He grew out of it. (Only halfway through the series, too!)
So did he. (But by the third TNG movie, 'Insurrection'.)
I notice just about everyone who has posted has gravitated toward one or two of a list of particular traits:
-swagger (e.g., Okona)
-charming (e.g., Bashir)
-thoughtful (e.g., Picard)
-powerful (e.g., Sisko)
It's interesting that no one said Miles O'Brien yet. If I were to have a Scrubs-esque 'bromance' with anyone, it would probably be the Chief. He just seems like the perfect, most understanding, most loyal best friend forever.
Of course, I would probably have to kill Bashir for that spot.
Well the question was "hottest", not necessarily who the most socially or emotionally attractive character was. I broke down the TNG cast because none of them struck me as particularly physically attractive or "sexy" immediately. Sure once you got to know him, Picard was a stud. Off the bat? I'd pass.
And you try telling Diana Troi that its ok because Riker grew out of it. I'm sure that's every girl's dream... For the man of her dreams to eventually come around and decide that middle age is the right time to finally commit. Sorry, but Riker clearly knew that Troi was his "Break glass in case of emergency" woman. Once his looks started to slip, his gut started to grow and his charm failed to wow the nubile Ensigns, he decided "Hey, maybe its time to pack in these wild stallions and give Dianna another go-round". I guess that limited telepathy does not work on Imzadi.
And you try telling Diana Troi that its ok because Riker grew out of it.
Totally agreed there, which is why I especially enjoyed TNG 'Conundrum', where Ro and Troi have a nice chat together.
Although they really did flesh out the on-off relationship between the two of them. Still, I think I would have liked to have seen her end up with Thomas Riker.
Just wanted to comment that I think it's important to take into account the whole storyline, since the question didn't say, 'hottest first impression'. Just my opinion though.
I was just noticing that there is a difference in what 'hotness' means to different people, especially between women and men in general.
It's interesting that no one said Miles O'Brien yet. If I were to have a Scrubs-esque 'bromance' with anyone, it would probably be the Chief. He just seems like the perfect, most understanding, most loyal best friend forever.
Of course, I would probably have to kill Bashir for that spot.
I was going to say Obrien, but I can't look at him without thinking of Cowen from Stargate Atlantis, and he's a bad guy in that.
There's also Ensign Kim, innocent and funny till the end. Although, few characters in Voyager actually changed during it's run :P
From Voyager ... Chakotay and Ayala (a background character, but was virtually all over Trek).
After that came Enterprise and was swept away by Archer (man is Bakula a hottie to this day as well).
Connor Trineer as well, but he's second to Bakula.
From TNG ... I must say that Riker in the early seasons was a passing interest, but I grew tired of him (though some of the security officers were hunky ... there was one in the episode 'Dauphin' if I'm not mistaken who was guarding Anya outside the crew quarters and spoke with Wesley briefly).
From DS9 ... Sisko I was thinking about once or twice (in a passing sense), but nothing to write home about.
TOS ... no one really.
The thing about O'brien is that he's not "hot". He has many redeeming qualities, qualities that would make him a fine choice for a husband and partner. I just don't see him as the kind of guy who's picked out from across a crowded room and instantly the thoguht of sweaty things pops into the other person's head.
And for reference, my definition of hotness has always been "Having the qualities of physical attractiveness such as to inspire the desire for a sexual or romantic relationship."
I'm fairly new to the whole Star Trek universe, so I don't have a lot of reference material in the older stuff, but I'm ALL about Nero in the latest movie. Definitely hot!
Wil Wheaton is haaaaawt. WC was annoying, but cute and loveable. When I first started actually watching Star Trek, the character was in my age range so an appropriate level crush developed. It has lasted me into adulthood. Oops :P
I'm still trying to think of secondary characters or guest stars that made me swoon, but I just can't recall any right now...
EDIT: Q! omg why didn't I think of Q! I love his smile and his laugh, and the character is just so coy and playful. Love it.
Data is amazing. What initially attracted me to him is his wonderful personality. He's intelligent, kind, and has that childlike wonder and curiosity about everyday life. And he's hilarious without even intending to be! Plus, he's cute.
Okay, straight man here. That's a warning. I've got an idea of what makes a "Hot" guy, but a number of women have labeled me as hot and I don't see it. Clearly my idea is wrong or the only women who talk to me are women who find me attractive
So, anyway, based on my flawed perceptions:
Sulu -- Voice, body, attitude. If the script hadn't called for Kirk to be the most bold thing ever, I suspect we'd have seen less of the kind of wide-eyed drama out of Sulu. Also, he was the best looking with his shirt off. I admit, I wasn't surprised when he came out as TRIBBLE, but thinking on it; it had nothing to do with his portrayal of Sulu TOS and everything to do with interviews Post ST:III.
