what death penalty? there is currently NO death penalty for any action committed in federation space (because pike hasn't gone to talos yet, so that one has yet to be established)
The Cage took place two years earlier.
"The Cage" also isn't canon, given it never originally aired on TV and was cut up to create "The Menagerie". Failed pilots don't count.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
...but maybe you missed the constant overtures for peace and dialogue made by Starfleet representatives in the pilot...
The overtures for peace that the two-dimensional Klingons would always ignore?
The way the writers backed the crew into a corner so that the ONLY response is more violence and death?
The way the writers made a mockery of diplomacy because the Klingons only speak the language of violence? I mean, we can pretend the series is about peace and that it is the fault of those darned Klingons that we can't be explorers... but I'm sure it's the writer's fault. If they wanted peaceful resolutions there would be peaceful resolutions.
On a slightly different topic, various posters have claimed that Star Trek: Discovery is highly political and that the Klingons are "Trump supporters". I dismissed these claims... until someone sent me this interview that Rolling Stone made with Aaron Harberts, the showrunner that took over after Fuller left. It's... interesting.
Fuller soon brought on longtime collaborator Aaron Harberts and his writing partner Gretchen Berg as co-executive producers... Handed the reigns, they started to envision a slightly darker version of the usual Trek stories. There's a simple reason for that: Donald Trump.
The Trump phenomenon was "front and center in our minds," Harberts admits when talking about the post-Fuller production process. "We felt like it would be interesting to really look at what's going on in the United States." He mentions that among the show's antagonists are an ultra-religious and violent Klingon faction whose rallying cry – "Remain Klingon" – is intentionally reminiscent of "Make America Great Again."
"It's a call to isolationism," the showrunner says in reference to the slogan. "It's about racial purity, and it's about wanting to take care of yourself. And if anybody is reaching a hand out to help you, it's about smacking it away . . . That was pretty provocative for us, and it wasn't necessarily something that we wanted to completely lean into. But it was happening. We were hearing the stories."
So, uh, I guess those posters were right. Shame about the Klingons.
Thank you for posting that.
I hadn't read that article yet.
The SJW-nonsense in TRIBBLE is pretty thick.
Try watching the preceding five shows with your brain turned on this time: you're going to find traditionally left-wing values plastered all over them. LGBT rights? "Unjoined" (EDIT: 'scuse me, "Rejoined"). Pro-union? "Bar Association". Anti-racism? "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", "Duet". Pro-welfare state? "Past Tense". Anti-interventionism? Frell, pick any episode where the Prime Directive is brought up. Anti-greed as personal motivation? "The Neutral Zone", for one.
Guess what, Star Trek has always taken hard looks at social issues and gone for the leftward position from day frelling one. You want right-wing sci-fi, Michael Z. Williamson's Mary Suetopia of Grainne is thataway. Have fun wading through 400 pages of Ayn Rand as a space opera.
Okay, seriously, where are people getting the idea that T'Kuvma's house are Trump analogues? T'Kuvma explicitly bases his entire mission around 'prophecy', the 'Black Fleet', Klingon Unity as the legacy of Kahless - hell, he specifically calls himself the successor of Kahless the Unforgettable! As Burnham's said, T'Kuvma was setting himself up as a Messiah. These aren't political extremists, they're religious extremists - analogous to Jihadists and Christian Fundamentalists more than Alt-Right Radicals. Did no one else notice how all 23 other Houses looked at the situation through a political/strategic lense? How it took T'Kuvma dropping the Kahless spiritualist dogma and appealing to their cultural fear of the Federation for them to support him (and even then, he didn't exactly give them a choice: he immediately opened fire and Starfleet retaliated; the other Houses didn't have time to decide, the battle had begun)?
Whatever the writers' intentions, I actually find Gowron a better counterpart to Trump than T'Kuvma. Attains power not because people actually liked him but because they liked the other guy even less, starts picking unnecessary fights with his own ally and promising a "return to the old ways" (conquering other civilizations and executing their government officials, in context), concerned more with personal loyalty and his own reputation than with effective governance...
Post edited by starswordc on
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
The ACTUAL CREATORS OF THE SHOW said that the Klingons are analogous to Trump supporters. Their slogan "Remain Klingon" is is intentionally reminiscent of "Make America Great Again. I myself did not believe it until I was shown the interview. I thought they were generic enough to be stand ins for whomever you want to vilify.
A real face-off with a Klingon would not have gone anything remotely close to this....
Define "real."
Klingon decloaks behind you, fires some torps and disruptors. You blow up and the Klingons toast their epic victory with made up battle stories.
