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Announcing Season 11 - New Dawn!



  • rekurzionrekurzion Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    "Take command of your inactive starships to complete dangerous assignments and gather exciting rewards"

    The more I read that statement the more confused I am. On the one hand I can see where people are leaning towards this being a version of doffing - that was my first reaction. But the words "take command" suggest otherwise. To take command of a ship would mean you pilot it. But then again, we can take command of any of our inactive ships currently and complete dangerous assignments and gather rewards. So now I'm back to square one.
  • ethangeorcethangeorc Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    So... Don't have time to read the whole thread. Looked at some comments about all the reference to the Andromeda and Gama Quadrant stuff (that is DS9 stuff, right?)
    Andromeda can be exclusively for exploration, the actual story could be about Gama Quadrant - don't think they have to be exclusive.
    On another note: Tholians - if we are ending Iconians by the means of erasing them from history using the Krenim device, couldn't Tholians be the ''new'' race of aliens that we haven't seen before? Isn't Iconia on like their lawn? Or at least they were popping up all over in that region. I would be totally ok with bringing old beaten enemy to the top due to the changes in the timeline - feels like a sci-fi thing to do.
    Entirely new enemy would be cool as well.
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    huskerklg wrote: »
    lan451 wrote: »
    Of course whether or not Cryptic actually portrays Klingon exploration that way instead of just a cheap rip off of the Fed system is a totally different matter, so that part is a legit concern and is one that I share. But the core concept of exploration in and of itself doesn't exclude the KDF in any way.

    They've stopped being concerned about separate story lines and accurately portraying non-Fed factions for awhile, and that won't change.

    This is the main reason I hardly play my alts for KDF and Rom unless they realise faction specific content or start listening to what the players want as these things are driving me from a day that I used to spend all my spare time on
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    trygvar13 wrote: »
    I really liked that new trailer until I heard... that's when they call in Starfleet. The whole trailer is fed-centric. I have been playing since Day and my main is a Klingon that was created back in the days when you can create a Klingon character after a Fed character had reached level 6. And then you could only level through pvp or boring Save the Sector missions. And then LoR came out and I created a Romulan that allied himself with the KDF.

    Following Kagran's utter failure as a general which resulted in most of the allied fleet being destroyed during the episodes he's featured, A'dranna nearly causing the destruction of New Romulus and potentially messing the timeline so hard Romulus ends up back but infested with Borg, wiping the Republic out of existence and messing the whole Alpha and Beta Quadrant, and Sela causing the Iconians to start their invasion earlier, I think it'd be the least dangerous way to have Starfleet lead operations from now on.

    Really, the only biggest mistake they made was not to listen to the Klingons about the Undine and that's only because J'mpok was a jerk and decided to use that as an excuse to toss the Khitomer Accords into a targ pit and invade the Gorn, Orions and cie.

    And that's only my opinion for the story itself as the main reason is because the Iconian War is an utter mess story-wise and a waste gameplay-wise. It nearly feels like STO's Temporal Cold War.
  • rarebear1rarebear1 Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    Yes finally! Its time to do what Starfleet actually does best! Exploration, First Contacts, etc. I am also going to have to kit out all of my old ships with high level gear. Oh joy.
    Proud Trekkie Favorite episode from TOS is The Doomsday Machine TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise VOY: Endgame part 1 and 2 DS9: Emissary ENT: Assmilation
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The new enemy is linked somehow to a technology in House Pegh, huh?

    Andromeda Galaxy speculation aside for a minute. Let's talk about the Gamma Quadrant.

    House Pegh -> Sword of Kahless -> Hur'q -> Never before seen canon enemy -> Gamma Quadrant -> Deep Space Nine revamp

    The Sword is not per se a technology, but I always theorized there is more to it than it seems. Maybe it was altered by the Hur'q when they stole it away. Twisted in a way, imbued with real, technological power.

    Sufficiently advanced technology... blabla... magic... blabla. Might explain why it actually worked against T'Ket, a being of pure energy with only a semi-material presence.

    Either that, or, well, Kelvans. But I have no idea what the link to the House Pegh episode would be in that case. And to DS9, the Badlands, the Bajoran Wormhole and the Gamma Quadrant.
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
    Buy gold!
  • lordinsanelordinsane Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    The new enemy is linked somehow to a technology in House Pegh, huh?