Runner Up: Kirk -- Shatner would probably be the winner, if I were judging this by the standards of the sixties. He was, physically, the model of a leading man for that era. And he did have the personality. As I said in the now archived Kirk v. Solo thread, Shatner didn't have quite the suave of young Harrison Ford (as an example) but he definitely beat out the rest of the crew.
Picard -- I have this, quite reliably form a number of women, ranging in age (at the time) from 14 to 50. He's good looking, but it was the Voice and the Accent that really did it. I was always tickled by the fact that man who was cast to be the sex appeal on the show, Frakes, never rated...with anyone.
Runner Up: Almost everyone else. Worf would have a sight advantage (a lot of women I know find Dorn sexy, but the Klingon make up was a definite turn off for all) but there's no real consensus. So the second place finisher is...Nick Locarno.
Sisko -- This one started out all Bashir. I mean, Julian Bashir was absolutely top dog (so much so that they found a guy who looked just like him to play Baltar on BSG). But then Avery Brooks reprised his role of Hawk in a Spencer for Hire TV movie and returned to DS9 bald and with goatee. And he finally started taking the role seriously (Brooks rather famously didn't want to do the show. His wife made him. They are both actors and acting teachers, and she didn't want to let him pass up a positive role for Black actors. I recall some hints that she may have sic'ed Nichelle Nichols on him as well)
Runner Up: Bashir -- Obviously. This was a tough call for me, but in the end, I Decided that with out the Accent, he wouldn't stand up to post-Hawk Sisko.
Tom Paris (by a hair's width) --Voyager was severely lacking in the sexy. This is why we ended up with 7 of 9. In the end, Paris wins due to being Nick Locarno.
Runner Up. Why bother?
Tucker -- A no brainer. Trip had good ol' boy charm with out the good ol' boy ignorance and bumpkinism (note, I'm not labeling good ol' boy, I'm invoking the stereotype). While He wasn't the MOST handsome guy in the show (See Mayweather) he had a "total package" which everyone else lacked.
Runner Up: Archer/Mayweather. Franky, Archer would have this alone if Bakula had brought his A game. Maybe the material wasn't up to it, or maybe he wasn't but this was not his finest work. Mayweather was the most physically attractive, but his personality was like Sulu minus the confidence.
Star Trek
Christopher Pike -- Bruce Greenwood pretty much stole the show in the Total Package contest. I suspect most folks would discount him as "the Old Guy." This really should have been Kirk's to take home, but there was just too much cocky in Kirk's personality. I think Greenwood played Pike as a model of what Kirk could become, which was a good choice.
Runner Up: Spock. Yes, Karl Urban is Karl Urban, but Quinto really nailed the concept behind Spock. That translates into a the exoticism of Nimoy paired with all of the passion humor and sexual energy Nimoy's Spock suppressed. Obviously, Spock was suppressing those things in the film, but he wasn't very good at it. Blatant make out sessions with the resident hottie, added points.
Over All
Khan Noonien Singh -- TOS and Post TMP there' no doubting the sex appeal of Ricardo Montalb
Star Trek
Christopher Pike -- Bruce Greenwood pretty much stole the show in the Total Package contest.
Completely forgot about him, definitely someone I would emulate. I actually liked him the best of all the characters in the new movie. (Then again, I also liked the original Christopher Pike in TOS 'Cage', the original pilot).
Must say, I agree with most of your choices and logic.
I would be interested in hearing a TRIBBLE man's opinion of male characters, and their reasoning. TRIBBLE men usually can weed thru the BS and give some real insight on what is hot and what is a turnoff about people. I don't really have an opinion of the men, but yeah right that costume on 7 of 9 , or better yet I like to call her "32 of D" made voyager worth watching. I cant even tell you about a single episode, but I never missed one.
The new Spock (Quinto). That smoldering conflict thinly veiled under the facade of pure logic probably makes him amazing in bed. Also Wesley Crusher (once he became an adult). Oh yeah, total bottom.
The new Spock (Quinto). That smoldering conflict thinly veiled under the facade of pure logic probably makes him amazing in bed. Also Wesley Crusher (once he became an adult). Oh yeah, total bottom.
I am ok with saying if a guy is attractive or not, but I'll stick with women.
Khan (either in Space Seed or TWOK) He's just the "Epitome of Luxury". Sexy, exotic accent (Cuban, if I recall without IMDBing him) and VERY well maintained...even up to to his death last January...
And...He had a great personality, from what I've read about him. He was very gracious, kind, and caring. What more could a woman want in a man? hehehe
Other then that...Bashir/Paris I would have to say aren't bad at all.
Sisco just pulls off the sexy <insert current racially appropriate term> man. Didn't care for him much with hair...but was WAY better without...Something about his character on a previous show or something)
But other then that...I can't think of any others that I would say are "hot"
Urban/Quinto/Pine was a deadly combination in that movie.
I definately agree. Picard was damn sexy too.. I also loved Data, but more for his "personality" and the fact that he was programmed with multplie different types of lovin'
First of all we have Kirk. Say what you will, I found the man quite attractive and had a crush on him back when I was young. I am talking Kirk from the series, not the movies, by the way. Kirk from the new movie was good too.
Next Riker was cool. Now if only he could act the way he does with the beard as he does without it. Although he does wear the beard well, I must say.
Harry Kim gets an honorable mention as well as the geeky Asian.
And finally we have Sulu from the new movie as well. New Sulu: The Hot Action Asian.
Well the question was "hottest", not necessarily who the most socially or emotionally attractive character was. I broke down the TNG cast because none of them struck me as particularly physically attractive or "sexy" immediately. Sure once you got to know him, Picard was a stud. Off the bat? I'd pass.
And you try telling Diana Troi that its ok because Riker grew out of it. I'm sure that's every girl's dream... For the man of her dreams to eventually come around and decide that middle age is the right time to finally commit. Sorry, but Riker clearly knew that Troi was his "Break glass in case of emergency" woman. Once his looks started to slip, his gut started to grow and his charm failed to wow the nubile Ensigns, he decided "Hey, maybe its time to pack in these wild stallions and give Dianna another go-round". I guess that limited telepathy does not work on Imzadi.
Although they really did flesh out the on-off relationship between the two of them. Still, I think I would have liked to have seen her end up with Thomas Riker.
Just wanted to comment that I think it's important to take into account the whole storyline, since the question didn't say, 'hottest first impression'. Just my opinion though.
I was just noticing that there is a difference in what 'hotness' means to different people, especially between women and men in general.
Yeah i'd go wtih exaggerated. But yeah it made me smile. Of course no-one can replace Koenig.
"Where are the Nuclear Wessels?" "We are looking for the Nuclear Wessels"
There's also Ensign Kim, innocent and funny till the end. Although, few characters in Voyager actually changed during it's run :P
After that came Enterprise and was swept away by Archer (man is Bakula a hottie to this day as well).
Connor Trineer as well, but he's second to Bakula.
From TNG ... I must say that Riker in the early seasons was a passing interest, but I grew tired of him (though some of the security officers were hunky ... there was one in the episode 'Dauphin' if I'm not mistaken who was guarding Anya outside the crew quarters and spoke with Wesley briefly).
From DS9 ... Sisko I was thinking about once or twice (in a passing sense), but nothing to write home about.
TOS ... no one really.
And for reference, my definition of hotness has always been "Having the qualities of physical attractiveness such as to inspire the desire for a sexual or romantic relationship."
Wil Wheaton is haaaaawt. WC was annoying, but cute and loveable. When I first started actually watching Star Trek, the character was in my age range so an appropriate level crush developed. It has lasted me into adulthood. Oops :P
I'm still trying to think of secondary characters or guest stars that made me swoon, but I just can't recall any right now...
EDIT: Q! omg why didn't I think of Q! I love his smile and his laugh, and the character is just so coy and playful. Love it.
Harry Kim is also quite adorable too.
Damn somebody got it! He was hotter than Riker and a badboy to boot! Rawr!
Okay, straight man here. That's a warning. I've got an idea of what makes a "Hot" guy, but a number of women have labeled me as hot and I don't see it. Clearly my idea is wrong or the only women who talk to me are women who find me attractive
So, anyway, based on my flawed perceptions:
Sulu -- Voice, body, attitude. If the script hadn't called for Kirk to be the most bold thing ever, I suspect we'd have seen less of the kind of wide-eyed drama out of Sulu. Also, he was the best looking with his shirt off. I admit, I wasn't surprised when he came out as TRIBBLE, but thinking on it; it had nothing to do with his portrayal of Sulu TOS and everything to do with interviews Post ST:III.
Runner Up: Kirk -- Shatner would probably be the winner, if I were judging this by the standards of the sixties. He was, physically, the model of a leading man for that era. And he did have the personality. As I said in the now archived Kirk v. Solo thread, Shatner didn't have quite the suave of young Harrison Ford (as an example) but he definitely beat out the rest of the crew.
Picard -- I have this, quite reliably form a number of women, ranging in age (at the time) from 14 to 50. He's good looking, but it was the Voice and the Accent that really did it. I was always tickled by the fact that man who was cast to be the sex appeal on the show, Frakes, never rated...with anyone.
Runner Up: Almost everyone else. Worf would have a sight advantage (a lot of women I know find Dorn sexy, but the Klingon make up was a definite turn off for all) but there's no real consensus. So the second place finisher is...Nick Locarno.
