First of all, I am not a ship fanatic, so many of the ship names I do not know. Now, with that out of the way, here is my issue and I am starting to believe I am the only one that has it.
I use the Tier 6 Heavy Destroyer for all my Romulans as they are not my main faction and I have not yet been willing to put Zen into them yet. However, the Borg Assmilated set seems to be so messed up visually I always laugh when I see it, The Deflector is actually inside the ship, leaving only the "tenticals" and a small part of the array to be visable outside the ship. The Borg Nacel cover or cap floats bihind the nacel itself and doesn't even touch the ship at all. It more appears to be more of a joke than what I expect to see from Cryptic's graphics. Does anyone else have this type of issue....what's more, does anyone else still use the "Borg Set" ?