Witch billionaire? So that's how they're so rich: they conjure it up with dark magic! And when the IRS comes to collect, they cast an invisibility spell on their money or hex the agents into toads!
It's what I do. It's what I just did. It's what I'm about to do again. It's being undisputed emperor of an empire that cannot be disproved as the most powerful intergalactic empire in the entire universe; I always win, and everything I've won will definitely be won again... by me. It's my signature move, and thus, it's my signature. Problem, Sonic? Yeah, I mean you, Sonic, because you're being beat up, despite your being super. You can't even hit Shadow back, can you? Nope, he's too strong for you. Of course, I'm not Shadow, I'm the Super Emerald fueled fox that's pulling the strings; trust me, the fight would only be a few frames long if I were in it personally. Oh, and here's something for all you guys thinking you can win Last Post Wins 3.0; trust me, I'll be around a long while after the sun has already consumed the Earth while I sit out with the forum servers on Titan. Yes, I mean Titan... that comparatively little moon orbiting Saturn. It's a nice little place in a version of our solar system where the sun is a lot bigger. I mean, Mars will last longer than your precious Earth, but by then, it'll be one hot planet... and I figure Saturn's moon will be about the right temperate for a super-powered warlord. Oh, and trust me, I packed a lot of rings, and I mean a lot. Trillions, in fact, so I'll never run out of rings to power my super form. Besides, if I start to run out, I can just chaos control more rings into my reach. It's quite easy, really. You should try it. Granted, you'll never have the 7 Super Emeralds that I have in my possession, nor the Master Emerald that I've got hidden away somewhere... absorbed into my body thanks to Sonic logic, but whatever. I win. Again. I'm not kidding, either. Just check Last Post Wins, and if the last post isn't mine, it soon will be. Very, very soon. You can count on it. Seriously. By the way, if you're wondering, there's a really great Super Tails sprite sheet out there... somewhere... by some guy named shadow_91. These sprites are really great. Like, really good. Quality. Just like what I like to see in a sprite sheet. Also, credit to Joe T.E., his Sonic Battle style Super Sonic sprites have a great palette for a Super Sonic being beat up by Super Shadow, who's palette is from a Super Shadow sheet of unknown origin, but it turns out they were "borrowed" from a better sheet made by a certain Domenico. Oh, and the gif is actually a custom made super version of a similar gif, of which there are only 3 or 4 copies to be found by Google, and even then, evidently of an unknown source. Yep, it's one of those things. Stuff people have made, spread around, only for it to vanish and you to be the only person who still has a copy, not even knowing where it came from... like, literally at all. Oh, and anyone notice that Shadow's little chaos snap blast thingies are red and blue now? Yeah, I changed it. Problem, fans of purple? Yeah, I know you got a problem with that one, but you can just deal with it. After all, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly... alright, alright, I'll spare you the entire Bee Movie script, just Google it if you want. By the way, ever wonder how your characters would've ended up if they evolved in another universe? Yeah, that. Think about it. Ok, so you probably didn't bother reading up to here, but whatever, here's a surprise for you guys over at ESD (RP) who were crazy enough to read this: Emperor Nat of the mcfreakin' Terran Empire is gonna be right all along! The universe is gonna go BOOM! *Thumbs up to the insanity*
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
Honestly, if you can show me even one of those choices that has not made some horrible mistake (like endangering children, to name a common one) I would be surprised. I would like more, and better options please.
PS. Isn't this a political thread in spite of it's attempt at joviality?
Cue someone to post an 'in before the lock' post.
Perhaps a better title is "which fictional billionaire do you think would make the best president?"
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Perhaps a better title is "which fictional billionaire do you think would make the best president?"
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
Scrooge McDuck has the least chance to accidentally kill someone, either by word or deed, since he is a Disney character. His worst fault besides obvious avarice, is to continually endanger children. Since he is a Disney character it is unlikely any children will suffer permanent harm, but his irresponsibility and addiction to wealth make him only the least poor choice of a pretty poor list.
Cat grant is probably second, since the power to smear people undeservedly may or may not result in actual tangible harm. In the comics she engaged in just such a campaign against Supergirl who as at the time also a minor. There was a bit of a wider crises going on also There were Kandorian survivors, and a degree of alarmism, active racism against Kryptonians, and even violent action using military resources which lead to genocidal results. Cat's campaign can't possibly have helped ease tensions. More likely she got someone killed.
Don't get me started on the others.
I'll sum up by saying that they routinely engage in vigilante activity, using dangerous experimental technology, advanced military hardware, and armed vehicles, in urban population centers, ignoring almost all inconvenient laws that might have mitigated their recklessness. All of them have been violent, caused panic, inflicted physical injury, and collateral damage in pursuit of unsanctioned and personal objectives.
They all endangered minors. Palmer endangered Snapper Carr, Stark endangered Rick Jones, Queen endangered Roy Harper who ended up turning to drugs from the stress. Then there is Bruce Wayne, a serial corrupter of minors including a police commissioner's daughter. "Whatever did happen to Jason Todd Mr Wayne? I understand explosives were involved. Don't you routinely carry explosives in your vigilante activities? Why do these young people wind up in ropes and handcuffs so often?" ... I can't wait for CNN to do that story.
PS. Reed Richards was supporting a forced registration program on people, many of whom were included for accidents of birth. In other words, they were targeted for their genetic diversity. When they were targeted for other reasons it generally involved infringing on their rights under the Second, and Fifth Amendments at least. All this got Captain America killed! forget Reed Richards ... but never forget Steve Rogers who fought for freedom against Richards and Stark, and who ended up assassinated before he could get his day in court!
Why no 'none of the above option'? Why no 'write in'? I could write in my name. I would need a donation to make it work though. ten billion should be enough ...
Perhaps a better title is "which fictional billionaire do you think would make the best president?"
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
All in fun ... but I think this proves there is no one 'good enough'.
Honestly, if you can show me even one of those choices that has not made some horrible mistake (like endangering children, to name a common one) I would be surprised. I would like more, and better options please.
PS. Isn't this a political thread in spite of it's attempt at joviality?
Cue someone to post an 'in before the lock' post.
You called?
It's what I do. It's what I just did. It's what I'm about to do again. It's being undisputed emperor of an empire that cannot be disproved as the most powerful intergalactic empire in the entire universe; I always win, and everything I've won will definitely be won again... by me. It's my signature move, and thus, it's my signature. Problem, Sonic? Yeah, I mean you, Sonic, because you're being beat up, despite your being super. You can't even hit Shadow back, can you? Nope, he's too strong for you. Of course, I'm not Shadow, I'm the Super Emerald fueled fox that's pulling the strings; trust me, the fight would only be a few frames long if I were in it personally. Oh, and here's something for all you guys thinking you can win Last Post Wins 3.0; trust me, I'll be around a long while after the sun has already consumed the Earth while I sit out with the forum servers on Titan. Yes, I mean Titan... that comparatively little moon orbiting Saturn. It's a nice little place in a version of our solar system where the sun is a lot bigger. I mean, Mars will last longer than your precious Earth, but by then, it'll be one hot planet... and I figure Saturn's moon will be about the right temperate for a super-powered warlord. Oh, and trust me, I packed a lot of rings, and I mean a lot. Trillions, in fact, so I'll never run out of rings to power my super form. Besides, if I start to run out, I can just chaos control more rings into my reach. It's quite easy, really. You should try it. Granted, you'll never have the 7 Super Emeralds that I have in my possession, nor the Master Emerald that I've got hidden away somewhere... absorbed into my body thanks to Sonic logic, but whatever. I win. Again. I'm not kidding, either. Just check Last Post Wins, and if the last post isn't mine, it soon will be. Very, very soon. You can count on it. Seriously. By the way, if you're wondering, there's a really great Super Tails sprite sheet out there... somewhere... by some guy named shadow_91. These sprites are really great. Like, really good. Quality. Just like what I like to see in a sprite sheet. Also, credit to Joe T.E., his Sonic Battle style Super Sonic sprites have a great palette for a Super Sonic being beat up by Super Shadow, who's palette is from a Super Shadow sheet of unknown origin, but it turns out they were "borrowed" from a better sheet made by a certain Domenico. Oh, and the gif is actually a custom made super version of a similar gif, of which there are only 3 or 4 copies to be found by Google, and even then, evidently of an unknown source. Yep, it's one of those things. Stuff people have made, spread around, only for it to vanish and you to be the only person who still has a copy, not even knowing where it came from... like, literally at all. Oh, and anyone notice that Shadow's little chaos snap blast thingies are red and blue now? Yeah, I changed it. Problem, fans of purple? Yeah, I know you got a problem with that one, but you can just deal with it. After all, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly... alright, alright, I'll spare you the entire Bee Movie script, just Google it if you want. By the way, ever wonder how your characters would've ended up if they evolved in another universe? Yeah, that. Think about it. Ok, so you probably didn't bother reading up to here, but whatever, here's a surprise for you guys over at ESD (RP) who were crazy enough to read this: Emperor Nat of the mcfreakin' Terran Empire is gonna be right all along! The universe is gonna go BOOM! *Thumbs up to the insanity*
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
Perhaps a better title is "which fictional billionaire do you think would make the best president?"
