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The Bridge of Death: Goonfleet Imprisons 2 GMs!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vasten wrote: »
    They were in a PVP zone duped or not they should have enough brain power to figure out what was going to happen " Hhmmmm the opposing faction invited me over for a movie night WHEE sounds like fun" , they were in a PvP zone and what do you do in a PvP zone kill and harass the other faction in any way possible. All you saying they need to be baned need to grow up PvP is heartless thats the natural of it you get ganked griefed get over it and move on.

    I'm not arguing that they weren't stupid - in fact, I think it was a show of staggering stupidity from those people to buy the story that they were given. I'm just pointing out that they were deceived and their original consent was based on a deception, which invalidates any argument as to consent to being "griefed".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chock wrote:
    And now we come down to picking up on typos. Really, I've come to expect better than that from you guys.


    Really? You called me an idiot a few posts back!

    Jake Freedom

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lethargic wrote:
    I'm not arguing that they weren't stupid - in fact, I think it was a show of staggering stupidity from those people to buy the story that they were given. I'm just pointing out that they were deceived and their original consent was based on a deception, which invalidates any argument as to consent to being "griefed".

    Cause of death: Too Dumb to Live

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chock wrote:
    And now we come down to picking up on typos. Really, I've come to expect better than that from you guys.


    So you place value on the intellect of others on a forum about Star Trek Online? Fascinating (you see, like mr. Spock because I am a Vulcan IRL with a 4.0 GPA at the Vulcan Academy of Psychiatry, DDS, MD, PHD, EDs, JD)

    -Hoping that the next leap will be the leap... home...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Jake Freedom is right! Dental had fun at the expense of others (except they could leave whenever they wanted and accepted the invite)! Clearly all fun having must not be at someone else's expense. No more winning a race, that means other people have to lose! One would even come in last, this is a clear sign of mental illness in the race winner. All PvP matches must end in a draw! Blue ribbons for everyone! McCain and Obama should be sharing the White House right now!

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chock wrote:
    Well it would help if you actually knew how to spell Peach, for one thing. I guess that would be a start.


    since wen is it exceptable for doctors and GMs to pick on people with disabilites?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    You don't know us very well, though? I've never seen you before this thread!


    You are, as everyone else must be, known by your actions, for better or worse.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yamato23 wrote: »
    the fact that you could be GRIEFED in ANY PART of the game should NOT be allowed. and the fact that GMs allowed it is even worse.

    Good lord is this your First MMO that has PvP??? The fact that a GM was watching just raised Cryptics stock in my books by ten points.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    "Just wanted to bring this thread to your attention. Is this really supported behavior? A Dev response to this thread about how this was not griefing or explaining the GM's motives in allowing this to continue is necessary."

    I just sent this as a report....we'll see if there is an answer....or maybe they'll ban ME....:eek:

    Just a quick question. How many of the "lol it's funny" crowd are planning to stay after the free month is up? Just wondering...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Jake Freedom is right! We had fun at the expense of others (except they could leave whenever they wanted and accepted the invite)! Clearly all fun having must not be at someone else's expense. No more winning a race, that means other people have to lose! One would even come in last, this is a clear sign of mental illness in the race winner. All PvP matches must end in a draw! Blue ribbons for everyone! McCain and Obama should be sharing the White House right now!


    This whole debacle is doubleplus ungood.

    Chock, would you like to come to my place so we can work this out? I have candy. Sugar-free, of course.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fluffdaddy wrote: »
    Fine, lets use real life analogies, because all internet nerd philosophers like these.

    Say you were a Vietcong. And the Americans started spreading leaflets across your encampment promising free punch and pie to anyone who comes to the middle of the American base down the street.

    Do I need to continue? If people accept invites from strangers and get blown up in the process, they should stop and think about what they are doing.

    Unless they were roleplaying, then they could pretend like they are the heroic KLAGFGSSA'Q FLA, the hero of the seventh dynasty of the Klingonian 4th Reicht and charge in to battle and die with honor.

    Your analogy fails to address your original argument, which was that a decision made based on information from an electronic source (the game) isn't real.

    All that your analogy addresses is human gullibility and/or stupidity. As stated in a previous post, I do not deny that the victims were stupid.

    Side note: I'm south Vietnamese and my father fought with the American forces.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lethargic wrote:
    Actually, if you read the rest of the thread, you would have seen that they were duped into accepting the invite, which makes it possible to question their consent to what happened to them. Which is why this is being argued as griefing. However, given that a GM gave the entire thing a pass and there has been no reprocussions, I'm lead to believe that this sort of event/behavior is permitted.

    I imagine Earth spacedock is going to get very interesting in the next few days.

    That is, of course, assuming this entire thread isn't a fabrication and that the Klingon "victims" weren't willing participants? Since they named two Cryptic GM's, with the claim they were "cool about it", it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it wasn't staged as a demo for the GM's, filmed, then posted here with mock-outrage just to get the forum stirred up. Just look at the continual postings by one of the 'victims' in the thread. I suspect a plant just to keep the outrage going.

    Although I must admit I am surprised that two Cryptic GM's are named in this event, IndigoFyre and Meskurra, and haven't made any sort of comment to clear the air, considering the uproar this has caused with some people. Since they've been stated as being "cool about this" I would be curious what exactly they were cool with. From them.

    I agree with the above quote, and am very dubious about the authenticity of the original claims of it being other players as the victims.

    Now, I must admit, the video was humorous. The first part was boring and I'd give it a 0/10 for originality. Blowing up people on your own team? Wow, innovative... yawn. But, the bridge invite was a creative exploit/bug.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lethargic wrote:
    Your analogy fails to address your original argument, which was that a decision made based on information from an electronic source (the game) isn't real.

    All that your analogy addresses is human gullibility and/or stupidity. As stated in a previous post, I do not deny that the victims were stupid.

    Side note: I'm south Vietnamese and my father fought with the American forces.

    Actually my analogy is worthless because I am trying to take something from real life and apply it to a video game.

    My dad fought against the Cardassian internments on Bajor, if you must know. Because, its relevant.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'd be annoyed if it happened to me, but since it happened to somebody else, its freakin' hilarious.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I agree with the above quote, and am very dubious about the authenticity of the original claims of it being other players as the victims.

    Why would people do that? On the internet?!?
    Fluffdaddy wrote: »
    My dad fought against the Cardassian internments on Bajor, if you must know. Because, its relevant.

    I think your dad killed my dad. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it's true we staged the entire thing.also bush did 9/11
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it's true we staged the entire thing.also bush did 9/11

    They were also behind the hanging chad thing. :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fluffdaddy wrote: »
    Actually my analogy is worthless because I am trying to take something from real life and apply it to a video game.

    My dad fought against the Cardassian internments on Bajor, if you must know. Because, its relevant.

    A decision is a thought process. Regardless if it's based on information from a game, or from a real life resource, the thought process itself is real.

    Also, my example was relevant as you decided to bring up the war with your example.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vasten wrote: »
    Good lord is this your First MMO that has PvP??? The fact that a GM was watching just raised Cryptics stock in my books by ten points.

    absolutely not. i've played SWG, WoW (and according to this topic and what this topic is based on, it's becoming apparent that the community here is no different from that game - and i left WoW because of all the loldrama and lolgriefing), CoX, CO, MXO, LOTRO and maybe one or two others i'm forgetting. i've participated in PVP in those MMOs, and i know that PVP tends to be unfair, but never in ANY MMO i've played did i see griefing or exploiting of any sort. it was only outside of that area of a MMO did i see anything like that. but the fact that it happened here, in STO, and was dismissed by a GM, truly amazes me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The GMs told the goons that blocking exists was a hack since this bridge thing is a bug. That is nothing but pure greifing. They figured out how prevent people from leaving then prevented them from leaving and held them against their will.

    I can't belive the GMs are going along with greving in this game. basicllay it is ok too greif if you post a funny video... WTF!!!!!:confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chock wrote:
    Well, leaving aside the fact that amongst other qualifications, I have a B.Sc. in Psychology, which I'm guessing is not an accolade which we share, one hardly needs to be Ivan Pavlov to recognise that anyone who actually enjoys the misery of others, has a bit of a problem.


    Katiebug must make wondering question of why Pavlov is use as example when many people know he no diagnostician or counselor but was instead man who like to play with dog to do behavior condition. Why is not Carl Rogers or other such personages the main example, people who might be more appropriate? Katiebug think this is like say 'one hardly needs to be Roman Polanski to recognize that anyone who draw with crayola crayon is not good artist!' Why say Polanski when instead could say artist that make painting or sketch? Why mention behaviorist when one can talk of therapist?

    Real problem is half-educated type try to make braggy claim of know things when is NOT know such thing, and embarrass self by use bad example to try to be smart. :rolleyes: Child should know not to do such thing, maybe not try to put forth as if simple 4 year-degree (or maybe it take Chock much longer :p) make one knowledgeable.

    Even Katiebug know not pretend know thing not know! Who is Carl Rogers? Why is he maybe also Fred Rogers? Katiebug sorry to say to child that both Carl and Fred are not alive ow. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chock wrote:

    If that isn't the definition of griefing - i.e. deliberately trying to cause problems and prevent others from playing a game that they have paid to play - then I don't know what is. I certainly hope that some measures are taken against people who do that sort of thing in STO, as I don't think it is the least bit funny and in fact I'd prefer it if players who indulged in that sort of thing were prevented from deliberately trying to spoil other player's enjoyment.

    Not only is it childish beyond belief, antisocial, and not a great image for the game either, but and I'm pretty sure that Paramount would not be thrilled at people indulging in that kind of thing under the guise of Star Trek. What is more, I'm absolutely certain Gene Roddenberry wouldn't have approved of people making life hard for others via his creation.

    This sort of thing is covered by the license agreement too, so if they get a ban or some other measure of penalty, then they will have asked for it, and certainly will have deserved it too. We can well do without this kind of stupidity.


    Lighten up, Francis.

    That was hilarious, especially the bridge montage.

    Honestly. This is merely the beginning. You have no idea the hilarious mischief they got up to in EvE, plus they make the best agitprop. Here's the GoonFleet recruitment video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gwCmfLxIcw

    I'm just waiting for them to figure out that the reason we can't have uniforms in colours other than Communist Drab is because of some TRIBBLE clenchjaws who don't even want people to be able to customize starships because "It's not strict canon".

    Oh gods. The Goons are here! Fly you fools! Abandon your posts! Flee! Flee! Flee for your lives!

    "Reds in system"
    "Are they BoB? Shoot them."
    "No, Goonswarm"
    "Sh*t. everybody dock."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    jardail wrote:
    Punk kids playing punk games.

    Too bad an organization like this doesn't exist with a maturity level above that of a 2 year old. They might do some good for the gaming community.

    Excessive anger is a direct result of brushing too hard. The ADA in partnership with Starfleet Dental recommend following these few guidelines.

    Proper brushing takes at least two minutes — that's right, 120 seconds! Most adults do not come close to brushing that long. To get a feel for the time involved, try using a stopwatch. To properly brush your teeth, use short, gentle strokes, with the pressure equal to the weight of an orange , paying extra attention to the gumline, hard-to-reach back teeth and areas around fillings, crowns or other restoration. Concentrate on thoroughly cleaning each section as follows:

    Clean the outer surfaces of your upper teeth, then your lower teeth

    Clean the inner surfaces of your upper teeth, then your lower teeth

    Clean the chewing surfaces

    For fresher breath, be sure to brush your tongue

    And allways remember gargle...... then spit. Or swallow as the case may be.

