Since the last update I have been having issues with using a joystick as as the primary space battle controller, I realize that not many people in the game use them but I would not play them game with out one! The major problem is that when I log in the game, if my throttle is not centered my character slowly rotates around and while the fix is not difficult, simply go to the controller tab, click on the xbox as a controller and then turn it off and as long as you do not log completely out of the game it corrects the issue! I also used the joystick axis's which are no longer shown when you select the joystick as your controller, as buttons...I.E. target next and previous enemy, target next and previous friend and that functionality is also lost to me now! Another thing when you bring up any window in the game the X and Y axis's do not function at all until you close them!!! Thank you for your time and attention!!!