Sisko -- This one started out all Bashir. I mean, Julian Bashir was absolutely top dog (so much so that they found a guy who looked just like him to play Baltar on BSG). But then Avery Brooks reprised his role of Hawk in a Spencer for Hire TV movie and returned to DS9 bald and with goatee. And he finally started taking the role seriously (Brooks rather famously didn't want to do the show. His wife made him. They are both actors and acting teachers, and she didn't want to let him pass up a positive role for Black actors. I recall some hints that she may have sic'ed Nichelle Nichols on him as well)
Runner Up: Bashir -- Obviously. This was a tough call for me, but in the end, I Decided that with out the Accent, he wouldn't stand up to post-Hawk Sisko.
Tom Paris (by a hair's width) --Voyager was severely lacking in the sexy. This is why we ended up with 7 of 9. In the end, Paris wins due to being Nick Locarno.
Runner Up. Why bother?
Tucker -- A no brainer. Trip had good ol' boy charm with out the good ol' boy ignorance and bumpkinism (note, I'm not labeling good ol' boy, I'm invoking the stereotype). While He wasn't the MOST handsome guy in the show (See Mayweather) he had a "total package" which everyone else lacked.
Runner Up: Archer/Mayweather. Franky, Archer would have this alone if Bakula had brought his A game. Maybe the material wasn't up to it, or maybe he wasn't but this was not his finest work. Mayweather was the most physically attractive, but his personality was like Sulu minus the confidence.
Star Trek
Christopher Pike -- Bruce Greenwood pretty much stole the show in the Total Package contest. I suspect most folks would discount him as "the Old Guy." This really should have been Kirk's to take home, but there was just too much cocky in Kirk's personality. I think Greenwood played Pike as a model of what Kirk could become, which was a good choice.
Runner Up: Spock. Yes, Karl Urban is Karl Urban, but Quinto really nailed the concept behind Spock. That translates into a the exoticism of Nimoy paired with all of the passion humor and sexual energy Nimoy's Spock suppressed. Obviously, Spock was suppressing those things in the film, but he wasn't very good at it. Blatant make out sessions with the resident hottie, added points.
Over All
Khan Noonien Singh -- TOS and Post TMP there' no doubting the sex appeal of Ricardo Montalb
1. Trip (plus he got pregnant)
2. Travis Mayweather
In Voyager I fancied
1. Harry Kim
2. Tom Paris
In DS9 I liked
1. Julian Bashir
In TNG I preferred
1. Data
In TOS I didn't fancy anyone
In the movies...
Lt. Hawke
Lt .Cmdr Matt Decker
New Sulu
New Kirk
New Spock
New Chekov
New McCoy
█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█. NCC-92872 .█
█ TMT Fleet▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ TMT...-.... FLEET █
█ Commander JohGeiz th'Shrox▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TMT..--.. FLEET █
█ Tactical Captain.▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ TMT-... FLEET █
█ U.S.S. Rainbow Warrior.▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ TMT.-- FLEET █
█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█.. TMT FLEET -.█
Must say, I agree with most of your choices and logic.
Oh yeah. That is one attractive man.
The new Spock (Quinto). That smoldering conflict thinly veiled under the facade of pure logic probably makes him amazing in bed. Also Wesley Crusher (once he became an adult). Oh yeah, total bottom.
The rest were kind of substandard IMO.
The new Sulu.
'cause he's Korean and he's a cousin.
and this is why the new movie was bad.. just a bunch of pretty people running around... I might as well been watching Bay watch
The story, vfx and styling flew right by you then?
Not that you should like them, but you have to admit, they were actually there. There's whole sequences of vfx shots. And a musical score!
Khan (either in Space Seed or TWOK) He's just the "Epitome of Luxury". Sexy, exotic accent (Cuban, if I recall without IMDBing him) and VERY well maintained...even up to to his death last January...
And...He had a great personality, from what I've read about him. He was very gracious, kind, and caring. What more could a woman want in a man? hehehe
Other then that...Bashir/Paris I would have to say aren't bad at all.
Sisco just pulls off the sexy <insert current racially appropriate term> man. Didn't care for him much with hair...but was WAY better without...Something about his character on a previous show or something)
But other then that...I can't think of any others that I would say are "hot"
I would rather watch Baywatch.....The writing was better...and wasn't cobbled from storylines from several episodes of TNG/VOY
I definately agree. Picard was damn sexy too.. I also loved Data, but more for his "personality" and the fact that he was programmed with multplie different types of lovin'
Next Riker was cool. Now if only he could act the way he does with the beard as he does without it. Although he does wear the beard well, I must say.
Harry Kim gets an honorable mention as well as the geeky Asian.
And finally we have Sulu from the new movie as well. New Sulu: The Hot Action Asian.