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Unexpected Downtime (January 30, 2010)



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Considering they've said that they underestimated the amount of people playing the game? Considering they know the servers are underpowered for the load? Considering they're getting new equipment and have a date and time to install it? Yeah, the past 24 hours is satisfactory.

    Let's do some math: so IF for every 24 hour period we have 3 hours downtime, then for the month it's still about 1% downtime. I think I can deal. I'd say, pretty satisfactory for an underpowered, overloaded server. :D

    Sorry the server over capacity thing is an excuse from Beta. Even Dell can get blade's shipped within 7 days. And couriers will deliver on the weekends. And data centre people are more than happy to put them in racks as well.

    Please. Think of something else.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Save the electronic trees!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Cryptic needs to make Del Taco send us some food while we wait. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Tlion wrote:
    What is ironic is everyone complaining about not buying something that doesnt crash often and isnt reliable yet we all run a unreliable crashing OS from Microsoft. And lets not forget it crashes alot the first few weeks of comsumer release(aka paid Beta).

    Speak for yourself. Whilst unfortunately I have to use MICROSOFT for certain things, a colleague of mine couldn't use Outlook the other day because he hadn't touched Windows for 10 years. He quickly went back to Linux.

    Daft assumption to make really. A lot of people do run emulators.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Will you guys stop making me clean my own house. I don't want to do anymore chores. Get the friggin game back up!!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wow, you can tell people are getting "cravings" for their latest addiction. The time span between pages is dropping like teir 1 shields vs the Borg.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Angrahl wrote:
    Let's have a look at the server logfiles:

    11:54PM WARNING: Too many players in admirals office, kicked 3 per instance
    11:57PM WARNING: Object "sulu" too many concurrent requests
    11:58PM WARNING: Chat queue overflow, errorcode 'whereissulu'
    12:00PM CRITICAL: Object "sulu" found by 50000 players, overheating
    12:01PM ERROR: Object "sulu" crashed in instance 1-17,23, 25-99
    12:01PM SHUTDOWN: Unrecoverable from last error (hint: hide sulu in a better place in next patch)

    OK, I think we found the cause of the crash. Preparing a patch now.

    now that's just awesome.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Outpost wrote: »
    this thread is an avalanche of nerd rage

    And you are a prime example of an attention-seeking troll.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Name one MMORPG ? UO
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Capere wrote: »
    Yeah, it was getting a little "iffy" there right before it crashed. I could tell the servers were about to need some love.

    Great job though guys!! This is about as smooth a launch (headstart rather) of an MMO as one could hope for.

    good times :)

    Braedan Tangari
    Commanding U.S.S. Copernicus

    Though I'd rather be on my char right now, I completely agree with you - awesome job Cryptic~! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, they used that at the end of Beta, and see where that got us. One can only hope that eventually that excuse will be laid to rest.

    Or things like "Other MMOs are like this too". When WoW launched, it was their first MMO. When STO launches, it will be Cryptic's THIRD.

    People need to realize that they CAN, and SHOULD expect quality in software. It doesn't matter if six dice rolls ended up in a "1", the seventh is independent of the others. The same applies "all the other MMOs blah blah". STO is not WoW.

    MMOs fail. I don't want STO to fail, and sometimes customers need to put pressure on a company to get things better. This is STAR TREK, not Hero Games System. NO-ONE should have been expecting the same level of popularity as a niche superhero MMO.

    Sure, they can fix the bugs over the months so that eventually things get stable next year. But we don't want another Hellgate. We just want to play a quality game. We may be a bit miffed (since the excuses from the apologist players are lame and tiring ) but we aren't foaming at the mouth, expecting perfection or mad at the front-line people. We want the managers to recognize the quality can be, and needs to be improved without delay.

    That shouldn't be too much to ask for now.

    AMEN sing it to the choir brotha...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Most folks havnt payed yet, unless your one of the Lifers or yearers. In either case, the game is doing fine, a hell of alot better then most.
    The problem is you and every other jackass that is complaining are spoiled rotten by your childishly stupid 'fast food' mentality. These things take time, something you dont seem to comprehend.

    Hate to disagree with you there genius but they would not be playing right now if the did'nt pay. If you can't say something intelligent don't say anything at all. Perhpas you should read all the previous posts before you comment?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    thePsycher wrote:
    Are you serious?!? A Bump?

    Like this thread is in any danger of slumping while the server's down?


    i shall raise you a bump on that boogle of yours sir..... :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The guys at Cryptic are probably stressing out at the moment and some of us think it appropriate to insert an encouraging post.

    Others, such as yourself, think it appropriate to question why we would bother with "thanks and cheers".
    One does not always need a reason to say something kind.
    Well, you're probably half-right, so . . . Thanks and cheers to Cryptic for making an absorbing and entertaining game (at least so far) but a Bronx cheer or two for not anticipating the tremendous server load. Sure, they're rushing to get new harware, but why wasn't it "new" tor the launch to begin with? Perhaps they really meant "more" and "not "new."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    DeadWabbit wrote: »
    Wow I really just don't have a clue do I?

    Finally, you're seeing sense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu?