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
All in fun ... but I think this proves there is no one 'good enough'.
Well, that's why I phrased the question as "best". IRL I don't think you'd find any flawless candidate. there are too many things that are good or bad, some of them are only sometimes good.
Also Reed's idea for registration was actually aimed at making life better for people with powers. Unfortunately making it mandatory kinda made it unattractive.
Perhaps a better title is "which fictional billionaire do you think would make the best president?"
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
All in fun ... but I think this proves there is no one 'good enough'.
Well, that's why I phrased the question as "best". IRL I don't think you'd find any flawless candidate. there are too many things that are good or bad, some of them are only sometimes good.
Also Reed's idea for registration was actually aimed at making life better for people with powers. Unfortunately making it mandatory kinda made it unattractive.
Like I said .. all in fun. And since this is likely a burning house, here are more logs for the fire before I leave.
"Alliance Press reporting. Romulans, Klingons, and others across the galaxy were stunned today as changes in the Romulan Government resolved themselves.
Sela has failed to win the coveted title of 'Praetor' in a close race with what many consider to be a Reman, but who is clearly of a species from outside the system, some even going so far as to say he is a Kazon from Delta Quadrant. Competing claims that the contender was a Denebian Slime Devil, or a Mugato can not be confirmed at press time.
It appears that even the Remans are unsure what to make of the winner, many refusing to accept this outsider as one of their own, but still grateful that Sela, a close 'friend' of the Tal Shiar, has been pushed further from the reigns of power. Some say that a 'Mugato' for Praetor is intolrerable, while others have responded that a Mugato can only kill you once, and that at least it's type of poison acts over days and is more merciful, as opposed to other poisons which can be crippling, and take years. In exit polls Klingon voters were prone to say that they are especially wary of dying from slow poisons, as opposed to a more honorable death, and this did affect their vote.
Among those willing to embrace the newcomer, are those long suspicious of the Tal Shiar, and it's repeated attempts to 'take care of' them. They eagerly point out that under the previous administration the Empire made the mere state of being alive, something a citizen could either be taxed for, or fined for if they chose to offer token resistance. It had been conjectured that even token resistance would eventually lead to citizens being charged, imprisoned, and their assets seized, or worse. Under the previous regime, there was much rumor of the Tal Shiar being directed to take a special interest in those who appeared to be 'unhappy' with the way things were done. Exit polls show that Klingons were nine times more likely to push back, and that the new leadership may avoid seeing that sort of thing escalate.
Will peace be restored, now that Sela is, as some would say, a 'safe' distance from leadership? Will an unknown life form, Kazon, or otherwise be even worse, than a patron of the omnipresent Tal Shiar?
Only time will tell ... and it is not for this reporter to say. At least for now, it seems the 'cloak' has been deactivated. Maybe Kazons don't know how to use them yet?
Alliance Press. Live Long and Prosper. Qapla! Remember the I.D.I.C.
Now can we all get out of here? In before the lock!
Scrooge McDuck - Can't take anyone who literally swims in money all that seriously. Also too stingy.
Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark - They both have control issues. They both have a history of "doing stuff for your own good" without consulting the people they're trying to "help". They're likable enough to get elected, but they'd invariably unleash an unstable AI onto the whole planet. Not a good outcome.
Oliver Queen - Ollie's not the most stable person on the list and that's saying something in this bunch. I think he could get elected, though.
Ray Palmer - Nice guy, but not sure he's all that great at dealing with people who aren't scientific geniuses. He'd be competent, but his chances of getting elected would be low at best.
Cat Grant - Aside from some strong narcissistic tendencies, she's smart, intelligent, practical and emotionally stable. Unfortunately, she's also unlikable and would have a hard time getting elected in the first place.
Wipe out the Bajorans, then the healing will begin
Woah there, I see your sig has changed! I seem to remember Q winning that election!
It's what I do. It's what I just did. It's what I'm about to do again. It's being undisputed emperor of an empire that cannot be disproved as the most powerful intergalactic empire in the entire universe; I always win, and everything I've won will definitely be won again... by me. It's my signature move, and thus, it's my signature. Problem, Sonic? Yeah, I mean you, Sonic, because you're being beat up, despite your being super. You can't even hit Shadow back, can you? Nope, he's too strong for you. Of course, I'm not Shadow, I'm the Super Emerald fueled fox that's pulling the strings; trust me, the fight would only be a few frames long if I were in it personally. Oh, and here's something for all you guys thinking you can win Last Post Wins 3.0; trust me, I'll be around a long while after the sun has already consumed the Earth while I sit out with the forum servers on Titan. Yes, I mean Titan... that comparatively little moon orbiting Saturn. It's a nice little place in a version of our solar system where the sun is a lot bigger. I mean, Mars will last longer than your precious Earth, but by then, it'll be one hot planet... and I figure Saturn's moon will be about the right temperate for a super-powered warlord. Oh, and trust me, I packed a lot of rings, and I mean a lot. Trillions, in fact, so I'll never run out of rings to power my super form. Besides, if I start to run out, I can just chaos control more rings into my reach. It's quite easy, really. You should try it. Granted, you'll never have the 7 Super Emeralds that I have in my possession, nor the Master Emerald that I've got hidden away somewhere... absorbed into my body thanks to Sonic logic, but whatever. I win. Again. I'm not kidding, either. Just check Last Post Wins, and if the last post isn't mine, it soon will be. Very, very soon. You can count on it. Seriously. By the way, if you're wondering, there's a really great Super Tails sprite sheet out there... somewhere... by some guy named shadow_91. These sprites are really great. Like, really good. Quality. Just like what I like to see in a sprite sheet. Also, credit to Joe T.E., his Sonic Battle style Super Sonic sprites have a great palette for a Super Sonic being beat up by Super Shadow, who's palette is from a Super Shadow sheet of unknown origin, but it turns out they were "borrowed" from a better sheet made by a certain Domenico. Oh, and the gif is actually a custom made super version of a similar gif, of which there are only 3 or 4 copies to be found by Google, and even then, evidently of an unknown source. Yep, it's one of those things. Stuff people have made, spread around, only for it to vanish and you to be the only person who still has a copy, not even knowing where it came from... like, literally at all. Oh, and anyone notice that Shadow's little chaos snap blast thingies are red and blue now? Yeah, I changed it. Problem, fans of purple? Yeah, I know you got a problem with that one, but you can just deal with it. After all, according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly... alright, alright, I'll spare you the entire Bee Movie script, just Google it if you want. By the way, ever wonder how your characters would've ended up if they evolved in another universe? Yeah, that. Think about it. Ok, so you probably didn't bother reading up to here, but whatever, here's a surprise for you guys over at ESD (RP) who were crazy enough to read this: Emperor Nat of the mcfreakin' Terran Empire is gonna be right all along! The universe is gonna go BOOM! *Thumbs up to the insanity*
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
Perhaps a better title is "which fictional billionaire do you think would make the best president?"
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
Scrooge McDuck has the least chance to accidentally kill someone, either by word or deed, since he is a Disney character. His worst fault besides obvious avarice, is to continually endanger children. Since he is a Disney character it is unlikely any children will suffer permanent harm, but his irresponsibility and addiction to wealth make him only the least poor choice of a pretty poor list.
Cat grant is probably second, since the power to smear people undeservedly may or may not result in actual tangible harm. In the comics she engaged in just such a campaign against Supergirl who as at the time also a minor. There was a bit of a wider crises going on also There were Kandorian survivors, and a degree of alarmism, active racism against Kryptonians, and even violent action using military resources which lead to genocidal results. Cat's campaign can't possibly have helped ease tensions. More likely she got someone killed.
Don't get me started on the others.
I'll sum up by saying that they routinely engage in vigilante activity, using dangerous experimental technology, advanced military hardware, and armed vehicles, in urban population centers, ignoring almost all inconvenient laws that might have mitigated their recklessness. All of them have been violent, caused panic, inflicted physical injury, and collateral damage in pursuit of unsanctioned and personal objectives.
They all endangered minors. Palmer endangered Snapper Carr, Stark endangered Rick Jones, Queen endangered Roy Harper who ended up turning to drugs from the stress. Then there is Bruce Wayne, a serial corrupter of minors including a police commissioner's daughter. "Whatever did happen to Jason Todd Mr Wayne? I understand explosives were involved. Don't you routinely carry explosives in your vigilante activities? Why do these young people wind up in ropes and handcuffs so often?" ... I can't wait for CNN to do that story.
PS. Reed Richards was supporting a forced registration program on people, many of whom were included for accidents of birth. In other words, they were targeted for their genetic diversity. When they were targeted for other reasons it generally involved infringing on their rights under the Second, and Fifth Amendments at least. All this got Captain America killed! forget Reed Richards ... but never forget Steve Rogers who fought for freedom against Richards and Stark, and who ended up assassinated before he could get his day in court!
The 'accident at birth' critique is irrelevant, due to the measurable danger which Supers represent. Like Senator Kelly said in the first X-Men movie... (I forget precisely what he said, and can't be fussed to google it) but the point is these individuals constitute a threat, which needs to be monitored. That Magneto was able to spin the holocaust to his advantage, and writer's fiat, forces a biased narrative, which the audience 'is meant to agree with'... No... We license people to own hand-guns... We license people to drive... While we may not (to address the concerns of Dr Grey) license people to live, we certainly can (and do) put restrictions on people's anti-social behaviours, which many Supers' powers, could legitimately be seen as if not directly presenting, certainly capable of causing...
So Tony Stark is able to buy the building before crashing into it... Great, plot says he's destroyed his own personal property, but what about the people who were inside it? He didn't buy them... There wouldn't've been an evacuation warning, so the people inside would still be at as much risk from the event...
Otto Van der Poel: Ah was sitting at mah desk tahping up some application forms, when Meesta Stork came crashing through, and caused a port of the wall to fall on me! Ah broke mah leg, and hurt mah neck, and haven't had a good naht's slip since! Mah wahf is bisahd herself trahng to make inds mit! Ah need compinsation for mah eenjuries and a new job!
So yeah, Superhero Registration Act for the win...
I can't blame Palmer for "endangering" Snapper Carr. Have you ever seen that character's original appearances? I wanted to shoot him.
And there is one potential problem with letting James Harmon IV run the country - how do you ensure the man in front of you is Defender, and not Citizen Harmon/Shadow Destroyer/the Eidolon of Destruction? (James' Multifarian counterpart has had a very colorful, and often unfortunate, career...)
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
Honestly, if you can show me even one of those choices that has not made some horrible mistake (like endangering children, to name a common one) I would be surprised. I would like more, and better options please.
PS. Isn't this a political thread in spite of it's attempt at joviality?
Cue someone to post an 'in before the lock' post.
When I look at the list... I see mostly people who don't actually manage their estate. In some cases it's an estate they inherited. Several just aren't leaders. Which kinda leaves just Scrooge McDuck and Iron Man. Of those two I think Iron Man.
Although, Reed Richards might be the best option(yes, he's actually a billionaire)
My character Tsin'xing
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Scrooge McDuck has the least chance to accidentally kill someone, either by word or deed, since he is a Disney character. His worst fault besides obvious avarice, is to continually endanger children. Since he is a Disney character it is unlikely any children will suffer permanent harm, but his irresponsibility and addiction to wealth make him only the least poor choice of a pretty poor list.
Cat grant is probably second, since the power to smear people undeservedly may or may not result in actual tangible harm. In the comics she engaged in just such a campaign against Supergirl who as at the time also a minor. There was a bit of a wider crises going on also There were Kandorian survivors, and a degree of alarmism, active racism against Kryptonians, and even violent action using military resources which lead to genocidal results. Cat's campaign can't possibly have helped ease tensions. More likely she got someone killed.
Don't get me started on the others.
I'll sum up by saying that they routinely engage in vigilante activity, using dangerous experimental technology, advanced military hardware, and armed vehicles, in urban population centers, ignoring almost all inconvenient laws that might have mitigated their recklessness. All of them have been violent, caused panic, inflicted physical injury, and collateral damage in pursuit of unsanctioned and personal objectives.
They all endangered minors. Palmer endangered Snapper Carr, Stark endangered Rick Jones, Queen endangered Roy Harper who ended up turning to drugs from the stress. Then there is Bruce Wayne, a serial corrupter of minors including a police commissioner's daughter. "Whatever did happen to Jason Todd Mr Wayne? I understand explosives were involved. Don't you routinely carry explosives in your vigilante activities? Why do these young people wind up in ropes and handcuffs so often?" ... I can't wait for CNN to do that story.
PS. Reed Richards was supporting a forced registration program on people, many of whom were included for accidents of birth. In other words, they were targeted for their genetic diversity. When they were targeted for other reasons it generally involved infringing on their rights under the Second, and Fifth Amendments at least. All this got Captain America killed! forget Reed Richards ... but never forget Steve Rogers who fought for freedom against Richards and Stark, and who ended up assassinated before he could get his day in court!
Why no 'none of the above option'? Why no 'write in'? I could write in my name. I would need a donation to make it work though. ten billion should be enough ...
All in fun ... but I think this proves there is no one 'good enough'.
You called?
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman
Also Reed's idea for registration was actually aimed at making life better for people with powers. Unfortunately making it mandatory kinda made it unattractive.
My character Tsin'xing
Like I said .. all in fun. And since this is likely a burning house, here are more logs for the fire before I leave.
"Alliance Press reporting. Romulans, Klingons, and others across the galaxy were stunned today as changes in the Romulan Government resolved themselves.
Sela has failed to win the coveted title of 'Praetor' in a close race with what many consider to be a Reman, but who is clearly of a species from outside the system, some even going so far as to say he is a Kazon from Delta Quadrant. Competing claims that the contender was a Denebian Slime Devil, or a Mugato can not be confirmed at press time.
It appears that even the Remans are unsure what to make of the winner, many refusing to accept this outsider as one of their own, but still grateful that Sela, a close 'friend' of the Tal Shiar, has been pushed further from the reigns of power. Some say that a 'Mugato' for Praetor is intolrerable, while others have responded that a Mugato can only kill you once, and that at least it's type of poison acts over days and is more merciful, as opposed to other poisons which can be crippling, and take years. In exit polls Klingon voters were prone to say that they are especially wary of dying from slow poisons, as opposed to a more honorable death, and this did affect their vote.
Among those willing to embrace the newcomer, are those long suspicious of the Tal Shiar, and it's repeated attempts to 'take care of' them. They eagerly point out that under the previous administration the Empire made the mere state of being alive, something a citizen could either be taxed for, or fined for if they chose to offer token resistance. It had been conjectured that even token resistance would eventually lead to citizens being charged, imprisoned, and their assets seized, or worse. Under the previous regime, there was much rumor of the Tal Shiar being directed to take a special interest in those who appeared to be 'unhappy' with the way things were done. Exit polls show that Klingons were nine times more likely to push back, and that the new leadership may avoid seeing that sort of thing escalate.
Will peace be restored, now that Sela is, as some would say, a 'safe' distance from leadership? Will an unknown life form, Kazon, or otherwise be even worse, than a patron of the omnipresent Tal Shiar?
Only time will tell ... and it is not for this reporter to say. At least for now, it seems the 'cloak' has been deactivated. Maybe Kazons don't know how to use them yet?
Alliance Press. Live Long and Prosper. Qapla! Remember the I.D.I.C.
Now can we all get out of here? In before the lock!
Scrooge McDuck - Can't take anyone who literally swims in money all that seriously. Also too stingy.
Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark - They both have control issues. They both have a history of "doing stuff for your own good" without consulting the people they're trying to "help". They're likable enough to get elected, but they'd invariably unleash an unstable AI onto the whole planet. Not a good outcome.
Oliver Queen - Ollie's not the most stable person on the list and that's saying something in this bunch. I think he could get elected, though.
Ray Palmer - Nice guy, but not sure he's all that great at dealing with people who aren't scientific geniuses. He'd be competent, but his chances of getting elected would be low at best.
Cat Grant - Aside from some strong narcissistic tendencies, she's smart, intelligent, practical and emotionally stable. Unfortunately, she's also unlikable and would have a hard time getting elected in the first place.
So, none of the above?
My character Tsin'xing
I voted for McDuck!
I also explained my reasons
Liberals...conservatives.....you're both the problems...neither are solutions.
Woah there, I see your sig has changed! I seem to remember Q winning that election!
Oh, now don't tell me you want in on all this! Well, ok. Look this that Egg Pawn hanging outside your window, pointing his laser rifle at you, waiting for my next order. He's doing his part. He helps conquer the weak-minded. He roboticizes the weak-bodied. Heck, he even helps keep the useless people from causing any trouble, but you know what? Join. Find the closest Nataran Empire roboticization center near you and join the ranks, before the ranks find you. Oh, I know, you figure it must be so satisfying to know I basically rule the world now, and you know what? It is, but do you want to know the true definition of satisfaction? Well, let me tell you a little story. One day, you see a brand new event. They're giving out boxes that give old event stuff. Your dilithium is plentiful. You buy a whole lot of Phoenix packs on your main, and open them all. You get one epic token. Then, you decide, that since you have all the Breen ships and don't give a damn about the others, you exchange it for an ultra rare, and grab yourself a Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and for the hell of it, a Voth Bulwark. You open both, leaving the Bulwark in your vast masses of starships as you jump into the bugship and deck it out, deck by deck, into the most awesome Jem'Hadar ship you can. You fly it. You enjoy it. Eventually, you get bored and leave, leaving the old Bulwark never flown... until later. Your main is long complete. Your new alt main, based off some character you pulled out of nothing just to explain away some starship being in service without the command of your dear admiral, is also complete. Mostly. Their reps and doffs are hard at work, getting you stuff. You realize the potential, and head back for your dear admiral, pull the most Voth themed build you can out of thin air, and suit up in your giant ship in the shape of you know what. You head out... and cause all sorts of havoc. Enemies scream out your name as their very life is drained away by your swarms of Aceton Assimilators. They complain to the devs of your OPness when you revive yourself from death every time you die. Do you show any form of mercy? No. After all, this isn't the United Federation of Planets, this is mother frakkin' Starfleet, where you explore strange new worlds and kick butt never kicked before. Oh, and you realize that I just wrote another speech rivaling your own signature. Cool. Oh, wait, that's just the original draft, it is part of my signature now. Oh, and yes, I am aware that I have become a Canadian Regent; one day, sooner than you'd expect, we'll suddenly decide to take over the world and declare an "alliance", and I shall become it's Regent. You know, like the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the mirror universe of our beloved Star Trek. Oh, who'll we be taking over with? I dunno, maybe [REDACTED], or maybe aliens from outer space. Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't we? Until then, don't ask too many questions, or else my Breen allies on Titania might pick up on your -- [REDACTED BY BREEN CONFEDERACY FOR REASONS] Also, psst... keep an eye out for flying Tribbles! Also walls. Big, great walls, separating entire continents apart. Walls patrolled by Tribbles. Flying Tribbles. Flying Nukara Tribbles. Don't worry, it's not like they were on Venus with a herd of Tholians or anything, they just like the extreme heat and brutal weather like acid rain and hurricane force winds as the norm. Oh, and definitely keep your eye out on any two-tailed foxes, because if they ain't glowing, they're definitely an imposter. Possibly an Undine, we caught one of those once in my place once. Oh, and if you find a two-tailed fox that doesn't like the cold... most certainly ask him to say sorry. If he refuses, DESTROY HIM WITH A DOOMSDAY MACHINE, BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH AGAINST SUCH AN OVERPOWERED IMPOSTER!
tr;dr, I am winning last post wins 3.0. Thank you for your time.
So Tony Stark is able to buy the building before crashing into it... Great, plot says he's destroyed his own personal property, but what about the people who were inside it? He didn't buy them... There wouldn't've been an evacuation warning, so the people inside would still be at as much risk from the event...
Otto Van der Poel: Ah was sitting at mah desk tahping up some application forms, when Meesta Stork came crashing through, and caused a port of the wall to fall on me! Ah broke mah leg, and hurt mah neck, and haven't had a good naht's slip since! Mah wahf is bisahd herself trahng to make inds mit! Ah need compinsation for mah eenjuries and a new job!
So yeah, Superhero Registration Act for the win...
And there is one potential problem with letting James Harmon IV run the country - how do you ensure the man in front of you is Defender, and not Citizen Harmon/Shadow Destroyer/the Eidolon of Destruction? (James' Multifarian counterpart has had a very colorful, and often unfortunate, career...)