I spent about 3 hours creating specialization tokens for a handful of characters and training them accordingly. The amount of time and hand/finger work needed for the relatively insignificant advance in the overall game is insane.
Each token requires 4 space and 4 ground modules from the vendor, along with a crafted PADD to complete. While 5 similar tokens can be batched each individual manual must be clicked over and over. This is utterly pointless and in a game that encourages timely investment over the spectrum of personal/gear/ship advancement contributes to a serious health issue for players...
CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME is both real and possible if not likely given the controller interface with the tens of thousands of clicks on the D-pad and L3 joystick on average to lengthy sessions. The toll taken on my hands, particularly the left has been excruciating over some of the grinds thus far.
My first and most important suggestion is to consider streamlining some of the pointless click exercises such as this token business. One solution is to implement the duty officer option when the materials aren't available, ALA *would you like to spend X thousand EC to purchase the remaining 2, 3... all 8 manuals to complete this token?"
My second suggestion (if it is not already implemented) is to PLEASE incorporate keyboard functionality with the consoles. I saw a thread about an XBOX keyboard beta. I have no clue whether such exists for PS4 but some break in the repetitive motion of the controller is both welcome and necessary.
I realize a casual observation may lead to one concluding this may only be a mere couple of moments to accomplish, roundly missing the point by measuring the exercise in execution time. let us consider the actual movements involved to put it in perspective...
Once the player is facing the vendor and has selected the transaction button, it is a CONSERVATIVE 8 D-Pad movements and 3 X-Button clicks PER Manual. This amounts to a (Conservative) 64 D-Pad movements and 24 X-Button clicks to say nothing of the subsequent clicks to access the crafting menu and click up the token(s)
Thus a CONSERVATIVE 88 movements to make a single token, and LOOK OUT if you discover by manual 6 that you don't have room, prompting you now to scrap, salvage, or leave to bank/equip room for 2-3 slots to get all the manuals together for that ONE token.
This is a potential of hundreds of movements for a couple of tokens that could be replaced with 3 clicks ("do you want to buy all the materials to complete the Intelligence Token for 'X' E.C.?") or mitigated outright by a straight purchase from the appropriately-leveled and qualified player.
Mitigating this and perhaps another dozen similar such exercises and you will have spared the player('s hands) hundreds if not thousands of wasted movements as well as valuable time best spent in a TFO or PVP.