    Andromeda Galaxy speculation aside for a minute. Let's talk about the Gamma Quadrant.

    House Pegh -> Sword of Kahless -> Hur'q -> Never before seen canon enemy -> Gamma Quadrant -> Deep Space Nine revamp

    The Sword is not per se a technology, but I always theorized there is more to it than it seems. Maybe it was altered by the Hur'q when they stole it away. Twisted in a way, imbued with real, technological power.

    Sufficiently advanced technology... blabla... magic... blabla. Might explain why it actually worked against T'Ket, a being of pure energy with only a semi-material presence.

    Either that, or, well, Kelvans. But I have no idea what the link to the House Pegh episode would be in that case. And to DS9, the Badlands, the Bajoran Wormhole and the Gamma Quadrant.
    Isn't the House Pegh connection to the new MU-associated rep system? It might be that House Pegh is a slight bit of misdirection, and that the technology that will be involved is Omega particle control (I would certainly not be surprised if it would be possible to adapt that too to allow mass-scale transfers between the realities).

    As to the never seen canon enemy... wasn't it that it has been seen on the show but not before in STO? That would disallow the Hur'q, seeing as we never actually saw them on the shows either (that we know, that could be a Elachi-like loophole, I suppose).
  • solarwraithsolarwraith Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    rarebear1 wrote: »
    Yes finally! Its time to do what Starfleet actually does best! Exploration, First Contacts, etc. I am also going to have to kit out all of my old ships with high level gear. Oh joy.

    We had that when the game launched. We went into unknown star systems, found random aliens with names like "fifadahkg", and we either killed them for shooting at us, starting us on an impressive body count that every Captain has acquired over the span of their career, or we fetched some type of commodity items for them. Oh, and every time we visited these worlds or stations they pretty much looked the same. It was absolutely inglorious.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    huskerklg wrote: »
    lan451 wrote: »
    Of course whether or not Cryptic actually portrays Klingon exploration that way instead of just a cheap rip off of the Fed system is a totally different matter, so that part is a legit concern and is one that I share. But the core concept of exploration in and of itself doesn't exclude the KDF in any way.

    They've stopped being concerned about separate story lines and accurately portraying non-Fed factions for awhile, and that won't change.
    Poor Harcourt looks very much like he's having a seizure in your sig.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • someperson4someperson4 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    > @turbomagnus said:
    > I'm an honest man, I keep my promises and I promised a few "Tales of the War" back that if the Iconians end up going down easy, just having to find "The Other" or something like that, I was gonna scream...
    > ARRRGH!!
    > ...Less than a dozen episodes... less than ten episodes... the big, bad, Undine-Manipulating, Romulus-destroying, Dyson Sphere-controlling, Gateway network-owning, took the whole galaxy just to drive them away 200,000 years ago "Demons of Air and Darkness"... and we 'beat' them in less than ten episodes after they show their face?
    > It took us longer to deal with the Undine (from pre-game to "Mindscape")! With Hakeev! With the Vaadwaur! The Iconians were supposed to be the big-bads with five years of build up and they go down this quick? I don't know if you can make 'New Dawn' good enough to make up for this anti-climax...

    I couldn't agree more with all of this. From the very beginning, a large portion of the foundation of this game has been that there is some ancient, evil power lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. 5 years of building up to the climax, when the Iconians finally return and we engage in the most epic war to save our galaxy. This is going to be awesome!

    And then, all of a sudden, it's over. It's like building a complicated 5 tier cake by hand, putting every bit of frosting under a microscope to build perfect or near perfect patterns to make the cake awesome, and then when the cake is finally ready for us to savor and have over the course of several months, perhaps even a year...instead, we eat the entire cake in just 10 minutes. I was seriously hoping for meeting the other 9 Iconainas, maybe even killing a few more, learning what and who this mysterous entity called the "Other" is, finding out why the Iconians are so obsessed with phrases like, "the Whole must be as One", seeing if we can finish the Krenim timeship in time and actually use it, and perhaps even doing some interesting plot building like having the Dominion join us in the battle against the Iconians in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants with the Female Changeling, Odo, Loriss, and Eraun leading the Dominion forces. Having the voice talents of Odo, the Female Changeling, Loriss, and Eraun would be really cool. And now, a story arc with huge potential for amazing plot building and missions is over already, and I can't understand why.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    A couple of new quotes from Geko on the Admiralty system:

