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System Requirements



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have already been told i should be able to run STO with this card but can anyone else confirm this for me as i have pre-ordered the game and would not to be able to play it!
    many thanks :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Trekifan wrote:
    I have already been told i should be able to run STO with this card but can anyone else confirm this for me as i have pre-ordered the game and would not to be able to play it!
    many thanks :)

    Ummm.. card model please? You didn't give any info in this post.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ummm.. card model please? You didn't give any info in this post.

    geforce nveida 7900 GS on Title
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    was in the tiltle but i have the nvieda geforce 7900 GS :)
    thanks again
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Trekifan wrote:
    was in the tiltle but i have the nvieda geforce 7900 GS :)
    thanks again

    Yeah, 7900 GS is fine.

    As for title, few people ever bother reading titles for replies, only new threads.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    iok thanks for the info i know you say that is ok but why do they say 7950 card or higher? many thanks
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Just out of curiosity ..what are the system requirements for basic gameplay ?? I would love to be able to play on my laptop when i travel , but it only has intel embedded graphics.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Trekifan wrote:
    iok thanks for the info i know you say that is ok but why do they say 7950 card or higher? many thanks

    7950 that they mention is overkill (ie: get you high settings). The people writing the system requirements are obviously not hardware people. You can compare the 7950 to the ATI equiv they mentioned and you'll see the two cards are in completely different classes. The ATI card minimum is much more accurate when you take into account the recommended requirements as well. That's how we know the 7950 is a bogus requirement point. In all honesty, they probably wanted to state that an 8000 series or later video card is the minimum requirements, but if you had a decent 7000 series card you'd be fine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Just out of curiosity ..what are the system requirements for basic gameplay ?? I would love to be able to play on my laptop when i travel , but it only has intel embedded graphics.

    That information is on the first post of this thread. If you're on a laptop with an Intel GPU, I'd say no, you'd have a horrible experience with STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Possible stability tests that dev team ran. I ran minimum req's on some other games in the past and it was little nutty here and there. I had to play around with my settings often. I would recommend some upgrades towards the recommended req's soon after release. Future patches and expansions (if they happen) might require more of your system.

    Easiest way is to look out for bare bone kits from whole-sellers. What I have done for costs reasons is take the newest game released and look for kits under "recommended requirements". For instance I am currently running AMD Athlon X2 (64) +5600 with 3 GB DDR 2 800 Mhz RAM with a Nvidia Geforce 8600GT. The entire kit (Case with power supply, MB, RAM, Processor, and Card) only ran $330 after shipping and taxes.

    Granted this is not top of the line. Never the less it will be fine for most of the programs I am running for the time being and has room for upgrades down the road.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    nvydoc1 wrote: »
    Possible stability tests that dev team ran.

    No, probably not. The development team wouldn't have every single video card out there. They just probably took a development PC with the oldest video card that still ran ok and went with that card's model. If you do a little research in this thread, you'll find the reasoning for this:
    I don't think the person who wrote the system requirements knows what they're stating there. That's the most confusing system requirements I've seen for video cards/GPUs.

    First, Intel "HD Graphics" (built-in video GPU) is never going to be nearly as fast as a dedicated video card like those listed above.

    Second, the 7950 is the 7th NVIDIA generation's enthusiast gaming card (ie: top-end for 7th gen). It will be MUCH faster than say an 8400 which is a newer, but slower card. The second number in an NVIDIA card measures its performance for that generation (1st number is for generation). So a 7950 > 8600 > 9500 > 220.

    Third, you did not mention the suffix for the 7950. There is a GT and a GX2 model. The GX2 is pretty much a dual GPU card and absolute top-of-the-line for the 7th generation NVIDIA cards.

    Here's some performance comparisons for fillrates, which is as close as you can get to comparison across different generation cards since memory speed and size also plays a roll. But these fillrates are a card's raw power. MP/s = millions of pixels per second and MT/s = millions of texels per second (texture pixel).
    • 7950 GT... Fillrate: 8,800 MP/s, 13,200 MT/s
    • 8600 GT... Fillrate: 4,320 MP/s, 8,640 MT/s
    • 9500 GT... Fillrate: 4,400 MP/s, 8,800 MT/s
    • 220 GT... Fillrate: 5,000 MP/s, 10,000 MT/s

    So if Cryptic lists an NVIDIA 7950 as a requirement, that means you need a card that can match or beat its raw performance. So for each generation after this, that would be:
    • 8800 GT (according to Cryptic an 8600 or less card won't cut it)
    • 9600 GT (according to Cryptic a 9500 or less card won't cut it)
    • 240 GT (according to Cryptic a 220 or less card won't cut it)

    And those requirements are obviously too high.

    So, let's compare that to their ATI requirement of an X1800. Again, they didn't list the suffix for the 1800, which is either GTO, GTO rev.2, XL, or XT. Let's go with the XL since it shares similar performance to the GTO and is somewhere in the middle. For ATI cards, the MT/s (millions of texels per second) is the only raw power comparison we have across multiple generations. Similar cards along ATI generations (to match or beat the 1800 XL:
    • 1800 XL... Fillrate: 8,000 MT/s
    • 2900 Pro... Fillrate: 9,600 MT/s
    • 3750... Fillrate: 10,700 MT/s
    • HD 4830... Fillrate: 18,400 MT/s (next one down is the 4550 at 4,800 MT/s)

    So for ATI, we look like we're at a much better range. For Cryptic's early requirement mention of an NVIDIA 7950, we're much too high at 13,200 MT/s.

    And I won't even bother for "Intel HD Graphics" since built-in GPUs are not in the same league as dedicated video cards. Cryptic probably threw that in for laptops. Any built-in Intel GPU is going to be dog slow for any new game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If you are going to have to buy a PSU anyway why buy a 300W or 350W PSU to run a 2 years old card. Especially since the GeForce GT 240 which is a newer and better card run on a 350W. Where's the logical in that. Buy a 500W and get a today video card.

    Please stop living in the pass.

    EDIT: I help you out even though you were a big jerk. Why are you still making my life hard.

    lol im not saying he needs to buy a power supply that is 300watt or 350 watt that is stupid. What I am saying with his current power supply of 250 watts he may be able to run a low profile card. If he wants to buy a new power supply then i would def recommend above 600 watts. Sorry I was not very clear on that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    EDIT: I help you out even though you were a big jerk. Why are you still making my life hard.

    Yeah, I've stopped replying to him at all. Problem solved. You're just too kind and now you're getting bitten for it. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thanks Cipher, I see the previous threads you are referencing. I must of missed that page, oh..again thanks for pointing that out definitely makes sense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    nvydoc1 wrote: »
    Thanks Cipher, I see the previous threads you are referencing. I must of missed that page, oh..again thanks for pointing that out definitely makes sense.

    Yeah, no worries, it's a looooong thread. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Torue wrote:
    lol im not saying he needs to buy a power supply that is 300watt or 350 watt that is stupid. What I am saying with his current power supply of 250 watts he may be able to run a low profile card. If he wants to buy a new power supply then i would def recommend above 600 watts. Sorry I was not very clear on that.

    Thanks, if I buy STO I'll try a low profile card like the Radeon 4350 and suffer the low resoution or one of the entry level cards and PSU White Knight suggested if I can get them for less than $200.

    White Knight: If that was me that you were refering to as being a "big jerk" I wasn't trying to be, sorry if I came off that way. Your help is appreciated even if it isn't what I want to hear.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    STObee wrote:
    Thanks, if I buy STO I'll try a low profile card like the Radeon 4350 and suffer the low resoution or one of the entry level cards and PSU White Knight suggested if I can get them for less than $200.

    White Knight: If that was me that you were refering to as being a "big jerk" I wasn't trying to be, sorry if I came off that way. Your help is appreciated even if it isn't what I want to hear.

    No it wasn't you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, I've stopped replying to him at all. Problem solved. You're just too kind and now you're getting bitten for it. ;)

    I was in no way trying to make white knights life difficult lol. If I havent said it before now I apologize for the whole stupid post thing it was very childish and thats not how I really am and i never meant to get into any kinda of flame war to start with. Anyways I really do think highly of white knight and your opinions on todays current computer tech.

    Now let me explain what I was talking about in my earlier post as I have apparently not explained myself accurately. I was stating that with a 250 power supply he could possible go low profile. Also if he was looking for a really cheap power supply he could get by with a 300 watt or 350 watt power supply on a low profile card. The subject was low profile and I was just posting what power supplys at the min would run a low profile that is all.

    Again I want to apologize to both white knight and cipher nemo. I feel that I will be able to contribute in a postive manner to this subject and I hope you can look past my previous mistake. If not its all cool and I understand
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Torue wrote:
    I was in no way trying to make white knights life difficult lol. If I havent said it before now I apologize for the whole stupid post thing it was very childish and thats not how I really am and i never meant to get into any kinda of flame war to start with. Anyways I really do think highly of white knight and your opinions on todays current computer tech.

    Now let me explain what I was talking about in my earlier post as I have apparently not explained myself accurately. I was stating that with a 250 power supply he could possible go low profile. Also if he was looking for a really cheap power supply he could get by with a 300 watt or 350 watt power supply on a low profile card. The subject was low profile and I was just posting what power supplys at the min would run a low profile that is all.

    Again I want to apologize to both white knight and cipher nemo. I feel that I will be able to contribute in a postive manner to this subject and I hope you can look past my previous mistake. If not its all cool and I understand

    The problem is that you provided false hope to someone I was helping. And then dump it on my doorstep.This created conflicting advise.
    I found another that is low profile for 300 watts, you may be able to run this card with a 250 watt power supply. I will let white knight explain how this is possible and leave the tech stuff up to him lol.

    If you are going make a suggestion or a statement of fact you better back it up. I can not make a GPU that is design for 300W PSU run on a 250W one. If you can you better have instruction how to do that. You don't seem to understand that PSU that come with pre-build PCs are not the best ones on the market. Manufactures generally only give you just enough to run their configuration. The_Half_Monte tried to explain this to you.

    I believe I gave you a link to a site which explain PSUs and power calculation that Cipher Nemo wrote.

    You yourself have stated that you do not know about "today's tech". Which means you are not in a position to provide informed advise. The reason that Cipher Nemo and I get along here is because we understand "today tech" and yesterday's. We do not know each other. He's on the East Coast, I'm on the West. We just started helping people here and found that we were giving out the same basic advise. This is because PC tech is simple to us. PC Hardware Enthusiast like our selves just breath this stuff. When we go into a Computer Store it's like a kid going into a candy store. We loose our selves for hours.

    Now some may like liquid cooling and SLI/Crossfire. Some may prefer Intel over AMD or Nvidia over ATI. But we all understand what each one of this things are and what they do and how to set them up. We learn from experience and reading tech news all the time. And if we don't know something we research it. Which is why we can tell if something will or won't work. We are like car enthusiast. They are in their garage rebuilding cars from scratch. They read all the auto magazines.

    I am sorry but your knowledge is 4 years out of date. It's not fair to people who come here seeking help when you are in the same boat they are. I respect that you want to help. But you only know enough to be dangerous.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The problem is that you provided false hope to someone I was helping. And then dump it on my doorstep.This created conflicting advise.

    If you are going make a suggestion or a statement of fact you better back it up. I can not make a GPU that is design for 300W PSU run on a 250W one. If you can you better have instruction how to do that. You don't seem to understand that PSU that come with pre-build PCs are not the best ones on the market. Manufactures generally only give you just enough to run their configuration. The_Half_Monte tried to explain this to you.

    I believe I gave you a link to a site which explain PSUs and power calculation that Cipher Nemo wrote.

    You yourself have stated that you do not know about "today's tech". Which means you are not in a position to provide informed advise. The reason that Cipher Nemo and I get along here is because we understand "today tech" and yesterday's. We do not know each other. He's on the East Coast, I'm on the West. We just started helping people here and found that we were giving out the same basic advise. This is because PC tech is simple to us. PC Hardware Enthusiast like our selves just breath this stuff. When we go into a Computer Store it's like a kid going into a candy store. We lose are selves for hours.

    Now some may like liquid cooling and SLI/Crossfire. Some may prefer Intel over AMD or Nvidia over ATI. But we all understand what each one of this things are and what they do and how to set them up. We learn from experience and reading tech news all the time. And if we don't know something we research it. Which is why we can tell if something will or won't work. We are like car enthusiast. They are in their garage rebuilding cars from scratch. They read all the auto magazines.

    I am sorry but your knowledge is 4 years out of date. It's not fair to people who come here seeking help when you are in the same boat they are. I respect that you want to help. But you only know enough to be dangerous.

    Actually dude I know a friend that is runned a 9600 gt low profile graphics card on a 250 watt power supply. That is a bit risky but it can be done also he knew how to work this Power Supply Calculator http://extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp. I thought you would know about this so I was trying to give you a complement. I also gave him a link to a video card that only requires a 300 watt power supply. There is a very high chance that he can run that particular card. If he lowers his computers power consumption which means unplugging some stuff from the power supply like his cd-rom drive / dvd- rom drive to free up power. Yes I know about the 12V and he has to check all those requirements himself. Just because a card says it requires a min of 300 watts doesnt mean that you cant run it on a 250 watt power supply. That is why using a psu calculator is important. Now I am not telling him to go run a 9600 gt low profile on his psu but i believe he will be able to run this card fine and if he calculates exactly what his system wattage requires and decides to sacrifice a cd-rom drive/ dvd-rom drive or some other device taking wattage from the psu then he has a very good chance of making it run fine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well.. New here, well posting anyways. Needless to say, i am unable to play.. Poor Old Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 is not supported :( and i really did think i stood a chance of getting in for atleast a few mins. hehe...

