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Waiting for Target pre-order key / losing out on lifetime subscription!

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Ok, so is anybody else still waiting for their pre-order key from Target? I can deal with the fact that I am missing out on the head start weekend, considering the server status appears to be down anyway, but am I going to lose out on the lifetime subscription because of it? If that's the case I am going to be angry.

If Target will not get back to me, then I ask you Cryptic team, extend the lifetime subscription option past the 1st, or remove the pre-order key requirement from signing up for it. Not to be a threatening TRIBBLE, but if someone is willing to instantly plunk down that kind of money for a lifetime service that could dissappear in a year, without even getting a chance to beta test or play it, then quite frankly if I miss out I will just sell my game when it comes to someone else.

A little help here? And yes I have contacted Target, with no response. And I thought I was being smart avoiding GameStop and Walmart.


Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sucks but I think you should still be fine with the lifetime sub.. so many of us are missing out on headstart weekend because of idiots we bought from.
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