Something that I noticed the first time I played it so far:
The quality of your parts doesn't seem to matter. The one person in the event I was in to get all three parts to purple lost to an afker. I also got second place with all green parts. If you don't even get parts on your rocket, it should just explode on launch. (Would also be funny if you spawned players right next to their rocket before the launch, so they get knocked down or killed from the explosion.)
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
The tiny backpack is stupid, does it have a point at all? It looked like a jet pack from risa and thought i could jet around, but nope, just decorative.
I think it serves two purposes:
-it's decorative and the in-universe reason you can carry all those parts and junk
-its color reminds you which rocket is assigned to you, in case you were not paying attention or the glowing arrow doesn't show up
The tiny backpack is stupid, does it have a point at all? It looked like a jet pack from risa and thought i could jet around, but nope, just decorative.
It's your day pack containing a cut lunch and a drink bottle, packed by your ship's cook.
OP don't ruin what is not broken. AFKers do not undermine your ability to do what you doing this event so don't worry about it.
The beauty for me is that if things get buggy I still get my reward and no AFK penalty, although so far that hasn't been an issue so that is good as well.
The tiny backpack is stupid, does it have a point at all? It looked like a jet pack from risa and thought i could jet around, but nope, just decorative.
I think it serves two purposes:
-it's decorative and the in-universe reason you can carry all those parts and junk
-its color reminds you which rocket is assigned to you, in case you were not paying attention or the glowing arrow doesn't show up
It's also a visual representation of the Collect Parts buff that you have while on the map. This buff will also sometimes pop into your tray, like accolade buffs occasionally do. It stays with you for a moment after you switch maps and then disappears when the buff is cleared. I assume, though there's no way that I can think of to test it, that it marks you as participating in the queue, sort of like the invisible item that marks you as eligible for the Fast and the Flurrious race.
By the way, the spelling of the title of this makes me want an Eddie Cochran event. You get transported to a facsimile of 1950s Earth, help to define rockabilly, then die in a car crash at 21.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
The event sucks because everyone gets the same price? Gasp! Communists! Mah kompitishun!
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Something that I noticed the first time I played it so far:
The quality of your parts doesn't seem to matter. The one person in the event I was in to get all three parts to purple lost to an afker. I also got second place with all green parts. If you don't even get parts on your rocket, it should just explode on launch. (Would also be funny if you spawned players right next to their rocket before the launch, so they get knocked down or killed from the explosion.)
That seems atypical to me. Sure, there's a wide range of random variation, but usually the better rockets do best.
It strange to see someone without an engine part, turning it into a purple engine part during the modification phase. Shouldn't they at least have an engine part before they can upgrade it?
Oh well, not that it really matters but it is somewhat strange of course.
Overall I'm enjoying the event. It's fast and I had thought that we could only get one of the rewards, that we had to pick one out of the ones listed in the blog. So I'm quite happy that we can actually get them all.
Yesterday I had four or five runs where two stood still at their stations and did nothing. Seemed to be mostly Remans and people dressed in armor with helmets. Another run had a Federation Character who at least moved and stood by the picnic tables over by the complex.
I generally shoot for Blue parts and let the 'tuning' replace with Purple.
They can do whatever they want as long as my Characters do not get injured because the rockets blow up right over the launchpad. If they want to be slugs that's up to them.
They really need to get rid of that 80 second timer at the start.
Post edited by ltminns on
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Built one that could barely fly, and it beat several all purples. Built an all purple, blew up as quickly as an AFKer. I mean, it's random numbers, but seriously? That's ridiculous!
This has happened to me a couple times too. This isn't ridiculous, it's stupid. This should have been fixed in the patch on the 31st, not the one measly bug for the new shiny garbage scows that they're shoving in our faces. Also, has anybody ever even passed the 300 ft mark or even made it to whatever the max height is supposed to be? I know the slider bar indicates how far the rockets have gone, but what gives if we have all the best gear when you can't even win? So yea, no point in even trying if all you want are some cheap marks and the daily token.
