Hello, all! I'm not a frequent flyer on forums, so I apologize in advance if I unwittingly break some sort of protocol at any point in this post. I've been playing since closed beta, and it wasn't long after launch that I warped into the Pico system and just went, "Whoaaaaa…" Since then I've been taking screenshots of my ships against the prettier systems in the game. Last year I updated them all into 4K. Some I couldn't replicate fully due to systems closing to traffic, or the repeatable episodes that used to involve them having been superseded. I do wish Cryptic would simply open every system up, episodes or not.
I do give myself a few rules with these, such as NO CONTRAILS. In the TV and movie series, contrails only showed up at warp. I realize it's good to know when your ship is moving at a glance in gameplay, but it's not canon. So I take all of these with my ships stopped but they are meant to look as though they are moving. I tend to favor backlighting them as well. I also keep the same zoom level throughout, one mouse wheel scroll back from fully zoomed in. I try to keep sentient-made objects out as much as possible, and other players are NEVER in them. You'll note that I favor Federation canon ships as well. I do plan to play more Klingon and the other factions still, it's just that life keeps getting in the way.
Sorry for the silly watermarks... I made them small enough so that they won't show behind your system tray (in Windows 10). I don't expect any sort of reward or compensation for these, I just want them to be known as something I came up with. Also, I apologize for the 1K wallpapers being 1200p. I never gamed at 1080p. Use the "Fit" or "Center" format when configuring your backgrounds in Windows and it should all look fine anyway!
I am hosting these on Google due to their size, the fact I already have a Google account anyway, and it's free. Please let me know if you run into any issues. I shared the albums, a 1K and a 4K, linked below. When I add 4K wallpapers I will edit this post to get it to bubble to the top of the forums... I hope that's how it works... forum newb, sorry.
Also, I would like to thank the devs for all these years of living out my Trekkie fantasies and filling my eyes with gorgeous planetscapes and beautiful balletic directed energy combat! Just... please, PLEASE go back and fix Rura Penthe. It's looking far too... temperate, these days.
The ship name and class, as well as the system it is in are all in the filename. Enjoy!
1K/1200p Album:
4K/2160p Album: