With temporal stuff right around the corner for us console players, a friend of mine has decribed a problem he sees. He doesnt know how to resist and/or defend against the powerful damage dealing science abilites. He is an engineer and told him to pretty much use his captain skills to out last his opponents that extra second to kill them before he dies. This conversation has sent him on a search to finds ways to tank science abilities and id like to help him. So are there any known ways?
I don't know what to tell you about actually resisting the temporal powers, they do super high physical damage that completely bypasses shields. I'm a healer and it's extremely hard to tank even for me. You'll get a science console that adds 50 physical damage resistance, but I hardly ever notice a difference when I use it. My only advice is just load up in immunities and try to trigger them whenever you hear that high pitched noise the temporal powers make.
Good luck.
So, despite my own limited success with the new powers, I have to agree with Lyle: PvP was better without Temporal in the mix.
RCK - a.k.a. "Evul Jacob"
What you need is lots of immunities. The Zahl trait for example. Rock and roll would also help if you time it just right.
Without those immunities, my cruiser goes from 110k to 0 in under a second. Seriously, I've seen these attacks do 100k+.
So yeah, expect PvP to die very quickly as people get fed up of dying to one or two presses of a button. It's so ridiculous my temporal raider doesn't have any weapons equipped
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse