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Delta Quadrant leveling

I need some advice, please. I'm working my way through the Delta Rising content but you only get two missions per rank which has slowed everything to a crawl. I repeat missions within the episode but the higher my rank (now 55) the lower the experience gained from the missions. For example, at level 54 it was over 5K per mission, now it's 2.5K per mission and I still need another 62,084 skill points before I can undertake the next two missions, which of course, don't give me near enough experience to reach the required level for the ones after that.

So what I need to know is the fastest way to level up so that I can do so in a smoother manner and not spend longer than Voyager did in the Delta Quadrant before I can do the next mission.


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,613 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    DOFF missions, Undine space zone, Voth ground zone, Borg and Tholian red alerts. Earn XP and shinies.

    Once you've finished the Kobali planet, go back for the dailies that give Ancient Power Cells if you want any Delta rep items.

    Also, there was a double XP weekend that ended today, that's why the newer missions awarded half as much today.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I think the best advice is to get to the Kobali zone if you haven't already. Then repeat those early missions there, along with the open missions. Also grind the heck out of the borg and tholian red alerts. try to find low population zones. Finally, pick the best doff missions for exp and keep them churning. I would do this until I got to level 59, then resume the delta story missions so you won't be interrupted again.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

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  • ladytiamat666ladytiamat666 Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    DOFF missions, Undine space zone, Voth ground zone, Borg and Tholian red alerts. Earn XP and shinies.

    Once you've finished the Kobali planet, go back for the dailies that give Ancient Power Cells if you want any Delta rep items.

    Also, there was a double XP weekend that ended today, that's why the newer missions awarded half as much today.

    Plus Tau Dewa sector patrols, Argala / Gerren in Delta Quadrant, Infected space, and Starbase 24 solo.

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    DOFF missions, Undine space zone, Voth ground zone, Borg and Tholian red alerts. Earn XP and shinies.

    Once you've finished the Kobali planet, go back for the dailies that give Ancient Power Cells if you want any Delta rep items.

    Also, there was a double XP weekend that ended today, that's why the newer missions awarded half as much today.
    Or Iconian Probes or what they are called for the Iconian Rep.​​
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    Just grinding for the xp is horrible, because it goes so slow. My advice is to focus on some other aspect. For instance reputation, run the undine space and voth ground battleground, doff etc. Look for some good doff missions. Sadly I cannot inform you here thoroughly, but the poker game doff, critted and gave me about 6000 xp

    For good xp do the Tau Dewa patrols. It looks to me these give the best xp per mission. They give also dilithium and Romulan marks. Also, do the new mission, Midnight. It is of course silly to do the last mission, like reading the last chapter of a book and then the former ones, but, yeah, are there better options?

    And I don't want to depress you, but you will hit this wall some more times. Each level has some missions, but they are not enough to continue the story. One of my characters was level 59 and I had to do the final missions of the Delta Arc, but they are for level 60. I could do two missions from the Iconian Arc. The first one and the last one. That gave me enough xp for level 60, thanks to the bonus xp this weekend. So, now I can do the final Delta missions.

    I am still having fun with the game and I play it a lot, but I won't see myself completing a specialization, ever.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    Here is what I usually do. During the week I don't have much time to play. So I usually turn in Rep points and do a quick Kobali run on the last mission. IF your stuck on those last few levels. Then on weekends I usually hit a few patrols and enemy encounters. Granted this takes a few weeks, but this is how I do it. Doff can net you exp as well so you can do those. Or hit the other Reps along with it. My KDF hit Lv59. I'm still working on the Iconian Rep and patrols on weekends.

    Now my Romulan is well ahead on the exp. She still hadn't needed to repeat any content yet in the Delta, plus she was like Lv64 when she finally got to the Delta Rising.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • saladinbobsaladinbob Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    WTF is DOFF, people? Please don't assume people know what the acronyms stand for.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,613 Arc User
    DOFF = DUty OFFicer. BOFF = Bridge OFFicer.
  • saladinbobsaladinbob Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    Duty Officer assignments take at least 2 hours to complete and return a minuscule amount of XP. It would take me forever and a day to level up using those.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    stacking up 20 DOff assignments a day gets you a decent amount of XP every day that you didn't need to work for. I like to stack up science and exploration assignments every day. Most of them complete in less than 24 hours so I log on the next day and turn them all in at once. Not only does this get you easy XP, it also gets you a bunch of R&D materials.

