Yesterday I completed a round of Admiralty Tour of Duty and received 2 spec points, and also levelled up for a single spec point. My character is over level 60. Up until now I have been putting my spec points into the Temporal Operative specialization and it has worked fine, but suddenly I cannot use any more spec points - anything I select results in a greyed out button. Not sure if it is related to getting the Admiralty points or something else, but I'm not terribly happy to have my progression blocked.
Also: Overflow Bag is not active, inventory is not full, and I have signed off and on completely closing the game multiple times to no effect.
EDIT: Also, I dunno if it's for everyone, but it also says my skills are invalid and that I have to retrain.
EDIT 2: So I used a forced respec token and now I can choose spec abilities again. So to everyone who can't slot spec points, check if you don't need a respec.
Maybe this will resolve itself by gaining another spec point through more leveling.
I just did,and it didn't.
"The higher the fewer."
Now you think they could have made a retrain system where you didn't need to click purchase after
every single point? This couldn't possibly ever have been tested. This was the very first time
I ever retrained and it didn't take more than 2 clicks on "purchase" before I got very annoyed
by this, so anyone who tested this in beta should have noticed long before doing it 50 times.
Also: stop claiming i'm on a new computer every 3-4 weeks, it ain't true.
(but not reputation related traits)
By the way there is no time limit on for getting the Specializations filled (or any of the Temporal Recruit Tasks for that matter).
Commando doesn't count for the Specialization Reward, only full 30-point Spec Trees.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'