    Have a great day and remember to smile and show the world those pearly whites. :D
    Also.... Dongs
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The GMs told the goons that blocking exists was a hack since this bridge thing is a bug. That is nothing but pure greifing. They figured out how prevent people from leaving then prevented them from leaving and held them against their will.

    I can't belive the GMs are going along with greving in this game. basicllay it is ok too greif if you post a funny video... WTF!!!!!:confused:

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Your Pal, Indigofyre
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    katiebug wrote:
    Katiebug must make wondering question of why Pavlov is use as example when many people know he no diagnostician or counselor but was instead man who like to play with dog to do behavior condition. Why is not Carl Rogers or other such personages the main example, people who might be more appropriate? Katiebug think this is like say 'one hardly needs to be Roman Polanski to recognize that anyone who draw with crayola crayon is not good artist!' Why say Polanski when instead could say artist that make painting or sketch? Why mention behaviorist when one can talk of therapist?

    Real problem is half-educated type try to make braggy claim of know things when is NOT know such thing, and embarrass self by use bad example to try to be smart. :rolleyes: Child should know not to do such thing, maybe not try to put forth as if simple 4 year-degree (or maybe it take Chock much longer :p) make one knowledgeable.

    Even Katiebug know not pretend know thing not know! Who is Carl Rogers? Why is he maybe also Fred Rogers? Katiebug sorry to say to child that both Carl and Fred are not alive ow. :(

    Katiebug out of freaking nowhere... :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm just waiting for them to figure out that the reason we can't have uniforms in colours other than Communist Drab is because of some TRIBBLE clenchjaws who don't even want people to be able to customize starships because "It's not strict canon".

    Yeah, we went over that when it was removed in beta. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ryllynyth wrote: »

    I think your dad killed my dad. :(

    Some wounds... never heal....:(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    katiebug wrote:
    Katiebug must make wondering question of why Pavlov is use as example when many people know he no diagnostician or counselor but was instead man who like to play with dog to do behavior condition. Why is not Carl Rogers or other such personages the main example, people who might be more appropriate? Katiebug think this is like say 'one hardly needs to be Roman Polanski to recognize that anyone who draw with crayola crayon is not good artist!' Why say Polanski when instead could say artist that make painting or sketch? Why mention behaviorist when one can talk of therapist?

    Real problem is half-educated type try to make braggy claim of know things when is NOT know such thing, and embarrass self by use bad example to try to be smart. :rolleyes: Child should know not to do such thing, maybe not try to put forth as if simple 4 year-degree (or maybe it take Chock much longer :p) make one knowledgeable.

    Even Katiebug know not pretend know thing not know! Who is Carl Rogers? Why is he maybe also Fred Rogers? Katiebug sorry to say to child that both Carl and Fred are not alive ow. :(

    Nope, the 'real problem' is somebody failing to recognise when someone uses an example of a psychologist that most people would recognise as such, since few will not have heard of Pavlov as a behavioral psychologist, rather than naming someone obscure to most people outside the field. And if you actually took the trouble to study Pavlov instead of trying to discredit me with a poorly structured argument which demonstrates your inability to recognise an idiom, you would know that behaviour modification is also a major field in which Pavlov worked and his Nobel prize was in yet another field.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    pack up the thread boys, this man has a BACHELOR'S
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    Katiebug out of freaking nowhere... :eek:

    Katiebug sorry child is not know how people come to be, so she explain to tooth-man how come about.

    Many year back, Katiebug mommy and Katiebug daddy is cuddle in special way (NOTE TO CHILD: Is only for adult to do this cuddle, NOT for child, say no to white van even when candy of sugary-free type is to be give!!! :eek:) Many times later, Katiebug is borned!!! :cool:

    Not from nowhere, you see now tooth-man how is come to make Katiebug happen? Is not dentist make go through schooling? Maybe dentist not told of special cuddle.
This discussion has been closed.