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3 Days Until MASS EXODUS



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I cant decide wether the game is done for or not. While its abolutely true a LOT of ppl are about to leave, I still hold out some hope. My main concern is that loss of players now due to bad choices on cryptic's part will destroy their funding and ultimately kill the game. Or that several months from now when they do have great content no one will believe them or bother.

    Ill still be here, but how long will will STO?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    As far as mass exodus goes, hard numbers or it didn't happen and 30 doesn't count as "mass".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thank god - Those 3 days won't come fast enough....
    I'll finally get to stop listening to you all complain cause you'll all be gone
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well I don't think i'm going to cancel, but dear lord am I bored with this game. I know every other MMO game out there is repetitive, but this game is just plain bad. The complete lack of enemy variety really makes the combat feel like playing the same mission over and over and over. Im wondering if the Star Trek IP is just not right for a full blown MMO game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ellsworth wrote: »
    Thank god - Those 3 days won't come fast enough....
    I'll finally get to stop listening to you all complain cause you'll all be gone

    It hard to hear them complain in empty space is it?

    Will you be tragically upset when they close the server and your lifetime sub isn't refunded due to company bankruptcy?

    I bet you will be...the people complaining are all LOST REVENUE.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Powerhelm wrote: »
    If you'd ever read a review you'd have known that.

    If you'd read the pre-launch boards you'd have known that.

    If you'd ever played ANY MMO at launch you'd have known that.

    If you'd ever talked to anyone that's ever played any MMO at launch you'd have known that.

    There were a million ways for you to hear or find out about "that".

    Don't go posting nega-drivle on the forums because you didn't research this genre before getting into it.

    Just like any Star Trek Series this'll take a relative season or two to really get good :P

    Please tell me you are not that naive.....

    First off the market place for mmo's has changed. Do you actually know how many very promising mmo's have been released in the same state as STO and fell flat on their face due to that exact fact?

    Love it or Hate it - Wow changed the MMO market place for everyone. People's expectations are far different from the days of Merridian 59/ EQ1 / UO etc etc. Simply put people are no longer willing to wait and pay 6 months worth of subs for a game to be what it should have been at release. The ironic part is people such as yourself who do not understand that. That was not a personal bash , so please don't take it that way.

    I'm very surprised after god knows how many potentially good mmo's failed prior to STO that developers haven't caught onto this simple fact.

    You can't release a game in this day and age and expect the consumer to be happy with a half finished or alpha product. The attention spam of the online gamer is no longer in the mindset of waiting. The industry changed and STO is a prime example of what not to do at a release.

    I honestly HOPE that STO makes it because quite frankly I want to play this game and there really isn't much else on the market that interest me because I'm tired of the fantasy genre. But, at the same time while this game has a lot of good point's it's simply not enjoyable to me at it's current development stage.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ellsworth wrote: »
    Thank god - Those 3 days won't come fast enough....
    I'll finally get to stop listening to you all complain cause you'll all be gone

    Yup! And Cryptic will loose out on a LOT of money! Which means less of a chance of updates and expansions for little ol you! Aint that nifty???

    Enjoy yo self! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ellsworth wrote: »
    Thank god - Those 3 days won't come fast enough....
    I'll finally get to stop listening to you all complain cause you'll all be gone

    Less subs ='s less income.
    Less income ='s less development
    Less development ='s less content
    Less content =s' more players leaving
    More players leaving ='s maintenance mode for STO


    Maintenance mode ='s Dead game and not enjoyable for the remaining players.

    Please think a bit before you post such things. Love the trolls or hate them every sub lost does impact this game much more then you realize. Quite frankly we aren't talking about a small number of people who are more then likely going to cancel if they don't see something big from Cryptic soon.

    I've already noticed a HUGE drop in players in just pvp que's alone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yup! And Cryptic will loose out on a LOT of money! Which means less of a chance of updates and expansions for little ol you! Aint that nifty???

    Enjoy yo self! :D

    I do think this is what will happen eventually. But all the uproar and news that spread to other sites might only draw in more people. They will pay just to see what everyone is so upset about.

    Bad pubilicity isn't really that bad at times, I've seen celebrities do things just to stay in the news.

    All we've done is feed the monster. There will be tons flocking to this game this month if word gets out well enough about the latest Epic nerd rage.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Azreell wrote: »
    Please tell me you are not that naive.....

    First off the market place for mmo's has changed. Do you actually know how many very promising mmo's have been released in the same state as STO and fell flat on their face due to that exact fact?

    Love it or Hate it - Wow changed the MMO market place for everyone. People's expectations are far different from the days of Merridian 59/ EQ1 / UO etc etc. Simply put people are no longer willing to wait and pay 6 months worth of subs for a game to be what it should have been at release. The ironic part is people such as yourself who do not understand that. That was not a personal bash , so please don't take it that way.

    I'm very surprised after god knows how many potentially good mmo's failed prior to STO that developers haven't caught onto this simple fact.

    You can't release a game in this day and age and expect the consumer to be happy with a half finished or alpha product. The attention spam of the online gamer is no longer in the mindset of waiting. The industry changed and STO is a prime example of what not to do at a release.

    I honestly HOPE that STO makes it because quite frankly I want to play this game and there really isn't much else on the market that interest me because I'm tired of the fantasy genre. But, at the same time while this game has a lot of good point's it's simply not enjoyable to me at it's current development stage.

    This is what Cryptic failed to "get". Well said. I'd like to see them take the massive amount of money they got from the initial interest and make this into a game that draws all sorts of Star Trek fans in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I do think this is what will happen eventually. But all the uproar and news that spread to other sites might only draw in more people. They will pay just to see what everyone is so upset about.

    Bad pubilicity isn't really that bad at times, I've seen celebrities do things just to stay in the news.

    All we've done is feed the monster. There will be tons flocking to this game this month if word gets out well enough about the latest Epic nerd rage.

    They will flock to read the forums - not buy the game.

    Quite frankly the problem with these forums is they are counter - productive to new players.

    But, the issue is the forums are pretty much the common sense of what the game is currently like. Also, please don't tell em the forums make up only a smal % of the l populous of the game and mean nothing.

    My fleet of 60-70 players has pretty much become 10 guys in vent with the rest now all playing other games.

    The forums are an insight to the health of a games player base. Sure, there will always be the the standard complaints but I think we can all agree I have seldom seen a forum for a new title so hostile as STO has beeen.

    Something is obviously wrong with this game to cause so much "hate" on these forums.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I got billed early i think on the 1st
    I preordered and was in head start didn't get my retail key until like the 10th or so and got billed yesterday...1st of March!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Azreell wrote: »
    They will flock to read the forums - not buy the game.

    Quite frankly the problem with these forums is they are counter - productive to new players.

    But, the issue is the forums are pretty much the common sense of what the game is currently like. Also, please don't tell em the forums make up only a smal % of the l populous of the game and mean nothing.

    My fleet of 60-70 players has pretty much become 10 guys in vent with the rest now all playing other games.

    The forums are an insight to the health of a games player base. Sure, there will always be the the standard complaints but I think we can all agree I have seldom seen a forum for a new title so hostile as STO has beeen.

    Something is obviously wrong with this game to cause so much "hate" on these forums.

    60 to 70 down to 10? Holy toledo Batman!

    Yeah I would say that the forums aren't a bad way to gauge a game. I tried QQ'ing once in the WoW forums and was shot down pretty fast, and even trolled. So if the game is good perhaps the forums reflect that.

    If the forums here reflect the population, then this game is not looking so good at the moment. Since there are so many upset about many different things.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    AidenPryde wrote: »
    My billing is due on the 6th, cuz I waited until the last moment to enter my retail key. I'm waiting till the 5th to remove my CC info from my account. Holding out hope, but not much hope.

    I bet you already got billed... check your bank statement!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Clawdius wrote:
    I long for the day that the STO community is comprised of people with less bile and more constructive criticism.

    Hey I second that one for sure!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Xbwalker wrote: »
    Pretty much everyone's subscriptions are paying out on the 4th of this month. I know for a fact that 30+ of my friends are holding out hope that some sort of content will come out within the next few days but after that, lots of people will drop so as not to pay another month for no content. Here's to hoping Cryptic was hiding all that content under a hat.
    I hear the content patch will be here sometime around the middle of the month. I am ready to pay for my first 3 months of the game. I want to see how the game goes, one month is definitely not enough time for me to enjoy both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. I don't think as many people are going to leave as you think, 30 people is nothing ,and I bet 30,000 isn't very many either.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    60 to 70 down to 10? Holy toledo Batman!

    Yeah I would say that the forums aren't a bad way to gauge a game. I tried QQ'ing once in the WoW forums and was shot down pretty fast, and even trolled. So if the game is good perhaps the forums reflect that.

    If the forums here reflect the population, then this game is not looking so good at the moment. Since there are so many upset about many different things.

    Yip... :(

    As I said I have already noticed the pvp que wait times are getting longer and longer and longer.

    That isn't exactly a good thing for my fleet since we decided to play the klingon faction. Basically what it boiled down to is a few of the guys are rolling feds now and the rest are pretty much mia/playing other games.

    <shrug> Just the way it worked out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'l still be here! Been here since the begining and am only lieut lvl9. Best game out right now in my opinion (and several real life friends) Can't wait for the whiners and no lifers to leave! Go back to your Warcraft! Birds of a feather ...flock together!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Azreell wrote: »
    Yip... :(

    As I said I have already noticed the pvp que wait times are getting longer and longer and longer.