There's nothing broken about it. Giving the same reward regardless of player performance is clearly on purpose.
Yes it is broken as when play performance has zero impact you may as well just stand still and not play. Why waste time building a purple rocket when how far it fly's seems to be random. You are clicking loads of button for effective zero effect. Build a green rocket as it fly's just as far, gives same reward so why bother building past that?
I don't care about the "leechers", as they don't really affect my rocket. I'm just super stoked this event will get me the rest of the Lukari marks I need without playing TFA again...
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
..I generally shoot for Blue parts and let the 'tuning' replace with Purple...
I don't even bother with getting blue/rare quality. I'll forage to get any quality hull, stabilizer, and engine and after that it's whichever pile is closest, only revisiting the workbench when absolutely necessary collecting as much junk as possible for the tuning phase. There doesn't appear to be any correlation between the wave match minigame and the tuning results. I figure I'm better off grinding the same nearby nodes for as much junk as possible than traveling to distant sources and when the time comes just exiting each minigame quickly (without actually doing any matching). It's kind'a like the first revision of the omega collapsing minigame where you're score didn't affect your results so why bother wasting effort/time on it.
There's nothing broken about it. Giving the same reward regardless of player performance is clearly on purpose.
Yes it is broken as when play performance has zero impact you may as well just stand still and not play. Why waste time building a purple rocket when how far it fly's seems to be random. You are clicking loads of button for effective zero effect. Build a green rocket as it fly's just as far, gives same reward so why bother building past that?
Edited: TL:DR: That's a feature, not a bug.
Longer version:
This is very rarely the case. Your parts' quality almost always determines how far your rocket goes, within a range. I've never had one blow up on the launching pad like an AFKer, probably because I collect all of the parts, and dutifully go back to my station if I get the message that a fire has broken out there. I suspect the latter is the reason that someone with decent parts had their ship blow up on the pad.
There is a random element to it, however, which is precisely why your end performance shouldn't have any effect on your payout. Getting better quality parts while gathering is highly-randomized. Adjusting what you get is highly-randomized. A certain portion of your final flight distance is randomized. If we're rolling dice for so much of the event, then it's only logical that everyone gets the same reward.
About the only fair way to assign better/worse scores and payouts with the current implementation would be the person who collects the most parts, or travels the greatest distance while collecting, or some combination of both gets the best rewards. Ranked rewards should always be based on things that you have some control over, and too much of what makes up your results in this event is out of your control.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
There's nothing broken about it. Giving the same reward regardless of player performance is clearly on purpose.
Yes it is broken as when play performance has zero impact you may as well just stand still and not play. Why waste time building a purple rocket when how far it fly's seems to be random. You are clicking loads of button for effective zero effect. Build a green rocket as it fly's just as far, gives same reward so why bother building past that?
Edited: TL:DR: That's a feature, not a bug.
Longer version:
This is very rarely the case. Your parts' quality almost always determines how far your rocket goes, within a range. I've never had one blow up on the launching pad like an AFKer, probably because I collect all of the parts, and dutifully go back to my station if I get the message that a fire has broken out there. I suspect the latter is the reason that someone with decent parts had their ship blow up on the pad.
There is a random element to it, however, which is precisely why your end performance shouldn't have any effect on your payout. Getting better quality parts while gathering is highly-randomized. Adjusting what you get is highly-randomized. A certain portion of your final flight distance is randomized. If we're rolling dice for so much of the event, then it's only logical that everyone gets the same reward.
About the only fair way to assign better/worse scores and payouts with the current implementation would be the person who collects the most parts, or travels the greatest distance while collecting, or some combination of both gets the best rewards. Ranked rewards should always be based on things that you have some control over, and too much of what makes up your results in this event is out of your control.