But a Klingon ship sitting there doing nothing and waiting for reinforcements before attacking ONE ship?!?! Yeah, that's a 'real' Klingon.
Klingons didn't HAVE cloaks 10 years before TOS. In fact, ROMULANS shouldn't even have them (they were NEW in TOS), but of course, Enterprise also jumped that shark.
I didn't see it. I was prepared to give it a chanc
The exact time Klingons had acquired cloak is unknown. There is fan speculation that they got it from the Romulans in their TOS era alliance with them, but it's never been confirmed on screen. We don't know who got what when.
And of course, this Klingon had access to cloaking technology. It was something new the 24 Houses do not possess. (At least until now, we will see what happens next.)
And likely with the death of T'Kuvma, any of T'Kuvma's ships with cloaking technology will be used to avenge his death rather than trying to use the technology to build more ships with cloaking technology.
"Balance of Terror" frankly never made any sense to begin with. We're seriously supposed to believe that the Federation (or Coalition of Planets, or Earth Alliance, whatever the hell they were calling themselves) fought an interstellar war with a species that:
did not have FTL travel?
never once showed itself in person?
The first one is a scale problem: it's not impossible to fight an interstellar war without FTL but it is so ridiculously difficult for the combatants as to make it not worth the effort under most circumstances. With decades or centuries of travel time between intelligence gathering, deployment, and engagement, you can be assured that nothing you expected will be true when you arrive. (This is incidentally explored quite well in M.D. Cooper's Aeon 14 series: the only interstellar war preceding FTL travel was fought purely because one side had a MacGuffin that the other was desperate for.) If one side has FTL and the other doesn't, you can forget it: you'll end up with a planet-bound guerrilla war a la the Occupation of Bajor because the FTL side will control the terms of engagement in space.
The second one is a failure to engage common sense. We're expected to believe that the war included zero surface engagements or boarding actions, and that all the Romulan ships were destroyed completely clean and no Romulan crew members were blown into space from hull breaches? No war is that clean.
I have considerably fewer problems with retconning episodes that were poorly written to begin with than in other circumstances.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
It's not that the Romulan ships were destroyed cleanly by enemy fire - it's that standard Romulan doctrine at the time was to respond to loss in battle by detonating the ship's self-destruct system, essentially vaporizing the craft and all aboard. There were no remaining bodies to be found.
It's not an unreasonable position, after all - by denying the enemy any intelligence, you deny them the opportunity to discover your current technological level (and, if they don't know already, the location of your homeworld, which you really shouldn't be broadcasting willy-nilly across the galaxy).
Maybe you should read that article again, or as often as it takes to not take it to mean something completely different from what he actually said
What are you talking about? This is WORD FOR WORD from that article!
Fuller soon brought on longtime collaborator Aaron Harberts and his writing partner Gretchen Berg as co-executive producers... Handed the reigns, they started to envision a slightly darker version of the usual Trek stories. There's a simple reason for that: Donald Trump.
The Trump phenomenon was "front and center in our minds," Harberts admits when talking about the post-Fuller production process. "We felt like it would be interesting to really look at what's going on in the United States." He mentions that among the show's antagonists are an ultra-religious and violent Klingon faction whose rallying cry – "Remain Klingon" – is intentionally reminiscent of "Make America Great Again."
"It's a call to isolationism," the showrunner says in reference to the slogan. "It's about racial purity, and it's about wanting to take care of yourself. And if anybody is reaching a hand out to help you, it's about smacking it away . . . That was pretty provocative for us, and it wasn't necessarily something that we wanted to completely lean into. But it was happening. We were hearing the stories."
Says it right there. Aaron Harberts says Trump was inspiration for his "darker Trek", that the Trump phenomenon was "front and center in their minds". The show's antagonists are an ultra-religious and violent faction whose rallying cry - "Remain Klingon" - is intentionally reminiscent of "Make America Great Again". The Klingons are an allegory for Trump and/or his supporters, as told to Rolling Stone by Aaron Harberts. I don't know how much clearer than that you can get.
I personally thought they were generic murder-everyone-who-is-not-us-badguys, but the show's creators say otherwise. So, there it is.
The Star Fleet Battles game retconned that a bit to make it more plausible. Neither side had tactical warp capability - remember TOS era battles were fought at warp - but still had early warp engines for interstellar travel.
Non-canon of course, but a lot like Enterprise would have ended up doing, come to think of it.
That one guy has had a yuge impact on everyone, so it's not surprising that there'd be an influence. Rick and Morty's "The Ricklantis Mixup" had some Trump undertones.
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I looked up other interviews that the creators have done regarding the Klingons allegory for Trump and/ or Trump supporters. Would you believe they told Entertainment Weekly the same thing?
“The allegory is that we really started working on the show in earnest around the time the election was happening,” showrunner Aaron Harberts says. “The Klingons are going to help us really look at certain sides of ourselves and our country. Isolationism is a big theme. Racial purity is a big theme. The Klingons are not the enemy, but they do have a different view on things. It raises big questions: Should we let people in? Do we want to change? There’s also the question of just because you reach your hand out to someone, do they have to take it? Sometimes, they don’t want to take it. It’s been interesting to see how the times have become more of a mirror than we even thought they were going to be.”
“North Korea is in our thoughts as we finish the series,” fellow showrunner Gretchen J. Berg says. “What began as a commentary on our own divided nation — in terms of Trump supporters and non-Trump supporters — has blown out to North Korea and how we’re right on the brink. [The U.S. is] actually right at the place where Starfleet finds itself in episode one and we couldn’t have anticipated that happening. But how do you end conflict when both sides have such strong opinions?”
The Toronto-based production is currently shooting its 13th episode, and producers note that President Donald Trump’s tense stand-off with North Korea has some reflections in the show as well.
WTH guys? What does Trump have to do with Star Trek? Obsessed much? I had no idea until people started going on about politics. I get that Star Trek dabbles in politics, but this comes across as a bit much.
For clarity, I am still ambivalent about Star Trek: Discovery. We've only seen two parts of one episode. These showrunners though...
It's not that the Romulan ships were destroyed cleanly by enemy fire - it's that standard Romulan doctrine at the time was to respond to loss in battle by detonating the ship's self-destruct system, essentially vaporizing the craft and all aboard. There were no remaining bodies to be found.
It's not an unreasonable position, after all - by denying the enemy any intelligence, you deny them the opportunity to discover your current technological level (and, if they don't know already, the location of your homeworld, which you really shouldn't be broadcasting willy-nilly across the galaxy).
the problem is that scuttling is unreliable. To be absolutely sure you'd have to preemptively self destruct BEFORE you knew for sure that you were going to be destroyed. It's possible, but insane.
Well back when Balance of Terror was written they had presumed that the tech levels of the Earth-Romulan War were much lower than what we saw in ST: Enterprise (which was basically just TOS levels with different names).
Scotty's TOS line about them not having Federation style engines was vague enough that it could be interpreted as an implication of having an alternative FTL method. Sadly later shows would ignore this potential idea and just have them use the same gear as everyone else. The writers seemed to have enough trouble keeping track of the Federations tech levels, let alone a completely alien set.
If you factor in Enterprise it becomes clear that the Romulans viewed Earth as nothing more than an annoyance rather than a prize. Their real objective had always been the re-conquest of Vulcan, which is why they were so devoted to all the cloak and dagger stuff. They left Vulcan as a refugee fleet and had to completely rebuild their society from the ground up. If the Vulcans learned the truth sooner they could have sent in their own powerful fleet to crush the Romulans before they were ready.
I honestly hate when Hollywood tries to bring their political views into stories. I find it deeply disturbing that the writers will denounce their political rivals as villainous monsters and then publicly engage in murder fantasy stories like this. Do they not see the blatant hypocrisy of proclaiming the virtues of diversity only to wish death upon those they disagree with.
Still reading but only seeing what you want to see as usual. The only people actually saying "the Klingons are Trump supporters" are conspiracy nuts and clickbait article titles that have little to do with the content. They're simply talking about general themes.
That one guy has had a yuge impact on everyone, so it's not surprising that there'd be an influence. Rick and Morty's "The Ricklantis Mixup" had some Trump undertones.
Evil Morty is too Machiavellian to have Trump undertones. To have Trump undertones, Jerry would need to become president instead of Evil Morty.
It's not that the Romulan ships were destroyed cleanly by enemy fire - it's that standard Romulan doctrine at the time was to respond to loss in battle by detonating the ship's self-destruct system, essentially vaporizing the craft and all aboard. There were no remaining bodies to be found.
It's not an unreasonable position, after all - by denying the enemy any intelligence, you deny them the opportunity to discover your current technological level (and, if they don't know already, the location of your homeworld, which you really shouldn't be broadcasting willy-nilly across the galaxy).
Does that mean they never had physical combat engagements? They were just flying through space and destroying bases and colonies, never actually trying to conquer anything and hold it?
That seems ... odd.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
> @kabutotokugawa said: > starswordc wrote: » > > Try watching the preceding five shows with your brain turned on this time: you're going to find traditionally left-wing values plastered all over them. LGBT rights? "Unjoined" (EDIT: 'scuse me, "Rejoined"). Pro-union? "Bar Association". Anti-racism? "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", "Duet". Pro-welfare state? "Past Tense". Anti-interventionism? Frell, pick any episode where the Prime Directive is brought up. Anti-greed as personal motivation? "The Neutral Zone", for one. > > > > > Ah, vitriol, and a personal attack on top of that. What that means is that you do not have an argument and are just triggered. > You are going to have to deal with the fact that many of us see this TRIBBLE for the pox that it is. > Here, let me show you why TRIBBLE is SJW-garbage.
I notice the typical conspicuous lack of a counterargument for the actual factually-based points raised in my post, that Star Trek has ALWAYS, to use your charming term, been full of "SJW garbage". Which suggests that you HAVE no counterargument, so instead you attack the way in which the argument was made.
Address the argument or concede. Your choice.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
but if it's worse than the worst fanfilm made, they can't get any worse, so the rest of the season will steadily improve - or if it somehow DOES get worse, it will reach that level of 'it's so bad it's good'
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
My character Tsin'xing
"The Cage" also isn't canon, given it never originally aired on TV and was cut up to create "The Menagerie". Failed pilots don't count.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Try watching the preceding five shows with your brain turned on this time: you're going to find traditionally left-wing values plastered all over them. LGBT rights? "Unjoined" (EDIT: 'scuse me, "Rejoined"). Pro-union? "Bar Association". Anti-racism? "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", "Duet". Pro-welfare state? "Past Tense". Anti-interventionism? Frell, pick any episode where the Prime Directive is brought up. Anti-greed as personal motivation? "The Neutral Zone", for one.
Guess what, Star Trek has always taken hard looks at social issues and gone for the leftward position from day frelling one. You want right-wing sci-fi, Michael Z. Williamson's Mary Suetopia of Grainne is thataway. Have fun wading through 400 pages of Ayn Rand as a space opera.
Whatever the writers' intentions, I actually find Gowron a better counterpart to Trump than T'Kuvma. Attains power not because people actually liked him but because they liked the other guy even less, starts picking unnecessary fights with his own ally and promising a "return to the old ways" (conquering other civilizations and executing their government officials, in context), concerned more with personal loyalty and his own reputation than with effective governance...
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Maybe you should read that article again, or as often as it takes to not take it to mean something completely different from what he actually said :P
And likely with the death of T'Kuvma, any of T'Kuvma's ships with cloaking technology will be used to avenge his death rather than trying to use the technology to build more ships with cloaking technology.
The first one is a scale problem: it's not impossible to fight an interstellar war without FTL but it is so ridiculously difficult for the combatants as to make it not worth the effort under most circumstances. With decades or centuries of travel time between intelligence gathering, deployment, and engagement, you can be assured that nothing you expected will be true when you arrive. (This is incidentally explored quite well in M.D. Cooper's Aeon 14 series: the only interstellar war preceding FTL travel was fought purely because one side had a MacGuffin that the other was desperate for.) If one side has FTL and the other doesn't, you can forget it: you'll end up with a planet-bound guerrilla war a la the Occupation of Bajor because the FTL side will control the terms of engagement in space.
The second one is a failure to engage common sense. We're expected to believe that the war included zero surface engagements or boarding actions, and that all the Romulan ships were destroyed completely clean and no Romulan crew members were blown into space from hull breaches? No war is that clean.
I have considerably fewer problems with retconning episodes that were poorly written to begin with than in other circumstances.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
It's not an unreasonable position, after all - by denying the enemy any intelligence, you deny them the opportunity to discover your current technological level (and, if they don't know already, the location of your homeworld, which you really shouldn't be broadcasting willy-nilly across the galaxy).
Fuller soon brought on longtime collaborator Aaron Harberts and his writing partner Gretchen Berg as co-executive producers... Handed the reigns, they started to envision a slightly darker version of the usual Trek stories. There's a simple reason for that: Donald Trump.
The Trump phenomenon was "front and center in our minds," Harberts admits when talking about the post-Fuller production process. "We felt like it would be interesting to really look at what's going on in the United States." He mentions that among the show's antagonists are an ultra-religious and violent Klingon faction whose rallying cry – "Remain Klingon" – is intentionally reminiscent of "Make America Great Again."
