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Why Would Reliant Get the Letter Treatment

nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
I thought that letters would be given to a ship that was so outstanding it deserved to create it's own legacy. Enterprise and Voyager make sense and it was only behind the scenes reasons the 2nd Defiant didnt have A on the hull but was considered as such. And in STO having a Stargazer-A even makes sense.

The novels had a Bozeman-A and Saratoga-A, I dont quite get why there either. Getting stuck in a time loop isn't a great feat and many ships were destroyed at Wolf 359. But those arent canon.

Reliant-M is canon and I just dont get it. Did something think gee the Relaint sure did a great job of getting taken over I want to make sure that happens again and thus Reliant-A was born and the rest was history. Though that would explain them seemingly having a higher mortality rate the Vogagers.


  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,505 Arc User
    What did the Reliant do that didn't involve being captured by supermen? I mean, if you go by the last adventure seen, the Enterprise would have been honored for self-destructing after being boarded...
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    > @jonsills said:
    > What did the Reliant do that didn't involve being captured by supermen? I mean, if you go by the last adventure seen, the Enterprise would have been honored for self-destructing after being boarded...

    I mean how many ships do they threaten to self destruct but never follow through with it haha

    But yeah that is a good point. Maybe the Reliant did something, I suppose it was an 18 registry so was probably in service for a good 30 years. Not that that's always a reliable source of course.
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    I guess that means the Reliant that Picard served on could have been the Reliant-A
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