I just had an all purple blow up the moment it left; in fact, all of the AFKer's rockets went slightly further. I've done exactly what I'm supposed to every time, and yet, the results are wildly different when my actions remain the same. All purple rocket. Anywhere from going far to blowing up the moment it leaves; every other rarity is the same. I get that randomness is a thing, and that makes sense; but there are limits, which this generator clearly does not follow.
It's what I do. It's what I just did. It's what I'm about to do again. It's being undisputed emperor of an empire that cannot be disproved as the most powerful intergalactic empire in the entire universe; I always win, and everything I've won will definitely be won again... by me. It's my signature move, and thus, it's my signature. Problem, Sonic? Yeah, I mean you, Sonic, because you're being beat up, despite your being super. You can't even hit Shadow back, can you? Nope, he's too strong for you. Of course, I'm not Shadow, I'm the Super Emerald fueled fox that's pulling the strings; trust me, the fight would only be a few frames long if I were in it personally. Oh, and here's something for all you guys thinking you can win Last Post Wins 3.0; trust me, I'll be around a long while after the sun has already consumed the Earth while I sit out with the forum servers on Titan. Yes, I mean Titan... that comparatively little moon orbiting Saturn. It's a nice little place in a version of our solar system where the sun is a lot bigger. I mean, Mars will last longer than your precious Earth, but by then, it'll be one hot planet... and I figure Saturn's moon will be about the right temperate for a super-powered warlord. Oh, and trust me, I packed a lot of rings, and I mean a lot. Trillions, in fact, so I'll never run out of rings to power my super form. Besides, if I start to run out, I can just chaos control more rings into my reach. It's quite easy, really. You should try it. Granted, you'll never have the 7 Super Emeralds that I have in my possession, nor the Master Emerald that I've got hidden away somewhere... absorbed into my body thanks to Sonic logic, but whatever. I win. Again. I'm not kidding, either. Just check Last Post Wins, and if the last post isn't mine, it soon will be. Very, very soon. You can count on it. Seriously. By the way, if you're wondering, there's a really great Super Tails sprite sheet out there... somewhere... by some guy named shadow_91. These sprites are really great. Like, really good. Quality. Just like what I like to see in a sprite sheet. Also, credit to Joe T.E., his Sonic Battle style Super Sonic sprites have a great palette for a Super Sonic being beat up by Super Shadow, who's palette is from a Super Shadow sheet of unknown origin, but it turns out they were "borrowed" from a better sheet made by a certain Domenico. Oh, and the gif is actually a custom made super version of a similar gif, of which there are only 3 or 4 copies to be found by Google, and even then, evidently of an unknown source. Yep, it's one of those things. Stuff people have made, spread around, only for it to vanish and you to be the only person who still has a copy, not even knowing where it came from... like, literally at all. Oh, and anyone notice that Shadow's little chaos snap blast thingies are red and blue now? Yeah, I changed it. Problem, fans of purple? Yeah, I know you got a problem with that one, but you can just deal with it. After all, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly... alright, alright, I'll spare you the entire Bee Movie script, just Google it if you want. By the way, ever wonder how your characters would've ended up if they evolved in another universe? Yeah, that. Think about it. Ok, so you probably didn't bother reading up to here, but whatever, here's a surprise for you guys over at ESD (RP) who were crazy enough to read this: Emperor Nat of the mcfreakin' Terran Empire is gonna be right all along! The universe is gonna go BOOM! *Thumbs up to the insanity*
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
The rng gods are not kind to me in this event. Today I had all purple parts and the afker rocket went farther than mine. His went 27 feet and mine went 4 feet. This has been par for the course on my fifteen runs of the event. I can tell it is April 1st today because my fed engineer built two rockets at the same time today. One workbench did not spawn a player so my name was placed on the empty bench too. It was built the same as my primary rocket. My rocket went 168 feet and the fake rocket went 19 feet. These are just my weird observations on this event. I just may forget about it and do something I have not ever done before and afk my final five runs of this event since it doesn't matter what I do and the rng gods being so nasty to me. That includes multiple spider attacks and multiple burning workbenches in the same instances.
