    Science officer skill- jam targeting sensors

    In reality it's not the Klingon's fault you failed to utalize any one of many counter-measures available in a PvP zone.
    OK let me explicitly explain everything: that was in response to the guy talking about "what would you do in real life?".

    In real life, firstly if one side had cloak all sides would have cloak, and then there would be a never-ending escalation of technology to improve your faction's version of it. Hence my comment about counter-measures.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    In real life, firstly if one side had cloak all sides would have cloak, and then there would be a never-ending escalation of technology to improve your faction's version of it. Hence my comment about counter-measures.

    Not true, sometimes it takes a long time to catch up up to an enemy's advantage. Sometimes by the time you do it its already too late.

    Just read history man.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes that's true to an extent, but the American Indians learned to use guns rather quickly, and the Soviets got the A-bomb within a few years of Hiroshima as well, for two examples.

    Since the Federation is an advanced, technology-oriented society it would be our enemies trying to keep up with us in most cases, I believe.

    I will also remind you that Klingons did not invent the cloaking device - they got it from the Romulans.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I will also remind you that Klingons did not invent the cloaking device - they got it from the Romulans.

    And the US got ballistic missile tech from the germans, same thing, an advantage is an advantage no matter how you gain it.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sure it's an advantage - my point was the other side often gets it as well.

    Rocket technology:
    TRIBBLE Germany -> U.S. -> Soviet Union -> China -> lesser players

    Aside from incremental technology improvements, no side has a lasting advantage where they can say "We have this and you don't."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Krieger, I'm not trying to fight with you, yes I quoted your in reality, spray ammo. and was commenting again about your comment of a lack of counter-measures.

    In reality your not always using the same equipment. A knife and a sniper rifle are both perfectly capable of killing a person, yet only one is when employed at 500 meters.

    In world war two the Japanese never came up with, or employed any kind of efective anti-submarine counter measures. End result is 314 US submarines sunk 1,560 japanese ships loosing only 52 in return. While in the atlantic 783 german U-boats were lost and by 1943 the US, and Britan learned how to counter the threat. In March '43 750,000 tons of allied shipping was lost, but by July that number dropped to 188,000 tons and 130 U-boats were sunk.

    So everyone had Submarines, while only some learned to howto counter-measure them.

    Everyone has Aircraft? and bombers have been around since WW1 so..what other nation has the B-52? the B-2? like how you say everyone would have a cloak...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i dont attack as such, i prefer to sub/vm and watch the borg kill them, even had one moan in zone about how OP borg vm is :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Azurian wrote: »
    If you do view it dishonorable, why?

    Nope. Its a sound tactical move.
    Azurian wrote: »
    And if you disapprove of such an action, and saw a Klingon player doing it, would you black list him?

    No; but I would blacklist anyone who suicides in PvP matches.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I play both sides of these things. That being said, I do cloak and wait for an opportune moment to kill while playing my Klingon and I love it. While playing my Fed, I assume the Klingons are going to do the same thing that I do (and they usually do) so I'm not mad at all; sure it sucks, but Feds can feel free to use MES and do the same thing to Klingons.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Azurian wrote: »
    Do you view waiting in cloak, watching a Federation player conduct PvE, and attacking him when his shields are down, dishonorable or honorable?

    If you do view it dishonorable, why?

    And if you disapprove of such an action, and saw a Klingon player doing it, would you black list him?

    I have an objective to complete. The Borg are an obstacle, Starfleet is an obstacle. And since Starfleet ships are better suited to fighting Borg compared to a lone Bird of Prey, I'll let Starfleet clear the Borg, then I'll clear Starfleet. It's a valid tactic when scanning nodes, which we'll be unable to scan while cloaked after the update.

    I think too many people are getting their ideas of "honor" and "Klingon Honor" mixed up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Azurian wrote: »
    Do you view waiting in cloak, watching a Federation player conduct PvE, and attacking him when his shields are down, dishonorable or honorable?

    If you do view it dishonorable, why?

    And if you disapprove of such an action, and saw a Klingon player doing it, would you black list him?

    That's funny! But cruel.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cortofuego wrote:
    Whatever I could do to kill the enemy and live to fight another day.


    Since the first fist was thrown this has been the only rule in warfare.
    It's probably called a "War Zone" for a reason.
    And, I agree, I've had this done to me just as many times as I've done it.
    I accept it as somethings that happens.
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