    That isn't exactly a good thing for my fleet since we decided to play the klingon faction. Basically what it boiled down to is a few of the guys are rolling feds now and the rest are pretty much mia/playing other games.

    <shrug> Just the way it worked out.
    I didn't have any trouble getting 10 games in a row on space flight, and 4 for ground assault.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    w00t a new this is how big my unit is topic.
    enter in number 50304 about the same thing ect ect.

    so here is it blunt and on topic No 1 cares you and your 30 friends are leaving.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rivaris wrote: »
    w00t a new this is how big my unit is topic.
    enter in number 50304 about the same thing ect ect.

    so here is it blunt and on topic No 1 cares you and your 30 friends are leaving.

    This is the current state of Star Trek online.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "I'm quitting and... well... anyone in their right mind thinks just like me, and anyone who doesn't think just like me and the others who agree with me are sheep... oh... wait... "
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I see it like this, when the people who just hate this game leave, then we can weed out their very negative posts. Keep the objectively oriented negative posts and positive posts with great suggestions. We can get back to coming up with new idea's and fixing bugs we find in the game. This again will help the developers grow the game and thus we end up with a great game after all.

    If you are leaving then go, I wish you the best of luck the ones staying like me we have a long road a head with years of new content to pour through as we adventure through the universe together!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Airwen wrote:
    I see it like this, when the people who just hate this game leave, then we can weed out their very negative posts. Keep the objectively oriented negative posts and positive posts with great suggestions. We can get back to coming up with new idea's and fixing bugs we find in the game. This again will help the developers grow the game and thus we end up with a great game after all.

    If you are leaving then go, I wish you the best of luck the ones staying like me we have a long road a head with years of new content to pour through as we adventure through the universe together!

    Well, to a point. Don't underestimate the determination of people who have a point to prove -- especially when they are hiding behind anonymity.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Nothing new pretty much all new mmo's lose a boat load after the fisrt 30 days, STO will be no different.. don't see any issue here /shrug
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heliotrope wrote: »
    "I'm quitting and... well... anyone in their right mind thinks just like me, and anyone who doesn't think just like me and the others who agree with me are sheep... oh... wait... "

    Sheep leave the fields at night while the wolves plan the next day of attacks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I really dont know why people are so pleased to see anyone go. This game will never be the size of WoW when it comes to subs. Any loss, especially this early on is not a good thing. STO needs everyone it can get to make it work out. To make it prosper. As much as I cant stand what Atari did late last week. I really dont want to see this game fail. It has alot of potential.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heliotrope wrote: »
    Well, to a point. Don't underestimate the determination of people who have a point to prove -- especially when they are hiding behind anonymity.
    I agree with your statement. I am sure the game will be reviewed again by the game boards out there, and I bet before the end of 2010 this games wins a couple awards. You have to be able to see passed all the negativity in order to see it this way. I come from the positive lifestyle of when the chips are down how can I make it better and bring it back up from down under. (No offense to Australia)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    WOW!!, 30 hours a week? Thats a lot. Figure it up, hmmm, 40 hours a week job, figure 3 hours a day for 5 days to get ready for work then travel time to work and back thats 15 hours. Time for family to help kids with school projects and such, another 3 hours a day, i got 5 kids at home, so thats another 15 hours a week. Weekends, everyone has to spend some time with the family for family time, at least 8 hours on the weekend. then comes the little things like cooking and having supper and whatnot, thats at least 2 hours a day, so another 14 hours. Myself, i like having a clean house and car, so 1 hour a week to wash the car and another 7 for the week goes to cleaning the house. then there is laundry that has to be done, with 5 kids thats at least 2 hours a day, and im shorting the time on that one, so another 14 hours. Oh and lets not count sleeping, with my kids I have got to have a minimum of 6 hours of sleep a day, or i will be just not right, so there is 42 hours a week. Grocery Shopping, got to do that every week, or im like old mother hubbard, it is a hour drive to town then another hour back, then got to add in the time shopping and waiting on the checkout, so there is another 3 hours.

    Now lets add this up, there are 168 hours in a week.
    Start of the week = 168
    Work = 40
    Travel time to and from work = 15
    Family time = 23
    Cooking for my hoard of children and making sure thay eat = 14
    Cleaning, Laundry and keepin my car clean = 22
    Sleeping = 42

    So the total out of 168 hours of a week 156 hours is already gone, that leaves 12 hours of free time in a week. From my point of view, thats from what im seeing, so no offence intended, 30 hours a week playing a game? Not possiable and maintain a home. From the way I see it, you either have a lot of free time or your still living with mom and dad, or could be both.
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