After a bit of observation, I get the feeling that not getting back when our beloved Fed president tells you to, instead continuing to rummage, may increase the odds of your all-purple blowing up.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
I just had an all purple blow up the moment it left; in fact, all of the AFKer's rockets went slightly further. I've done exactly what I'm supposed to every time, and yet, the results are wildly different when my actions remain the same. All purple rocket. Anywhere from going far to blowing up the moment it leaves; every other rarity is the same. I get that randomness is a thing, and that makes sense; but there are limits, which this generator clearly does not follow.
I've seen that happen, but it seems to be very rare and the exception rather than the rule.(I've done the event 20 times or more)
One REALLY weird glitch I've seen was having a part spontaneously reduce in quality from purple to green.
There's nothing broken about it. Giving the same reward regardless of player performance is clearly on purpose.
Yes it is broken as when play performance has zero impact you may as well just stand still and not play. Why waste time building a purple rocket when how far it fly's seems to be random. You are clicking loads of button for effective zero effect. Build a green rocket as it fly's just as far, gives same reward so why bother building past that?
Edited: TL:DR: That's a feature, not a bug.
Longer version:
This is very rarely the case. Your parts' quality almost always determines how far your rocket goes, within a range. I've never had one blow up on the launching pad like an AFKer, probably because I collect all of the parts, and dutifully go back to my station if I get the message that a fire has broken out there. I suspect the latter is the reason that someone with decent parts had their ship blow up on the pad.
There is a random element to it, however, which is precisely why your end performance shouldn't have any effect on your payout. Getting better quality parts while gathering is highly-randomized. Adjusting what you get is highly-randomized. A certain portion of your final flight distance is randomized. If we're rolling dice for so much of the event, then it's only logical that everyone gets the same reward.
About the only fair way to assign better/worse scores and payouts with the current implementation would be the person who collects the most parts, or travels the greatest distance while collecting, or some combination of both gets the best rewards. Ranked rewards should always be based on things that you have some control over, and too much of what makes up your results in this event is out of your control.
That's not what I am seeing. 90% of the time I start as green only been a none green colour once and as long as you build all basic green parts how far it fly seems random not based on building. The randomized bit feels broken to me it's feels like I am almost always rolling the same start and same flight distance no matter what I do.
I did the event "properly" a few times then I messed about a bit and found that you can maximise the collecting if you focus purely on a single part. That way you only need to return once or twice depending on the quality you have on the bench. Mashing F completes the rocket and usually got 1st or 2nd.
The distance does seem related to the numbers on the buffs tied to each part but by the looks of it mostly RNG as I've had a full purple rocket go pop within 10m of the pad and going by the buff numbers each of us had I should have been higher than most others, especially the afker. After that happens you do think why bother competing if nothing you do matters, hammering home the farce of a scanning minigame.
Mostly what I do is get three bits and then do my admiralty and doffing while the timer ticks down. My one bench fire didnt adversly effect the rocket, all it did was block the f mash section.
The quality of your parts doesn't seem to matter. The one person in the event I was in to get all three parts to purple lost to an afker. I also got second place with all green parts. If you don't even get parts on your rocket, it should just explode on launch. (Would also be funny if you spawned players right next to their rocket before the launch, so they get knocked down or killed from the explosion.)
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
-it's decorative and the in-universe reason you can carry all those parts and junk
-its color reminds you which rocket is assigned to you, in case you were not paying attention or the glowing arrow doesn't show up
It's your day pack containing a cut lunch and a drink bottle, packed by your ship's cook.
The beauty for me is that if things get buggy I still get my reward and no AFK penalty, although so far that hasn't been an issue so that is good as well.
It's also a visual representation of the Collect Parts buff that you have while on the map. This buff will also sometimes pop into your tray, like accolade buffs occasionally do. It stays with you for a moment after you switch maps and then disappears when the buff is cleared. I assume, though there's no way that I can think of to test it, that it marks you as participating in the queue, sort of like the invisible item that marks you as eligible for the Fast and the Flurrious race.