    However, that second statement contradicts what he said at Vegas, because he said players would be able to get "The Enterprise", comparing it to a "gold foil playing card". And we obviously can't fly around in the actual Enterprise.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User

    And then, all of a sudden, it's over. It's like building a complicated 5 tier cake by hand, putting every bit of frosting under a microscope to build perfect or near perfect patterns to make the cake awesome, and then when the cake is finally ready for us to savor and have over the course of several months, perhaps even a year...instead, we eat the entire cake in just 10 minutes. I was seriously hoping for meeting the other 9 Iconainas, maybe even killing a few more, learning what and who this mysterous entity called the "Other" is, finding out why the Iconians are so obsessed with phrases like, "the Whole must be as One", seeing if we can finish the Krenim timeship in time and actually use it, and perhaps even doing some interesting plot building like having the Dominion join us in the battle against the Iconians in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants with the Female Changeling, Odo, Loriss, and Eraun leading the Dominion forces. Having the voice talents of Odo, the Female Changeling, Loriss, and Eraun would be really cool. And now, a story arc with huge potential for amazing plot building and missions is over already, and I can't understand why.

    Ah that would be nice. I miss Salome Jens' voice.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    However, nothing can top the overdose of stupid pills evident in Divide et Impera.
    How about:
    1) The whole pointlessness of the Alliance actions during the episode
    - there was no need for a frontal assault on Herald sphere as it doesn't bring us anywhere - there is no way, in which we could capture it and we didn't have the weapons with us meant to destroy it. And it WASN'T a distraction attack - both Kagran and unnamed admiral from Tales of War refer to it as the final chance to change the course of war without resorting to the use of timeship. But how could this attack change anything is still a mystery.
    - pointless attack on the Dreadnought itself - when we beam over t it we don't even that M'Tara is there. So why, for instance, just don't blow it from the "sky" with our small ship squadron and be done with it ?
    - as a result thousand and thousand of needless deaths and ships lost for nothing
    2) The ultimate Hero of the Galaxy - aka the player - provokes the Iconians into blood thirsty rage by killing one of them, when their reaction to it was just entirely predictable - that they will go into full genocide mode in this case. And thus all this civilian deaths and causalities after the events of the mission are now partially OUR responsibility as well as the responsibility of the Iconians themselves.
    And the admiral's "surprise" from Tales of war at Iconian attacks getting more brutal after the death of M'Tara looks completely clueless as if he just ignored all the bits of information we gathered throughout the whole war.
    3) The apparent mastermind of such elaborate plots as the war with Undine, Fed-Klingon War, destruction of Romulus, etc. M'Tara SUDDENLY loses her all her intelligence and successfully tries to commit suicide with the help of the our character. And this is immediately after the Iconians state that they cannot afford more losses in the previous episodes. Yeah, right totally believable - about as believable as the someone saying that the moon is made of cheese. They already KNOW what defeat is, they suffered one 200k years ago, so they for sure know that they are not invincible.
    She didn't even need to attack us at all for that matter - she could have just send the Heralds to re-activate the power junctions we disabled earlier, and we would be just running in, you know, CIRCLE between them
    4) The resulting overall low quality of writing - the episode doesn't have any point or merit per se, it is only a overall plotline device to justify - basically out of nowhere - the use of the timeship.

    1. The assault was launched because the temporal weapon wasn't ready, and they had to buy time because it was fast running out. Doing damage to the Iconians was the goal, not winning the war.

    2. The goal was to destroy or capture it from within. From a meta standpoint, the Iconians would have continued to send in waves of vessels to defend the crippled dreadnought, just because of who was aboard it. That would have made a continued attempt to destroy it with capital ships problematic, considering the situation outside of the Sphere.

