I’m trying to recruit people. I keep trying to request people to join a team to create a fleet but they keep declining. I ask if I can get some help creating a fleet but no one answers.
Top tip: unsolicited requests I usually decline and then block the person; I would not be at all surprised if others do the same.
Just go a social zone and ask if anyone is interested. However after 10 years most players are either in a Fleet or probably don't want the hassle of being in one. If you just want the benefits for you self though, pay (usually EC) 4 other non-fleet players to help create a fleet, then kick them.
While we are on the topic of fleets I kind of wish I could create one without needing 5 others, basically for myself and my alts.
While you can't create a fleet solo, you can kick everyone else as soon as it is created, and send offline invites to your alts.
The only hard part there is convincing four people at ESD to stop saying stupid things about politics long enough to help you form the fleet. Maybe if there were some innate reward for it - it's easy to make a Supergroup in Champions Online because everyone who joins, even for the thirty seconds plus waiting time for people that it takes to make a SG, gets an extra costume slot if they weren't part of a SG before, which is a really big deal in a superhero game. Worked for me in making the Children of MK-ULTRA, anyway.
Then even if they stay, you'll be the only one donating Dilithium anyway.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Why not join an existing fleet? There are plenty of good ones.. making a one man fleet isn't worth it unless you're just trying to get free bank space.
I’m trying to recruit people. I keep trying to request people to join a team to create a fleet but they keep declining. I ask if I can get some help creating a fleet but no one answers.
Step1: find people NOT in a fleet. I can't help you there.
If you complete Step 1, then you can make a fleet.
Alternately, yeah, so many fleets you could choose to join.
Having a self-fleet can be very handy for people with a lot of alts; it makes it much easier to share items between them, exponentially so if you have more than one account as well. If you need the bennies of an advanced fleet, you can keep a toon in one and contribute to its growth. (That was my plan, at least.)
I have alts. I just can’t get anyone to join a team to create a fleet.
I as well. I was trying to explain the benefits for those who responded, "just join a fleet".
Except you didn't..
I said that single man fleets were good only for bank space and you countered that by saying.. that single man fleets are good for bank space.
Seriously though.. if you're doing it for any reason other then sharing with your alts/alternate account it's just more worth it to find a small fleet that's in its early stages and join with them. Many small fleets are looking for people to help run things and if you get in with a group of like minded players, it's a better path then trying to start at ground zero.
You think it's hard to find people to start the fleet? Wait until you need people that will contribute to your holdings. There are plenty of small fleets out there that would likely be happy to give you a home and and a say in the direction of the fleet. It's worth at least considering unless you just need that bank space.
Is the bank space free? If not how does the cost compare to expanding your account bank, and adding personal bank and inventory slots with the per-alt Elite pack?
Just curious, I'm happy with the established fleets I'm in and have plenty of space.
Is the bank space free? If not how does the cost compare to expanding your account bank, and adding personal bank and inventory slots with the per-alt Elite pack?
Just curious, I'm happy with the established fleets I'm in and have plenty of space.
One tab comes free, the other tabs require unlocking at about 1 million EC each. (Unlike account and personal bank slots which normally cost in Zen.)
I can see why people start level-0 fleets then - for a whole new account bank 1 million EC is worth around 20 zen, so dirt cheap.
The major limitation is you can't store anything bound, but that would be fine for commodities, consumables, crafting mats, training manuals.
Solo fleet bank space, meh. Sure I use it, but not for anything critical - mostly VR drops that I hate to vendor trash and the plethora of lockboxes that I'll never open.
The big benefit for me of a solo fleet is you get the content without the disappointment from other players.
The only NPC contacts to create a fleet are found on ESD, Qo'Nos, and at New Romulus Command.
For Fed your largest audience (and background noise) will be ESD.
One thing that seems to help and I've seen done many times is offering some energy credits to the four other people helping you create a fleet after it's done to thank them.
1 million isn't a lot for the type of people sitting around a major hub.... there likely sitting on the exchange.
My suggestion... offer something tangible. Grab 1-1.5 million worth of Doff packs or something. If you can score a few exchange deals it will cost you less. Just saying if EC doesn't grab them perhaps a few gamble packs will.
Another option... there are a few public service chat channels in game. These channels are mostly used for fleet hub invites ect... most have rules against offering payment or trade for anything. Including offering to pay people to help you with a fleet startup. However you will be messaging people all over the game instead of those just sitting in one hub... and mostly they tend to be people willing to help other players new ones more so. I don't think its against the rules to name a channel... its not my channel or anything but [NoP Public Service] was started as a troll back in the day when some fleets where selling fleet access for gear, but its morphed into a pretty cool group of people willing to help each other with exactly this type of request. Ask during the evening or a weekend and I'm sure you'll find 4 people willing to help.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Based upon what I've seen in the chat window while playing the game, the path to creating a brand new fleet is rife with lots of begging and/or pleading with a dash of offering various types of compensation and a promise to not require those who volunteer for such duties to not stick around or linger afterwards!
yes, start a fleet, waste all your time and dilithium or waste your money buy dilithium with zen... you will never complete it and it will end up just like 99% of all fleets... dead
my advice to you is to stop this madness and join an existing completed fleet because buy the time you complete your fleet in 2 years this game will be over
I’m trying to recruit people. I keep trying to request people to join a team to create a fleet but they keep declining. I ask if I can get some help creating a fleet but no one answers.