"It's a call to isolationism," the showrunner says in reference to the slogan. "It's about racial purity, and it's about wanting to take care of yourself. And if anybody is reaching a hand out to help you, it's about smacking it away . . . That was pretty provocative for us, and it wasn't necessarily something that we wanted to completely lean into. But it was happening. We were hearing the stories."
Says it right there. Aaron Harberts says Trump was inspiration for his "darker Trek", that the Trump phenomenon was "front and center in their minds". The show's antagonists are an ultra-religious and violent faction whose rallying cry - "Remain Klingon" - is intentionally reminiscent of "Make America Great Again". The Klingons are an allegory for Trump and/or his supporters, as told to Rolling Stone by Aaron Harberts. I don't know how much clearer than that you can get.
I personally thought they were generic murder-everyone-who-is-not-us-badguys, but the show's creators say otherwise. So, there it is.
Non-canon of course, but a lot like Enterprise would have ended up doing, come to think of it.
“The allegory is that we really started working on the show in earnest around the time the election was happening,” showrunner Aaron Harberts says. “The Klingons are going to help us really look at certain sides of ourselves and our country. Isolationism is a big theme. Racial purity is a big theme. The Klingons are not the enemy, but they do have a different view on things. It raises big questions: Should we let people in? Do we want to change? There’s also the question of just because you reach your hand out to someone, do they have to take it? Sometimes, they don’t want to take it. It’s been interesting to see how the times have become more of a mirror than we even thought they were going to be.”
“North Korea is in our thoughts as we finish the series,” fellow showrunner Gretchen J. Berg says. “What began as a commentary on our own divided nation — in terms of Trump supporters and non-Trump supporters — has blown out to North Korea and how we’re right on the brink. [The U.S. is] actually right at the place where Starfleet finds itself in episode one and we couldn’t have anticipated that happening. But how do you end conflict when both sides have such strong opinions?”
The Toronto-based production is currently shooting its 13th episode, and producers note that President Donald Trump’s tense stand-off with North Korea has some reflections in the show as well.
WTH guys? What does Trump have to do with Star Trek? Obsessed much? I had no idea until people started going on about politics. I get that Star Trek dabbles in politics, but this comes across as a bit much.
For clarity, I am still ambivalent about Star Trek: Discovery. We've only seen two parts of one episode. These showrunners though...
My character Tsin'xing
Scotty's TOS line about them not having Federation style engines was vague enough that it could be interpreted as an implication of having an alternative FTL method. Sadly later shows would ignore this potential idea and just have them use the same gear as everyone else. The writers seemed to have enough trouble keeping track of the Federations tech levels, let alone a completely alien set.
If you factor in Enterprise it becomes clear that the Romulans viewed Earth as nothing more than an annoyance rather than a prize. Their real objective had always been the re-conquest of Vulcan, which is why they were so devoted to all the cloak and dagger stuff. They left Vulcan as a refugee fleet and had to completely rebuild their society from the ground up. If the Vulcans learned the truth sooner they could have sent in their own powerful fleet to crush the Romulans before they were ready.
I honestly hate when Hollywood tries to bring their political views into stories. I find it deeply disturbing that the writers will denounce their political rivals as villainous monsters and then publicly engage in murder fantasy stories like this. Do they not see the blatant hypocrisy of proclaiming the virtues of diversity only to wish death upon those they disagree with.
Evil Morty is too Machiavellian to have Trump undertones. To have Trump undertones, Jerry would need to become president instead of Evil Morty.
That seems ... odd.
> starswordc wrote: »
> Try watching the preceding five shows with your brain turned on this time: you're going to find traditionally left-wing values plastered all over them. LGBT rights? "Unjoined" (EDIT: 'scuse me, "Rejoined"). Pro-union? "Bar Association". Anti-racism? "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", "Duet". Pro-welfare state? "Past Tense". Anti-interventionism? Frell, pick any episode where the Prime Directive is brought up. Anti-greed as personal motivation? "The Neutral Zone", for one.
> Ah, vitriol, and a personal attack on top of that. What that means is that you do not have an argument and are just triggered.
> You are going to have to deal with the fact that many of us see this TRIBBLE for the pox that it is.
> Here, let me show you why TRIBBLE is SJW-garbage.
I notice the typical conspicuous lack of a counterargument for the actual factually-based points raised in my post, that Star Trek has ALWAYS, to use your charming term, been full of "SJW garbage". Which suggests that you HAVE no counterargument, so instead you attack the way in which the argument was made.
Address the argument or concede. Your choice.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"