I completed the Borg event but no campaign progress was granted. I wasn't sure if this only is totaled at the end of the event on the calendar or as people complete, but was told to make a bug report here and that only then would my account be looked at. I didn't take a screenshot before completing the event but the total campaign progress is unchanged from what it was before. I'd appreciate help getting this fixed. Thank you!
lol, No telling. But there is still one more event left to earn Campaign progress. Which is awarded as you complete it daily and will run 21 days. So, once it gets here, you'll finish the Event Campaign after 13 completions. Odd that you have 2851 points seeing as you earn 50 points per completion. Wonder where that 1 point came from?
Support are more clued up on the issues that come from outside the game, where your game account itself might need attention.