    He's behind you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Redempshin wrote: »
    Good thing there's 2 more months of beta to work these bugs out.
    That and it's a Saturday and everyone's at work instead of trying to play.

    LMAO, I reckon the developers and management team are already considering the most painless form of suicide! Bless em, good luck Cryptic, I've taken servers down before, two weekends ago a SQL migration took me 27 hours and 6 Microsoft engineers. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    omac1a wrote: »
    Grow up and get over it. You wouldn't buy a car that randomly shuts down after 2 hours? Guess what, no one would, but ANY car can randomly stop if overloaded or many other problems. Would you demand your money back for a new car if you couldn't cross a bridge because of construction or an accident? Of course not. You wait. Period. Not every bit of downtime is Cryptic's fault, so stop crying about it.

    A while back Warhammer Online was brought down by a cut fiber and their forums loaded up with people just like you decrying Mythic's shodiness and blaming them.

    Welcome to the world of MMO's, where anything can happen. As time goes on the downtime will decrease.

    Whilst I can see your point, Cryptic aren't telling us WHY we have this down time and never had. This means that people are getting fed up with this lack of comunication and, since we are not told anything else, naturaly assume it is Cryptics fault.

    Cryptic need to sort their PR out. They need to remember they are dealing with Trekkies here and they are not the most forgiving bunch. Add to that they are having to contend with the nerdy image of star trek whilst fighting off WoW. If they don't get this right, and soon, this game will bomb.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Outpost wrote: »
    this thread is an avalanche of nerd rage

    I hurt myself laughing, then I got angry and tried to form an e-mob to lynch you...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yeah thats pretty much it

    with a touch of this

    roflmmfao classic
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well they BETTER* provide status updates-

    WoW provides hourly updates- and STOcost more a month than WoW does..

    So long as it goes back up eventually-

    BETTER? What if they don't? You're still going to fork over your money to them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    omac1a wrote: »
    Grow up and get over it. You wouldn't buy a car that randomly shuts down after 2 hours? Guess what, no one would, but ANY car can randomly stop if overloaded or many other problems. Would you demand your money back for a new car if you couldn't cross a bridge because of construction or an accident? Of course not. You wait. Period. Not every bit of downtime is Cryptic's fault, so stop crying about it.

    A while back Warhammer Online was brought down by a cut fiber and their forums loaded up with people just like you decrying Mythic's shodiness and blaming them.

    Welcome to the world of MMO's, where anything can happen. As time goes on the downtime will decrease.

    Completely missed the point and went straight for ignorant response. Good job!

    Oh and I would demand my money back for regular problems.. hell most states have lemon laws just for that to protect consumers. You assuming this is the 'bridges' fault is hugely reaching considering this happened 3 times a day during open beta and it was.. their servers, not the 'bridges'.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You know the servers will come up when this thred dies.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Considering they've said that they underestimated the amount of people playing the game? Considering they know the servers are underpowered for the load? Considering they're getting new equipment and have a date and time to install it? Yeah, the past 24 hours is satisfactory.

    Let's do some math: so IF for every 24 hour period we have 3 hours downtime, then for the month it's still about 1% downtime. I think I can deal. I'd say, pretty satisfactory for an underpowered, overloaded server. :D

    Why the heck are we all assuming that it's an issue with the servers not being able to handle the load? Servers are cheep and not usually the problem with this kind of stuff on start date. It could be that the fiber that they contracted said they could handle the bandwidth then didn't come through. It could be one in a billion little strings of code passes an unexpected variable that populates out to the rest of the machine and causes a crash. I'm sure they are rushing to sift through core dumps as fast as possible and sorting through tons of data to find the problem, but look how buggy vista is and how much money did M$ spend on that? Welcome to the wonderful world of technology, the last flawless computer was called the abacus.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Beliel wrote: »
    My Windows 7 doesn't crash. Check your computer.

    I've had exactly one crash with Windows 7. I was HAMMERING the CPU with OCCT to check temps. Left the room for a while, and while I was away the system tried to go into standby/hibernation. Not a pleasant sight.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Originally Posted by Angrahl
    Let's have a look at the server logfiles:

    11:54PM WARNING: Too many players in admirals office, kicked 3 per instance
    11:57PM WARNING: Object "sulu" too many concurrent requests
    11:58PM WARNING: Chat queue overflow, errorcode 'whereissulu'
    12:00PM CRITICAL: Object "sulu" found by 50000 players, overheating
    12:01PM ERROR: Object "sulu" crashed in instance 1-17,23, 25-99
    12:01PM SHUTDOWN: Unrecoverable from last error (hint: hide sulu in a better place in next patch)

    OK, I think we found the cause of the crash. Preparing a patch now
    I was actually the only one in the admirals office at time of crash.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Outpost wrote: »
    this thread is an avalanche of nerd rage

    Anyone feel like skiing?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's actually an emergency patch.

    They're adding big blinking neon signs that point to where Sulu is.

    If the players are unable to find Sulu within 5 minutes, they'll get a special padded helmet in thier inventory that can be activated to communicate telepathically with Sulu anywhere in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu? Where's Sulu?

    And here folks we have the perfect example of why there are short buses.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Guys this is a BETA. Downtime is expected. They'll have this all fixed by launch.
This discussion has been closed.