I love that we get to customize the uniforms for our character and bridge officers, but it would be awesome if we could set the uniforms for the crew that populate our ships. I've always found it weird wandering around in my TWOK uniform while the rest of the crew is in Odyssey uniforms.
Just a thought!
Captain Jack. L Mueller
Commander, U.S.S. Novara NCC-200001-D
Fleet Admiral
- Set who appears in your bridge crew, and what stations they are at
- Set the uniforms for other crew
Unfortunately, ship interiors are not a big part of STO in the developers' minds. We only get a new bridge for lobi and lockbox ships, we only get a new Federation bridge maybe once a year if it appears in a featured episode, we get no new other ship areas.
That's just the way it is. They get a good return on ship exteriors, costumes, ground weapons but apparently bridges and interiors do not pay for themselves, and their stats don't show most players spending much time inside their ships.
I think I remember that in the patch notes. At least for AoY captains.
But if so that's because they have code to treat AoY as a half-faction like Romulans. And you get no choice about the uniforms, so you can't have a TOS Mirror Universe crew or TOS where NPCs all wear redshirts.