I noticed a difference of pictures when people are playing on home computer vs when I play on my laptop. Is sto better played on a home computer? I’ve been trying to the 360 controller on the laptop and I’m having a hard time getting it to read, any thoughts on this?
Well most "tower" pc's tend to be more powerful than laptops, so that usually translates to a smoother look, etc. However STO will play just fine on most decent laptops, as long as your connection is good enough.
If your laptop is not a "gaming" laptop with a dedicated graphics card, then it is using the intel graphics built into the processor chip which are weaker than a $150+ graphics card in a desktop PC.
With some laptops with USB-C connectors you can spend $500+ on an external enclosure + graphics card to let you play more games with better graphics.
I've been playing with a laptop and a wireless trackball for years and years... never had any issues.
That being said, if you are GAMING on a laptop you'll need a GAMING LAPTOP. Even an older one will be OK. Mine is going on 5 years old and still does just fine.
yep. we use an ancient I7 desktop with a GTX770. his laptop is a higer end Dell and it's good but for the money that laptop is priced at, we could have a killer rig with what was bleeding edge a year ago tech
I have two, a laptop and a desktop, the laptop is an i7 with a GTX 940m, and my desktop is an AMD Ryzen 2600 with a GTX 1660 TI, as i travel a lot, and i need a demi-good graphic card for work, i also play on my laptop... no difference, but i do tone down a notch the graphics..
When I visit family, I play STO on an old, 8-year old Asus laptop I gave them. I have to turn down the features so that the game runs but even then it stutters here and there. Still, for it runs and I can play even while over there.
My desktop computer at home is more beefy, max settings and all that, fancy ultra settings on other games. Just fine.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
With some laptops with USB-C connectors you can spend $500+ on an external enclosure + graphics card to let you play more games with better graphics.
That being said, if you are GAMING on a laptop you'll need a GAMING LAPTOP. Even an older one will be OK. Mine is going on 5 years old and still does just fine.
My desktop computer at home is more beefy, max settings and all that, fancy ultra settings on other games. Just fine.