    Well.. Looks like i'm stuck in the no play boat.. =/

    Thought i would add the error i get:
    "Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL) while creating a texture. Unique Error ID: 6418290"

    .......... :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, I've stopped replying to him at all. Problem solved. You're just too kind and now you're getting bitten for it. ;)
    You were right. I should had listen to you. I took the high road and got burn. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hi. I was hoping someone on here could help me. I was hoping to get a computer for school (laptop perfered) but one strong enough to play this game. However I do not know much about computers. I do enjoy star trek and saw this game coming out. I convinced the wife to let me get a new computer but she wants me to keep it in the 800 to 1000 dollar range. So if theres someone out there that knows there stuff about this I would apperciate a link with a good computer thats able to play this game.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vaylen wrote: »
    Hi. I was hoping someone on here could help me. I was hoping to get a computer for school (laptop perfered) but one strong enough to play this game. However I do not know much about computers. I do enjoy star trek and saw this game coming out. I convinced the wife to let me get a new computer but she wants me to keep it in the 800 to 1000 dollar range. So if theres someone out there that knows there stuff about this I would apperciate a link with a good computer thats able to play this game.

    Thanks in advance.

    Pretty hard pressed to get a gaming laptop for under $1000. The biggest problem with laptops is the video card. To get a good gaming video card in a laptop means big bucks.

    You maybe able to get a nice used gaming laptop for around $1000, but it would be a year or two old.

    If your looking at a pre-built PC $1000 is low end of gaming systems. You can build a nice system for under $1000 but you said not much skill there.

    Try Dells factory outlet, for refurbished or scratch and dent, here is one I found:
    XPS 630
    (System Identifier: EJ89L7VP)

    * XPS 630 Desktop: Intel Core 2 Quad-Core Q9400 (6MB,2.66GHz, 1333FSB)
    * Genuine Windows Vista Ultimate

    System Price : $959.00

    Operating System
    Genuine Windows Vista Ultimate
    Memory 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM 800MHz (4 DIMMs)
    Hard Disk Drive
    320 GB SATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM)
    320 GB SATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM) 2nd Drive
    Video 512MB nVidia GeForce 9800 GT
    Modem 56K DataFax Modem
    Media Bay
    16X DVD +/- RW w/dbl layer write capability
    16X DVD ROM DriveSoftware Upgrade
    Windows Live
    Microsoft Works 9.0
    32BIT Operating System DVDHardware Upgrade
    19 in 1 Media Reader with Bluetooth
    USB Keyboard
    Optical 2-Button Mouse
    XPS Liquid CoolingSystem Color
    BlackCertified Refurbished
    Certified RefurbishedBase
    XPS 630 Desktop: Intel Core 2 Quad-Core Q9400 (6MB,2.66GHz, 1333FSB)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, I've stopped replying to him at all. Problem solved. You're just too kind and now you're getting bitten for it. ;)
    Trollby wrote: »
    Pretty hard pressed to get a gaming laptop for under $1000. The biggest problem with laptops is the video card. To get a good gaming video card in a laptop means big bucks.

    You maybe able to get a nice used gaming laptop for around $1000, but it would be a year or two old.

    If your looking at a pre-built PC $1000 is low end of gaming systems. You can build a nice system for under $1000 but you said not much skill there.

    Try Dells factory outlet, for refurbished or scratch and dent, here is one I found:

    Good catch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vaylen wrote: »
    Hi. I was hoping someone on here could help me. I was hoping to get a computer for school (laptop perfered) but one strong enough to play this game. However I do not know much about computers. I do enjoy star trek and saw this game coming out. I convinced the wife to let me get a new computer but she wants me to keep it in the 800 to 1000 dollar range. So if theres someone out there that knows there stuff about this I would apperciate a link with a good computer thats able to play this game.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Buy.

    Asus - Laptop with Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor - Blue/Black
    Model: G60VX-RBBX05 $899.99

    Asus - Laptop with Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor - Black
    Model: G72GX-RBBX05 | SKU: 9556125 $999.99

    Both of these Laptops are running a Nvidia GTX 260M GPU. They are Class 1. You should be able to run STO on High.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Trollby wrote: »
    Pretty hard pressed to get a gaming laptop for under $1000. The biggest problem with laptops is the video card. To get a good gaming video card in a laptop means big bucks.

    You maybe able to get a nice used gaming laptop for around $1000, but it would be a year or two old.

    If your looking at a pre-built PC $1000 is low end of gaming systems. You can build a nice system for under $1000 but you said not much skill there.

    Try Dells factory outlet, for refurbished or scratch and dent, here is one I found:

    Nice catch but I can do better.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Guess its just better for me to toss my set up in the dump.. They really should think about us lowend users.. :)

    Well there goes my plans on pre-ordering.... =/
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pretty much any computer built in the last 10yrs should be able to run this, lol. But I'm sure the graphics options are going to be extensive. I'm downloading the beta now on Steam and can't wait...........34%
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I wanted to thank white knight and trollby for your guys efforts. Much apperciated.
This discussion has been closed.