By the way, the spelling of the title of this makes me want an Eddie Cochran event. You get transported to a facsimile of 1950s Earth, help to define rockabilly, then die in a car crash at 21.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
My character Tsin'xing
Now, getting your entire team to air guitar to 'magic carpet ride' that was worth the timegate
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Oh well, not that it really matters but it is somewhat strange of course.
Overall I'm enjoying the event. It's fast and I had thought that we could only get one of the rewards, that we had to pick one out of the ones listed in the blog. So I'm quite happy that we can actually get them all.
I generally shoot for Blue parts and let the 'tuning' replace with Purple.
They can do whatever they want as long as my Characters do not get injured because the rockets blow up right over the launchpad. If they want to be slugs that's up to them.
They really need to get rid of that 80 second timer at the start.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
This has happened to me a couple times too. This isn't ridiculous, it's stupid. This should have been fixed in the patch on the 31st, not the one measly bug for the new shiny garbage scows that they're shoving in our faces. Also, has anybody ever even passed the 300 ft mark or even made it to whatever the max height is supposed to be? I know the slider bar indicates how far the rockets have gone, but what gives if we have all the best gear when you can't even win? So yea, no point in even trying if all you want are some cheap marks and the daily token.
You mean the spiders?
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
I don't even bother with getting blue/rare quality. I'll forage to get any quality hull, stabilizer, and engine and after that it's whichever pile is closest, only revisiting the workbench when absolutely necessary collecting as much junk as possible for the tuning phase. There doesn't appear to be any correlation between the wave match minigame and the tuning results. I figure I'm better off grinding the same nearby nodes for as much junk as possible than traveling to distant sources and when the time comes just exiting each minigame quickly (without actually doing any matching). It's kind'a like the first revision of the omega collapsing minigame where you're score didn't affect your results so why bother wasting effort/time on it.
Edited: TL:DR: That's a feature, not a bug.
Longer version:
This is very rarely the case. Your parts' quality almost always determines how far your rocket goes, within a range. I've never had one blow up on the launching pad like an AFKer, probably because I collect all of the parts, and dutifully go back to my station if I get the message that a fire has broken out there. I suspect the latter is the reason that someone with decent parts had their ship blow up on the pad.
There is a random element to it, however, which is precisely why your end performance shouldn't have any effect on your payout. Getting better quality parts while gathering is highly-randomized. Adjusting what you get is highly-randomized. A certain portion of your final flight distance is randomized. If we're rolling dice for so much of the event, then it's only logical that everyone gets the same reward.
About the only fair way to assign better/worse scores and payouts with the current implementation would be the person who collects the most parts, or travels the greatest distance while collecting, or some combination of both gets the best rewards. Ranked rewards should always be based on things that you have some control over, and too much of what makes up your results in this event is out of your control.
I just had an all purple blow up the moment it left; in fact, all of the AFKer's rockets went slightly further. I've done exactly what I'm supposed to every time, and yet, the results are wildly different when my actions remain the same. All purple rocket. Anywhere from going far to blowing up the moment it leaves; every other rarity is the same. I get that randomness is a thing, and that makes sense; but there are limits, which this generator clearly does not follow.
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
One REALLY weird glitch I've seen was having a part spontaneously reduce in quality from purple to green.
My character Tsin'xing
The distance does seem related to the numbers on the buffs tied to each part but by the looks of it mostly RNG as I've had a full purple rocket go pop within 10m of the pad and going by the buff numbers each of us had I should have been higher than most others, especially the afker. After that happens you do think why bother competing if nothing you do matters, hammering home the farce of a scanning minigame.
Mostly what I do is get three bits and then do my admiralty and doffing while the timer ticks down. My one bench fire didnt adversly effect the rocket, all it did was block the f mash section.