    3. Losses would have been high, regardless of what strategy was used in this instance.

    4. Bull****. The Iconians were already inflicting heavy losses among noncombatants in their assaults on populated worlds. And you don't win wars by being scared that the Bad Guys will "get mad and throw a hissy fit" just because you strike a serious blow against them. From the get-go, the conflict was an "all or nothing" kinda deal. Team Good Guy only had two choices: Submit to the cruel domination of their "betters", or be wiped out. M'Tara getting whacked really changed nothing from before. The goals remain the same. There was never any thought of accepting negotiations to start with.

    5. M'Tara was an overweening megalomaniac with delusions of godhood. Her twisted psychology (supremely arrogant hubris) wouldn't allow her to accept personal defeat at the hands of mere "insects". That's why, from an in-universe view, she kept on coming at the players/allied NPCs. Being a master manipulator doesn't mean you can't lose your common sense, and stop using your brain when put in certain situations.

    6. M'Tara wasn't talking about the Iconian race in general with the "retreat" comment, but herself. And I suspect she meant since the fall of their empire, not during, based on the dialogue.

    7. M'Tara, once again, was supremely arrogant and megalomaniacal, she didn't think of using the Heralds (her "pets") in such a matter because the only thought on her mind was punishing the "insects" for getting uppity.

    In the end, the episode wasn't perfect in terms of writing. It felt rushed and left out a lot of details that would have explained things better, and made for a better narrative flow. But there is enough there to make key details rather obvious.

    So, yeah. I stand by my statement that "Broken Circle" isn't anywhere close to "Divide et Impera" is terms of "WTF?"

  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    A couple of new quotes from Geko on the Admiralty system:

    However, that second statement contradicts what he said at Vegas, because he said players would be able to get "The Enterprise", comparing it to a "gold foil playing card". And we obviously can't fly around in the actual Enterprise.

    Isnt the Enteprise (TOS) one in the C-store?

    Or maybe it's a admiraly mission reward?

    or you know...

    Fodder for the next lockbox.
    Typhoon Class please!
  • josephdridgewayjosephdridgeway Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    A couple of new quotes from Geko on the Admiralty system:

    However, that second statement contradicts what he said at Vegas, because he said players would be able to get "The Enterprise", comparing it to a "gold foil playing card". And we obviously can't fly around in the actual Enterprise.

    Perhaps what he means is that those of us who own the Odyssey class starship will be able to send the Enterprise on missions.
    Fleet Admiral Joseph D. Ridgeway
    The Armada
    Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
    Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
  • stobg2015stobg2015 Member Posts: 800 Arc User
    This trailer almost tempts me to hope. Looking forward to more information.
    (The Guy Formerly And Still Known As Bluegeek)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    A couple of new quotes from Geko on the Admiralty system:

    However, that second statement contradicts what he said at Vegas, because he said players would be able to get "The Enterprise", comparing it to a "gold foil playing card". And we obviously can't fly around in the actual Enterprise.
    Perhaps what he means is that those of us who own the Odyssey class starship will be able to send the Enterprise on missions.
    I'm guessing it was a figure of speech and he meant the same class of vessel. But it's hard to be sure without having heard the entire quote.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    A couple of new quotes from Geko on the Admiralty system:

    However, that second statement contradicts what he said at Vegas, because he said players would be able to get "The Enterprise", comparing it to a "gold foil playing card". And we obviously can't fly around in the actual Enterprise.
    Perhaps what he means is that those of us who own the Odyssey class starship will be able to send the Enterprise on missions.
    I'm guessing it was a figure of speech and he meant the same class of vessel. But it's hard to be sure without having heard the entire quote.

    If he simply meant the same class of ship, then it wouldn't be like a "gold foil playing card". You can hear his interview in this week's episode of P1, but his entire point in mentioning a gold foil card was that this was a special/hero ship, not something normal.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    Season 11. With 3 possible story lines. End of the Iconian war, revised Cardi arc (likely ongoing not all at once), and a new mirror incursion with Chase Masterson being the mirror Leata. Sounds like the old DS-9 defense is coming back, but its going to be v Terran Empire. The admiralty system sound like its going to be interesting. More bug fixes... more from the Tholians. Following the pod casts also, and of course new info from P-One, SB-UGC, TinE, G&T. Much recent technical information on whats happening in the bug fix dept. Much on the ongoing evolution of STO.