Two way to do this. One, have 4 friends help you create said with with alts. Two, recruit in zone chat of a public area. The latter one, you may have better luck offering to pay some ec to those that help. I'd help, but all my fed alts are in my fleet.
While we are on the topic of fleets I kind of wish I could create one without needing 5 others, basically for myself and my alts.
Use the method above I mentioned and try it. depending on faction,it might take a bit. KDF always being the more difficult side. If it is KDF side, let me know. I have a few KDF alts that are fleetless and I'll help.
However, once you get the fleet started and want your alts in it. You don't need to have other invite them. You can use charactername@yourhandle in the fleet invite window and invite. Then you just log over to said alt and accept it.
Also, vague thread titles are against the forum rules, you should edit the title to include more information.
Fleet creation: https://sto.gamepedia.com/Fleet#Fleet_Creation_Requirements
"bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay'"
Revenge is a Dish, Best Served Cold ~ Khan Noonien Singh
Just go a social zone and ask if anyone is interested. However after 10 years most players are either in a Fleet or probably don't want the hassle of being in one. If you just want the benefits for you self though, pay (usually EC) 4 other non-fleet players to help create a fleet, then kick them.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
If you complete Step 1, then you can make a fleet.
Alternately, yeah, so many fleets you could choose to join.
My character Tsin'xing
Except you didn't..
I said that single man fleets were good only for bank space and you countered that by saying.. that single man fleets are good for bank space.
Seriously though.. if you're doing it for any reason other then sharing with your alts/alternate account it's just more worth it to find a small fleet that's in its early stages and join with them. Many small fleets are looking for people to help run things and if you get in with a group of like minded players, it's a better path then trying to start at ground zero.
You think it's hard to find people to start the fleet? Wait until you need people that will contribute to your holdings. There are plenty of small fleets out there that would likely be happy to give you a home and and a say in the direction of the fleet. It's worth at least considering unless you just need that bank space.
Just curious, I'm happy with the established fleets I'm in and have plenty of space.
I can see why people start level-0 fleets then - for a whole new account bank 1 million EC is worth around 20 zen, so dirt cheap.
The major limitation is you can't store anything bound, but that would be fine for commodities, consumables, crafting mats, training manuals.
The big benefit for me of a solo fleet is you get the content without the disappointment from other players.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
For Fed your largest audience (and background noise) will be ESD.
One thing that seems to help and I've seen done many times is offering some energy credits to the four other people helping you create a fleet after it's done to thank them.
The fleet bank space is for unbound items only.
I don't think so but that's up to you. That's a decent amount.
Years ago often 500K would do. Inflation?
My suggestion... offer something tangible. Grab 1-1.5 million worth of Doff packs or something. If you can score a few exchange deals it will cost you less. Just saying if EC doesn't grab them perhaps a few gamble packs will.
Another option... there are a few public service chat channels in game. These channels are mostly used for fleet hub invites ect... most have rules against offering payment or trade for anything. Including offering to pay people to help you with a fleet startup. However you will be messaging people all over the game instead of those just sitting in one hub... and mostly they tend to be people willing to help other players new ones more so. I don't think its against the rules to name a channel... its not my channel or anything but [NoP Public Service] was started as a troll back in the day when some fleets where selling fleet access for gear, but its morphed into a pretty cool group of people willing to help each other with exactly this type of request. Ask during the evening or a weekend and I'm sure you'll find 4 people willing to help.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
If you're prepared to spend tens of millions of dil on your fleet it's a still small price to pay compared to that.
my advice to you is to stop this madness and join an existing completed fleet because buy the time you complete your fleet in 2 years this game will be over
Two way to do this. One, have 4 friends help you create said with with alts. Two, recruit in zone chat of a public area. The latter one, you may have better luck offering to pay some ec to those that help. I'd help, but all my fed alts are in my fleet.
Use the method above I mentioned and try it. depending on faction,it might take a bit. KDF always being the more difficult side. If it is KDF side, let me know. I have a few KDF alts that are fleetless and I'll help.
However, once you get the fleet started and want your alts in it. You don't need to have other invite them. You can use charactername@yourhandle in the fleet invite window and invite. Then you just log over to said alt and accept it.