    You can do a foundry mission with a lot of battleships (I think one I do is called fed grinder) that will get you XP and loot up to a daily cap.

    I would also recommend Fleet Alert and Starbase 24. Both have lots of ships you can blow up - every one gets you XP. Also these aren't elite STFs so it doesn't really matter what gear you bring with you. I've seen mirandas in Fleet Alert and we still win.

    That's about it. You just have to keep grinding.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Also, if you have the EC for them, the "Temporal Research" thingabobs from the current lockbox you can also find on the exchange give a crapload of XP, even with a simple success, especially if you have purple Doffs for them.
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    Forget about leveling up, the more you think about it the more frustrating it will get, focus on the other content and you'll level up eventually.

    Run PvE queues, go to battlezones, they are quite entertaining, earn marks and level up your reputation, replay old missions for fun and items, play foundry missions, run patrols, engage in Borg/Tholian red alerts and other deep space encounters, run Doff missions, focus on science missions that reward R&D materials and level up your R&D.

    Save missions for bonus XP weekends and remember, during the featured episode anyone can get a mission, and you won't lose the missions after it changes the level requirement to 60, as long as you don't manually abandon it, and once you complete the mission you can replay it even if you don't have the level requirement.
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    If you can, head to Kobali Prime. Kobali Prime is a great place to get XP for leveling up. Make sure you hook up with a team so that you can earn those XP quickly. Just do all the open missions.
  • lillihennylillihenny Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    There are a bunch of v good DOFF missions in the Jenolan Dyson Sphere. After warping in press the button to go to the Space Battlezone. After arriving in the Space Battlezone fly forward until you're nearer the starship Charon. A button will appear on your screen - DOFF Assignments. These assignments are different from the ones that appear if you'd just opened your Assignments tab.

    As for leveling up, the Red Alerts give bonus points and are quick to complete. My preference is for the Tholian Alert as a lot of the time the Borg zone is cleared far too quickly before you can get any kill exp. Remember to exit the Tholian Alert after completion by clicking the galaxy icon in the top left of your mini-map and ignore the button that pops up on your screen unless you want to end up outside Sol.

    For my money the least fussy way to spend game time working for experience/skill points is to run Tau Dewa patrols. I highly recommend Acamar, Carraya, Beta Thoridor, Gamma Eridon and Narendra. I prefer them to Delta patrols because it keeps you in the Beta Quadrant so you can keep an eye out for Red Alerts and they seem to complete much faster than the usually recommended Delta patrols, assuming you're not a dps demi-god.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    saladinbob wrote: »
    Duty Officer assignments take at least 2 hours to complete and return a minuscule amount of XP. It would take me forever and a day to level up using those.

    This is one reason why I quit doing them. I was doing as many I could with a limit at 20. Then they nerf the fool out of them. Since then I don't get hardly the exp I used to. Oh well, now I don't have to worry about it. Just like the new ship Doff system coming out in Season 11. I won't even bother trying it.

    Just do the patrols, Red Alerts, enemy encountes, ground zones and FEs. Don't look at the bar. You will level in time. That is how I play.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    saladinbob wrote: »
    Duty Officer assignments take at least 2 hours to complete and return a minuscule amount of XP. It would take me forever and a day to level up using those.
    It takes about 5 minutes to have all assignment slots active, and you don't have to be busy waiting on them. You set them off, and then head to do missions, Patrols, STFs, Red Alerts or Deep Space Enemy Contacts.

    I am very lazy with them - I pick mostly the long-time assignments (anything that is 20h or lower normally) so I have to do it only once per character, since I don't expect to be still logged in by the time they finish. But if you play for a longer time, you can also do shorter assignments and launch the next wave of assignments. And before you log off, you can run some longer assignments. Remember to use the assignments under Department Heads.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Best advice for leveling I can give you are Doff missions (keep em running all the time) and the red alerts. You have 3 different ones there you can reach easily by hopping instances and quadrants to avoid CD time.
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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