    Thank you art folks, the KDF Space barbie mini game is much improved. many style points are getting scored by KDF personnel who not only are the galaxy's finest warriors, but look darn fine doing it! Looking forward to the KDF Dk'tang belt knife, and the female foot wear revamp (pssst' boots with heels please?) and maybe some new melee weapons introduced soon. (yes, I realize that also required work from the animators..still might be awhile *sigh*)

    Al mentioned on Priority One a perennial KDF question.. Klingon Science Ship...Ok, I'd have to say its on his radar just from the way he said it. So what ya wanna bet, that we have a 3 pack of science ships coming soon? One for each faction. The RR could use something a bit more bleeding edge, KDF definatly can use one. The dyson is amazing, and its pretty close to what a KDF science ship should be. Needs to be a little more combat oriented. (I keep say'n go to a 4/2 weapons layout..screams attack, sounds KDF to me!)

    Ya know, I gotta not be listening to the pod casts when I post... I keep wanting to say more.

    *wanders off to go find a dance party for Kui*

    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    I'm not hyped.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • mrwuffausmrwuffaus Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    does anyone know yet when this content will be released?
    Is it going to be soon or will it be sometime yet?
  • josephdridgewayjosephdridgeway Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    mrwuffaus wrote: »
    does anyone know yet when this content will be released?
    Is it going to be soon or will it be sometime yet?
    Fleet Admiral Joseph D. Ridgeway
    The Armada
    Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
    Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    voporak wrote: »
    I'm not hyped.
    And yet you came here to announce this. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    voporak wrote: »
    I'm not hyped.
    And yet you came here to announce this. :D

    Human nature. People are more likely to speak up when they are unhappy, than when they are. If you have a great meal at a restaurant, most people don't ask to speak to the manager just to tell him you enjoyed it. Conversely, many people *do* feel the need to speak to the manager if they had a bad experience. Of course, there are always exceptions on both sides, but I am speaking generally.

    Getting to the point, joseph may not be "unhappy" per say, but it is the same principal IMO. This aspect of human nature is neither right nor wrong, it simply "is". That being the case, what point are you making in your reply to his post? That a human did a normal thing?

    PS: I'm not implying *you* did anything wrong, just curious about your point.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    voporak wrote: »
    I'm not hyped.
    And yet you came here to announce this. :D
    Human nature. People are more likely to speak up when they are unhappy, than when they are. If you have a great meal at a restaurant, most people don't ask to speak to the manager just to tell him you enjoyed it. Conversely, many people *do* feel the need to speak to the manager if they had a bad experience. Of course, there are always exceptions on both sides, but I am speaking generally.

    Getting to the point, joseph may not be "unhappy" per say, but it is the same principal IMO. This aspect of human nature is neither right nor wrong, it simply "is". That being the case, what point are you making in your reply to his post? That a human did a normal thing?

    PS: I'm not implying *you* did anything wrong, just curious about your point.
    He "quit"..... then came back JUST to say he didn't like the new season. If he really quit how did he even know about the season update?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    Wow...this makes me want to actually play my Fed toons again. I haven't used them seriously in so long. I just hope that THIS time the hype train arrives on time and at the right station, the conductor seems to have been drunk the last few times. Let's hope he's sobered up now.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Call me pessimistic but I have a hard time accepting the "Explore New Worlds" angle when all we have had for 5 years is nothing but shoot'em up bang bang gameplay. I would hate to be any world first visited by the Starfleet of this era and reality. We're hardly the pinnacle of Starfleet's exploratory bona fides.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    People here may burn me at the stake for this, but if exploration's the focus for Season 11, I think this would be a great time to introduce a new line of Klingon ships with Science in mind (of course, with the ability to damage weapons, shields, engines and auxillaries of enemy ships would also be a strategic course of action against their enemies).
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Anti Terran Empire Propoganda.

    Your agonizer, Mr Reyan.

    Typhoon Class please!
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    I'm looking forward to S11. I actually have hope that the trailer is telling the truth. My main toon is a science officer, I'd love for her to be able to explore a bit more.

    And even if its just a reskinned doff system, I really welcome the admiralty system.
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